Archived Boards > Journey to Hiigara
Journey To Hiigara needs YOU!
The "Giant Starfish" design is actually used in HW2, the Planet Killers in the final mission look suspiciously like the first two concept drawings.
--- Quote from: starlord on March 25, 2011, 04:34:03 am ---Also there is that pirate planetoid present I think in the demo disk...
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Yep. Once we get things really moving along here, I'm planning on FREDing a Raider's Retreat minicampaign. But we're still quite a while away from actually starting FRED work.
--- Quote ---The "Giant Starfish" design is actually used in HW2, the Planet Killers in the final mission look suspiciously like the first two concept drawings.
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:nod: T-MAT as a race was never implemented in the original games because of engine limitations, but the Starfish design did survive through the Planet Killers.
--- Quote from: HunterKiller_ on March 13, 2011, 04:38:36 am ---I signed up just to post in this thread. I love Homeworld so much, and I've recently become a fan of Freespace.
As soon as I had started playing Freespace, I thought "this would be the perfect base for a Homeworld game, playing from the perspective of a pilot!"
This is a dream come true.
All the media released so far look fantastic!
I would so very much like to contribute, however the only skill I have to offer is in 2D artwork, which I would assume isn't top priority.
I do feel that I could also be of some help in the story/mission design aspect, having played many games and recognising the factors that make them good.
Keep up the excellent work!
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If you see this, could you please post some examples? Some high quality 2d artwork (such as textures, if you can do those) would be fantastic.
the megaship lava rock mesh and an eventual destroyer, frigate and fighter design might be nice... as well as those barnacle ships if the feature could be implemented...
Someone has to do the lavaship for the sheer lavaness.
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