Community Projects > The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
Updating Knossos mods to more recent MediaVP versions
--- Quote from: Pnakotus on August 31, 2022, 03:17:30 am ---Knossos still insists on installing whatever the base version is.
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That's because Knossos pulls the list what MVP version to install with which mod from a manifest file it downloads each time on boot up (or a after a period of time now).
Yeah the idea here is to find out which ones seem to work fine without a specific version. So far, I've only run into a few technical problems or areas that could be improved. Most of them work fine on 4.6.6 and I assume that they'd continue to work on current mvps into the future.
120gb of redundant mvps may not be required, which is nice.
Depending on how long the enthusiasm holds out, I'll talk to Goob about fsport mods and how best to handle the current fsport version + the highest mvps that fsport uses in combination. Fsport-including mods might have more problems, but we'll see.
Cleaning Crew works fine with 4.6.6.
Crossing the Styx needed to have the references to the particular mvp packages removed to work, but it's fine afterward.
As a bonus these old mods get the new Argo now.
--- Quote from: Mongoose on August 30, 2022, 01:53:27 pm ---To be clear, this thread has nothing to do with making any changes to Knossos itself. It's intended to see what campaign dependencies can be tweaked to hopefully eliminate the need to have very old versions of the MediaVPs installed.
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yes, sorry, I certainly don't want to divert this thread from that.
To save you all from the effort of combing through every mod on knossos, I took a stab at generating what should be a comprehensive list of every mod whose current version requires a non-current MVPs. Anything with a >= requirement, or a ~4.6.whatever requirement, has been omitted, but I might go back and see how many that excludes as an old version with permissive versioning could still need some care.
I should be able to do this with old engine versions too if anyone wants to tackle that can of worms.
--- Code: ---mod ID, mod name, mod last version, mod last update, mod MVPs requirement version
mlteset,Multi-lock Missile Testing,0.1.0,2020-05-21,
TAVega,The Apocalypse: Vega,1.0.2,2021-06-21,3.6.10
DOSFull,Dawn Of Sol,1.0.0,2020-05-19,3.6.10
AWF,Allied Forces,1.0.1,2021-10-03,3.6.12
OGwod,Wings of Dawn Original,1.0.0,2020-12-21,3.6.12
DWA2,Dusk Wars Act 2,1.0.0-B,2020-01-05,3.6.12
DWA1,Dusk Wars Act 1,2.0.0-C,2020-01-05,3.6.12
shumpspace,SHMUPSpace: Battle of Deneb,1.2.1,2019-10-20,3.6.12
BPBattleCaptainsGTVA,Blue Planet 2: The Battle Captains - GTVA,1.0.7,2021-02-13,3.7.2
VOTC_Serkr,VOTC (Serkr),1.0.16,2020-10-30,3.7.2
denebiii,Deneb III,1.2.5,2019-11-24,3.7.2
ExileITDW,Exile: Into the Dark Waters,1.0.5,2019-02-05,3.7.2
Antagonist,The Antagonist,1.0.1,2018-09-18,3.7.2
BolithoCommand,Bolitho Command,1.0.0,2018-09-08,3.7.2
BemCavalgar,Bem Cavalgar,1.0.0,2018-08-16,3.7.2
AftermathCE,Aftermath (CE),1.0.1,2018-08-16,3.7.2
BurningHeaven,Burning Heaven,1.1.5,2021-09-26,3.8.1
DE,Dimensional Eclipse,1.2.9-0,2019-01-11,3.8.1
RR,Renegade Resurgence,1.1.3-Nova,2021-03-19,3.8.2
A_Walk_in_the_Sun,A Walk in the Sun,1.0.3-Nova,2021-03-19,3.8.2
SG,Shadow Genesis,2020.1.0,2021-01-01,3.8.2
capshipcommandthing,Break Through,1.0.0,2020-08-10,3.8.2
LastStand,The Last Stand,0.2.203,2019-09-29,3.8.2
ItHoV,Into the Halls of Valhalla,1.2.7-Nova,2020-05-17,4.0.0
gizeh,Das Gizeh-Projekt,4.1.0,2020-02-25,4.1.23
INCRSN,Incursion & Return to Sol,1.0.1,2020-08-03,4.3.1
GTCR,Great Tin Can Run,1.0.1,2020-08-02,4.3.1
CCREW,Cleaining Crew,1.0.1,2020-08-02,4.3.1
AncientShivanWar,Ancient-Shivan War,2.1.1,2020-08-02,4.3.1
FriendsandFoes,Friends and Foes: Retribution,1.1.3,2020-12-26,4.3.3
jad2_22,Just Another Day 2.22,2.22.9,2020-10-25,4.3.3
Stress_Test_Multi_With_Silly_mission,Cyborg's Silly Multiplayer Stress Test,1.0.0,2020-10-17,4.3.3
CtS,Crossing the Styx,1.0.6,2020-08-25,4.3.3
ghost_revenants,Ghost Revenants,1.1.1,2020-08-15,4.3.3
LCW,Luyten Civil War,1.1.5-Nova,2020-08-07,4.3.3
jad2_21,Just Another Day 2.21,2.21.15,2022-01-20,4.4.0
scroll,The Scroll of Atankharzim,1.8.9,2021-12-24,4.4.0
cardinalspear,Cardinal Spear,1.2.4,2021-11-25,4.4.0
destinyofpeace,The Destiny of Peace,1.2.0,2021-08-11,4.4.0
system_madness,System Madness,1.3.0,2021-04-10,4.4.0
ross128,Ross 128,2.1.2,2021-02-28,4.4.0
vassagos_dirge,Vassago's Dirge,1.3.2,2021-02-02,4.4.0
jad223,Just Another Day 2.23,2.23.6,2021-02-02,4.4.0
destinyofpeace_translation,The Destiny of Peace - French Translation,1.0.2,2022-05-22,4.4.2
MoGW-omni,Memories of the Great War - Omnibus,1.1.1,2022-01-12,4.4.2
qaz_1,Shader Tests,0.2.0,2021-09-12,4.4.2
STL,Shrouding the Light,2.5.1,2021-08-24,4.4.2
frontlines,Frontlines 2334,1.5.0,2021-08-12,4.4.2
Eagle_Takes_Flight,Eagle Takes Flight,1.0.0,2021-08-12,4.4.2
CP_M_FS1,Cockpit Mod for FS1,1.0.2,2021-08-07,4.4.2
4K_HUD,4k HUD,1.0.2,2021-07-30,4.4.2
CP_m,Cockpit Mod,2.1.2,2021-07-29,4.4.2
SR_Cockpits,Series Resurrecta with Cockpits,1.5.0,2021-10-04,4.5.0
AFLW,All is Fair in Love and War,1.0.0,2021-10-02,4.5.0
blueplanetcomplete,Blue Planet Complete,3.0.9,2022-07-31,4.5.1
BpMultiHudLight,BP Multi HudLight,1.0.0,2022-07-31,4.5.1
BP_HudLight,BP HudLight,1.0.1,2022-07-31,4.5.1
wmm,WM Multiplayer (Alpha),0.9.0,2022-07-30,4.5.1
StormFront_AGW,What If - Another Great War,22.0.0,2022-06-15,4.5.1
stormfront1,Storm Front Episode I & II,22.0.0,2022-06-15,4.5.1
Tev_translation,The Battle of Neptune - French translation,1.0.0,2022-05-21,4.5.1
jds_blueplanet,Jaded's Blueplanet,1.3.1,2022-05-19,4.5.1
blueplanet_translation,Blue Planet - French Translation,1.0.3,2022-05-19,4.5.1
Lightning_Marshal,The Lightning Marshal,1.0.41,2022-05-13,4.5.1
UW,The Unification War Project,2.0.1,2022-03-03,4.5.1
mdredux,FreeSpace Mission Disk: Redux,1.0.2-Nova,2022-01-08,4.5.1
--- End code ---
Sorry for the rough formatting, but if you paste that in a spreadsheet program it'll probably be able to make it a little prettier. Sorted by version required, as that seems like it's the ones that will need the most work.
If anything on this list seems out of whack let me know and I'll take another swing at it.
Not too long ago I was able to play CE: Aftermath on FSO 22.2 with MVPs 4.6.6. Which is odd because up until just recently for me it did require MVPs 3.7.2 (aka 2014 MVPs) for it to be playable.
Admiral Nelson:
I have put the csv above into Google Sheets for convenience.
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