The Kentucky Open Source Society is going to be having a panel tomorrow including some
influential people such as:
Ryan Dzrama - Founder and lead developer of Drupal Commerce
http://drupalcommerce.orgScott Ullrich and Chris Buechler - The two forces behind pfSense the leading open source firewall
Jeff Squyres - Cisco developer who leads the Open MPI (Message Passing Interface) project.
Mike (Stew) O'Connor - Developer and committer for Debian.'s an open floor panel where they will be discussing such open source project questions
such as:
* How / why did your project start?
* What license does your project use, and why?
* What source code repository does your project use, and why?
* What language(s) is(are) your project written in, and why?
* How do you advertise / attract users to your project?
* How is your software distributed?
* What development tools do you use to create / maintain your project?
.....and I've been invited to speak at the panel as well - representing game mods, FringeSpace, and the FSO/SCP
side of things. It's a honor to be included with these other project leaders.
I'll do my best to help promote FSO and our modder's cause in general, maybe even find some more space combat fans along the way.