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Interview article with Seth Dickinson - AKA our very own General Battuta!
--- Quote from: Rhymes on April 30, 2019, 05:50:21 pm ---
--- Quote from: Nightmare on April 30, 2019, 05:45:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: Nightmare on April 29, 2019, 06:20:32 pm ---C'mon, that's how journalism works. ;)
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Either contribute something meaningful or **** off.
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Like, what do you expect? I don't read interviews/articles too often for the reasons you named and it's part of this buisness; something that's probably being expected of you.
General Battuta:
You don't have a very good idea of how journalism works.
Indeed I don't have a detailed insight into journalism; I just happen to run into the results from time to time.
You seem to be conflating bias (which is inherent to everything involving humans) with pushing an agenda. Bias is passive and unconsciously injected into everything we do. An agenda is a conscious choice. I can tolerate bias, and even skilled writers can fall prey to it (although I should hope they try to minimize its impact on the reporting) but deliberately, consciously pushing an agenda is where I run into problems. That's what opinion pieces are for. Leave it out of interviews.
Phantom Hoover:
Well i can’t possibly make this thread worse so here’s my attempt at a hardball question:
Was Benjanun Sriduangkaew able to perpetrate her campaign of abuse due to a systematic tendency of social justice advocates to excuse bullying and cruelty when done in the name of diversity by people with ‘unprivileged’ identities? Would her behaviour have continued to be accepted and tolerated had she not ultimately been proven to target other minorities and had instead truly reserved her rape and death threats for straight white males?
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