Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Between the Ashes
What do you think... [SPOILERS]
--- Quote from: Spoon on July 05, 2012, 07:00:01 pm ---I think it contains love
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Dangit Spoon! Now I'll have to rewrite the storyline.... :doubt:
You guys are obviously wrong. The reason you get EMPed when you try to scan the crate is because it's full of ST:TMP Klingons, and they're really, really angry that they've been locked in a crate. They've seen their empire become a idiot state full of guys going HONAH AND GLOREH and charging machine gun lines and getting mowed down, and they've seen the Empire become less and less competent.
What's worse? They've been trapped in that crate for centuries, perhaps more. So they lash out at you, trying to kill you. But they can't. All they can do is EMP you. So take pity on them. And take pity on yourself, for god help you when they get out of that crate.
Black Wolf:
Um... isn't it ETAK? :blah:
--- Quote ---Privateer attack at GUL-INST-04 2140 TST. Pvt-Sec response eradicated, fleet response evaded. MILINT asserts privateer seizure of Sennacherib, Bel-ibni, Etemenanki articles.
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Or, well, if not ETAK, then the still-primitive research materials that were developed during Silent Threat (Reborn) that would eventually develop into ETAK. The thing about PVN ownership was a bit weird, but I assumed that would be explained later - I didn't think it was supposed to be a secret?
Where did you get PVN ownership from? You were stealing "vasudan artifacts" from a Terran research outpost.
You're the first to guess ETAK though. (At least publicly.)
Black Wolf:
--- Quote from: mjn.mixael on July 05, 2012, 11:49:59 pm ---Where did you get PVN ownership from? You were stealing "vasudan artifacts" from a Terran research outpost.
You're the first to guess ETAK though. (At least publicly.)
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The rest of that briefing stage - my bad though, it was PVI (though same deal, really).
--- Quote ---Privateer attack at GUL-INST-04 2140 TST. Pvt-Sec response eradicated, fleet response evaded. MILINT asserts privateer seizure of Sennacherib, Bel-ibni, Etemenanki articles. ARCH reports items seized 2333, Vega Eng., items legally PVI property. MILINT asserts hostile possession imminent.
OVRWTCH demanding immediate cross border deployment. All personnel expendable - TRTY2335 restrictions suspended.
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