Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Between the Ashes
The Hunt For The Battlesnail
So in the campaign, one of these guys is hidden in each mission.
Find all of them in a single playthrough and you'll get a slightly extended ending scene! :)
NOTE: If you find one of these, scan it! If you do that successfully but then fail the mission, you will need to find that snail again unless you reached a checkpoint after you found it.
Use this thread to assist others with the hunt. Eventually I'll post a guide, but I want to give players a chance to search on their own first!
Anyone found any yet? Feel free to post snail locations here using spoiler tags to help others find them. :)
I found the snail in To Steal and March on twice.
But I have no clue where I found it.
If you press Alt-5 in a mission, you can toggle a hint to the snail's location on and off.
I believe I saw a spoon reference in a random crate on one of the first missions. Nothing about a snail IIRC.
I'll keep my eyes peeled. Hard to do, seeying how I struggle with them all.
I guess being away from FS for quite a while got me seriously rusty on the dogfighting department.
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