Archived Boards > Journey to Hiigara

List of flyable ships


Every corvette and fighter in the game will end up being pilotable, and when the time comes, we'll need help with balancing!

As of right now, most of the Taiidan fleet is converted but do not have table entries. But here's a list of flyable ships that you'll be able to use in either singleplayer or in a multiplayer TvT!


Scout (or if you're a purist, Light Interceptor)
Attack Bomber
Cloaked Fighter (cloaking in single-player or co-op missions only)
Light Defender
Heavy Defender

Light Corvette
Heavy Corvette
Multigun Corvette
Minelayer Corvette (although I can't imagine why you would want to)
Bomber Corvette (original design)


Elite Interceptor (original design)
Attack Bomber
Light Defender
Heavy Defender

Light Corvette
Heavy Corvette
Multigun Corvette
Minelayer Corvette
Bomber Corvette (original design)

Turanic Raiders

Bomber (original design)
Standard Corvette
Missile Corvette


Advanced Swarmer

This list may end up changing as new designs are thought up, since you'll primarily be flying Kushan craft and fighting the Taiidan, but there will be a few missions where you'll be able to pilot the other craft as well :)


--- Quote ---Minelayer Corvette (although I can't imagine why you would want to)
--- End quote ---

If I remember correctly, in HW1, minelayer corvettes - when you give them attack order - will close to it's target and release mine after mine, which looks particulary good when they performed attack runs on capital ships.

I think that minelayer corvette might fill the role of emergency bomber (when you're in deep s*** and don't have normal bombers).

Would also make for interesting blockade missions too.

Yeah.. The minelayer corvettes acted like corvette sized bombers when force commanded to attack a capship


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