FreeSpace Releases > Mission & Campaign Releases

[RELEASE] Reunion Act 2

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If I may make a suggestion for those who want to see the different endings but don't want to play the whole campaign again:

Just trying playing it through the techroom.  Use ctrl+shift+S on the mission screen to show all available options.  The final three entrees there are the three different 'endings' (depending on what happens in mission 12).

"Fruits of our labor"
Spoiler: is the ending if you stick with Admiral Togo and save Olympus and go through it
 The other two endings (I forget their mission name):
Spoiler:-You stick with Admiral Togo but don't manage to save Olympus
-You go over to the Vasudan admiral's side

I unofficially call these three endings:
Spoiler:-"Olympus ending"
-"SOC ending"
-"Vasudan ending"

Voelkel, are those okay names for the endings?


--- Quote from: CT27 on April 30, 2022, 05:19:45 pm ---If I may make a suggestion for those who want to see the different endings but don't want to play the whole campaign again:

Just trying playing it through the techroom.  Use ctrl+shift+S on the mission screen to show all available options.  The final three entrees there are the three different 'endings' (depending on what happens in mission 12).

"Fruits of our labor"
Spoiler: is the ending if you stick with Admiral Togo and save Olympus and go through it
 The other two endings (I forget their mission name):
Spoiler:-You stick with Admiral Togo but don't manage to save Olympus
-You go over to the Vasudan admiral's side

I unofficially call these three endings:
Spoiler:-"Olympus ending"
-"SOC ending"
-"Vasudan ending"

Voelkel, are those okay names for the endings?

--- End quote ---

Absolutely, thanks, CT27 :)

I thought of another gameplay issue I'd like to address before I comment on the story:

How is one actually supposed to deal with the Shivan carriers?  I know one is 'supposed' to attack the glowing reactors which should bring down the carriers.  However, that didn't work for me.  I dumped multiple Helioses into the reactor subsystem but it took zero damage.  It was quicker to order my bomber wings to just do general attacks on Shivan carriers to destroy them.

I don't know if something's broken or I'm doing something wrong.  Could you offer any advice Voelkel (or anyone else who might know what to do)?

Iain Baker:

--- Quote from: CT27 on May 02, 2022, 06:35:49 pm ---I thought of another gameplay issue I'd like to address before I comment on the story:

How is one actually supposed to deal with the Shivan carriers?  I know one is 'supposed' to attack the glowing reactors which should bring down the carriers.  However, that didn't work for me.  I dumped multiple Helioses into the reactor subsystem but it took zero damage.  It was quicker to order my bomber wings to just do general attacks on Shivan carriers to destroy them.

I don't know if something's broken or I'm doing something wrong.  Could you offer any advice Voelkel (or anyone else who might know what to do)?

--- End quote ---

IIR I had the same issue but forgot to mention it. Oops.


--- Quote from: CT27 on May 02, 2022, 06:35:49 pm ---I thought of another gameplay issue I'd like to address before I comment on the story:

How is one actually supposed to deal with the Shivan carriers?  I know one is 'supposed' to attack the glowing reactors which should bring down the carriers.  However, that didn't work for me.  I dumped multiple Helioses into the reactor subsystem but it took zero damage.  It was quicker to order my bomber wings to just do general attacks on Shivan carriers to destroy them.

I don't know if something's broken or I'm doing something wrong.  Could you offer any advice Voelkel (or anyone else who might know what to do)?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Iain Baker on May 02, 2022, 07:16:08 pm ---
IIR I had the same issue but forgot to mention it. Oops.

--- End quote ---

Well, the reactors are glowing because they are shielded, you're supposed to bring down the shield system before you go for the carrier's reactors. I found myself in a dilemma what to do with this issue previously, as disabling or significantly weakening the shield system made the carriers too easy to destroy, while in their current state, they might be too difficult to take down without dedicated anti-shield weaponry.

I'll explore my options what to do with this issue again though, thanks for the note :)


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