FreeSpace Releases > Mission & Campaign Releases
[RELEASE] Reunion Act 2
Iain Baker:
Hi everyone, I hope you are all getting ready from Crimbo and not waiting to the last minute. Not that I would ever do that, not me, no :nervous:
Ok, progress update. Due to Herkie's tragic demise work on this was on hiatus whilst I was doing other FS stuff, getting my book ready for release, life stuff etc etc. but now those are done I'll get back to this in the new year.
The first thing I will need to do will be fixing the errors that it has suddenly started throwing up - I don't think it likes FSO 23 and / or the new MVPs. I may need some help with that since this will be my first time having to do that. If there is a tutorial or wiki page I should be looking at, please let me know.
Next will be fixing the spellings and gramma, which I can definitely do on my own, and then the missions, which I should be ok doing on my own (hopefully.)
If you have any suggestions for gameplay improvements please let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I know someone mentioned it was kinda odd that the Chiron had the same normal speed as a Perseus, but had a full afterburner speed of 180MPS. This is a fair point, but some of the missions involve having to travel some considerable distance in FS terms, and slowing it down would make traversing such distances even more of a chore, and would probably bork mission balance since everyone would be dead by the time you got there, especially on higher difficulties. So I probably can't do much about that without radically altering said missions, which I'm not planning on doing.
I also recall someone saying the Subach Alpha was a little overpowered, which is also a fair point. This I can do something about. I have just created an Excel spreadsheet which auto-calculates the DPS, RoF, range etc etc of the various primaries for this very purpose. Expect a far more balanced line up of primary weapons with the next release.
If anyone wants to join the project send me a DM on here or Discord, I would definitely welcome the help - especially from people who are more experienced at FS modding than I am. (Which, to be fair, is probably most people on HLP - I'm still a padawan. Oh, wait, wrong franchise :lol: )
That's all for now, so if I don't hear from you in the meantime, Merry Chrismas, Happy Hanukkah and the bestofius to the restofus :)
Based on what Voelkel said would have happened in one of the three endings in pt.3...
Spoiler: maybe the GTVA would deserve to fall apart if the GTVA Vasudans were going to commit acts of war against GTVA Terrans like that
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