Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Between the Ashes
Colossus Construction Drone [RELEASE]
GTDr Phidias
Officially designated the Phidias by the GTA, this service craft has been in service since early years of space exploration before the formation of the GTA. The success and the historical importance of the Phidias is well-founded. It was the first ship designed to construct complex designs in space. Prior to the deployment of the Phidias, all spacecrafts were constructed on Earth and then launched into space, but this became impractical and prohibitively expensive. Engineers, scientists, and corporations took part in the design of the Phidias in order to maximize efficiency and versatility. Initially, the Phidias were manually operated, but technological advancements have gradually replaced those with the more-modular and cost-effective drone variants in the core systems. As a result, the Phidias became the most widely distributed spacecraft in the GTA. Because of the large number of contractors and variations, the Phidias has many brands depending on the owner. No other equipment has been able to compete against the Phidias successfully. ~ Thanks to SDM for this.
It comes complete with a specialized beam weapon that acts as the welding beam or whatever you want to call it from the cutscene.
Drop the 'Drone' folder in your freespace2 directory and load up the mission 'Construction Zone' for a quick and dirty example of how the drone can be used. Then think of the possibilities of mixing this with this.
This was made possible by The BtA Team (and Bigchunk1)!
Download Here.
Other Notes: My original plans included submodel animation.. but I couldn't figure all of that out. If you look at the POF, you'll see that all the submodels still exist. So all it needs is a multipart turret/animation expert to make this even more awesome! If you do this, please let me know.
GTDr 3301
Just a varient of the Probe but with the repair weapon and textured to look more construction like.
Download Here.
Black Wolf:
**** yeah. Damned cool, and bloody quick too (frlm an outsiders perspective anyway). Congrats to the team. Course, it stands to reason you'd release this when I'm still 4 or 5 days away from my FS compy. ;)
Commander Zane:
Construction bases will be so much cooler with these things flying around.
wow, cool stuff!
Luis Dias:
Ok, now I'm psyched to see the half-way- built collossus.
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