Archived Boards > Neo Terra Victorious

Has this anything in common with the campaign "Neo Terra"?

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The title says it all. I found a campaign on Freespace mods or, that was called "Neo-Terra". The starting missions were hard as  :nervous:, and I only got through them on very easy. Then, the difficulty started to cease and the conclusion was that

Spoiler:The node to Epsilon pegasi was collapsed, but not the one to Vega. The NTF controlled it at the time.
So - has this big project anything to do with the other campaign?

Same concept (fighting on the NTF side) but no, it's completely separate.

In Neo Terra the NTF has a Raynor class destroyer, the Terra Firma, and blasts the GTVA. That is not going to happen in NTV.


--- Quote from: Mobius on October 11, 2008, 11:41:24 am ---In Neo Terra the NTF has a Raynor class destroyer, the Terra Firma, and blasts the GTVA. That is not going to happen in NTV.

--- End quote ---
And what about the 'NTD Hades II'? Has it been dropped?

I don't tend to add stuff that is not plausible. The NTF lasts something like 19 months, only the development of ships like the Iceni is plausible for that time delay.


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