Author Topic: Dimensional Eclipse Discussion Thread (original release thread)  (Read 176176 times)

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Offline CKid

Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Hey Droid, are you thinking in maybe making a sequel in the future some time?


Pretty Please?
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Dragon

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
You are correct, Dragon. There are basically no difference between difficulties except for player damage reduction. This is by design. All AI behave like insane AI even on "Very Easy" (or whatever it's been renamed to). I don't like dumb AI.

It is not luck based in the slightest if you know what to do, and it isn't every AI in the mission, it is 4 ships all belonging to a single wing armed with such missiles, present specifically for missile saturation support. The key is to identify and eliminate (they're flying fighters which basically are missile platforms and nothing else, should be easy kills). They're what splash your unshielded wingmen to death. Without them, the enemy Blizzard CMD wing gets swarmed easily by friendlies and go down without much fuss.
Hmm, that's good to know. Some hint in-mission would be nice (like "Get those missile boats on they'll shred us!"). I suppose the "luck based" part came from me not realizing that and attacking targets at random, sometimes taking the missile boats out. Also, it doesn't help the Shriekir missile (the one responsible for both dying and limit overload) has an identical trail to Mora (which, I suspect, is what the Blizzards are armed with) and doesn't look all that different from it. Also it's good to know that both Hotshot and Insane AI have the same ROF (meaning that projectile limit problems at least aren't going to get worse).

The cruiser clearly says "Fly into our bays to resupply." I think that it'd be nice if it actually rearmed the player, since Yari is a very useful missile which gets depleted rather easily (plus it actually makes sense to restock the fighter while repairing it).


Offline Kolgena

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
You are correct, Dragon. There are basically no difference between difficulties except for player damage reduction. This is by design. All AI behave like insane AI even on "Very Easy" (or whatever it's been renamed to). I don't like dumb AI.

Hang on, is this built into the VP somehow or is it somehow in the executable you gave us?

Also, the small fighter bays are kind of hard to fly into for repairs. I end up pinballing around inside and hope that the health regen is greater than collision damage, but I've yet to die from it so far.


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Its an AI profiles/AI.tbl thing.

Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Of all the things to waste a first post on; damn you [REDACTED] for making me look at these forums and see all the mods I haven't played.

I haven't gotten far enough in to really make a judgement about the campaign, but I just wanted to note how fitting it is that the main menu theme is the OP from Starship Operators - nice one :p
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 06:04:10 am by ZekeSulastin »


Offline Destiny

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Ha ha ha, all's good with DE. Watching others complain about insurmountable challenges is pretty fun too.

Seriously, unable to dodge MORAS?! Nyahaha~

and my PC's pretty old too. 9500GT...and old stuff.

And yes, Radiance is awesome.


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Of all the things to waste a first post on; damn you [REDACTED] for making me look at these forums and see all the mods I haven't played.

I don't quite think that's a waste of a first post, in fact I like that you made your first post here! :P
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20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
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20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
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Offline Dragon

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Seriously, unable to dodge MORAS?! Nyahaha~
What I thought to be Moras might actually have been Shriekirs. I've initially confused the two due to them having very similar trails. In fact, some missions could be a lot easier if I had noticed the difference before. And it seems that I'll have a lot less problems with the 3rd chapter due to arrival of new weapons, better suited to my flying style.


Offline Dragon

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Double post because nobody notices edits, and the bug is important.

I'm at Talos station and got stuck on a bug.
After the Assault Carrier arrives and fires at the station, nothing more happens. It's left with about 4% HP and all ships are just sitting there. Evacuation doesn't finish and Exarchy doesn't even launch more fighters.
I didn't reproduce it yet (it's a rather hectic escort mission which I don't even like), but it's a rather serious issue. There must be something that didn't trigger right.
Also, the ships are very poorly lit, which makes docking a chore.
Also, some general complaints:
AI seems to crash into you more on this mission. A really bad thing, since the Cyclone has a habit of exploding when something as much as looks at it funny, especially without it's shield. A collision at combat speeds is instakill. Tornado's loadout is a bit limited for a dedicated missile boat. Being stuck with Mora isn't very good due to it's absurd lock time.


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Well its supposed to blow up. Seeing as the station shouldn't survive that volley even at 100% HP I don't know what you did, or the engine done flubbed and something missed or hit some debris in the way. I swore I had a second beam volley and a self-destruct set up. It never failed when I tested it, or when anyone else did, sounds like a freak accident to me. There are plenty of those, and I can't do a thing about them because I can't reproduce them consistently, and they don't even show up in debug, etc... This one looks far less serious than some of the more show-stopping ones like the ships-not-actually-arriving thing and the black-screen-transcendant-visit one...

EDIT: I do have a second volley set up. There is no way the station should live.

I don't understand why lighting can be a complaint. Edit your lighting settings if you can't see well. It's not my fault some people like to go uberdark with their lighting settings... All hangars either have glowmaps or glowpoints anyway, to assist.

Uh, you do realize that the AI hasn't changed at all, and why do they crash into you more? I'm not going to improve the Cyclone in any way seeing as they appear as enemy craft as well and would throw a lot of balance work.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 02:02:20 pm by Droid803 »


Offline Dragon

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
I know, maybe it's just the Cyclone being prone to crashing. Or maybe I'm just noticing it more. For some reason, the Ambrosioum seems very eager to crash into you.
It's good to know that the station is supposed to blow. I don't know why all those failsafes didn't work, but you know that a one in a million chance will succeed nine times out of ten. :)
Well, let's hope it doesn't happen again (doesn't change the fact I need to beat this mission once again, which isn't easy).
As for lighting, it's much darker than in all other missions, on all ships. I don't know why. I have rather dark lighting settings, but this mission stands out. It almost seems like it's missing a sun (I don't play with shadows, before you ask).


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
It does appear that there is no sun. did that happen. Even if there's no sun there should be the "default" one...


Offline Yarn

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
It does appear that there is no sun. did that happen. Even if there's no sun there should be the "default" one...
It's a bug in the code. I posted this on Mantis here:
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Well easy fix, I'll actually put a sun there now...


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Does the new RC6 contain the features DE needs, or should we stick to the build from the first post?


Offline jr2

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Compile your own build (It's really pretty easy, just follow the steps)

Then you can get whatever build you want, whenever you want.  Mine compiles in about 5 minutes max.


Offline CommanderDJ

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
It does appear that there is no sun. did that happen. Even if there's no sun there should be the "default" one...
It's a bug in the code. I posted this on Mantis here:

The sun bug has been fixed in trunk, just by the way, so current trunk builds should work fine. Courtesy of yours truly.

Does the new RC6 contain the features DE needs, or should we stick to the build from the first post?

I think DE requires a trunk build, and they contain several things not in the RC branch. That's just off the top of my head though, so I could be wrong.
[16:57] <CommanderDJ> What prompted the decision to split WiH into acts?
[16:58] <battuta> it was long, we wanted to release something
[16:58] <battuta> it felt good to have a target to hit
[17:00] <RangerKarl> not sure if talking about strike mission, or jerking off
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> WUT
[17:00] <CommanderDJ> hahahahaha
[17:00] <battuta> hahahaha
[17:00] <RangerKarl> same thing really, if you think about it


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Compile your own build (It's really pretty easy, just follow the steps)

Then you can get whatever build you want, whenever you want.  Mine compiles in about 5 minutes max.
Yes, really easy, provided you have the necessary programs.
Apart from that, it's easier to get help if you have problems, if you use a standardized build.


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Won't work with RC6, just tested it.


Offline jr2

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Then you can get whatever build you want, whenever you want.  Mine compiles in about 5 minutes max.
Yes, really easy, provided you have the necessary programs.

Linkified that for you.  As long as you don't mind downloading ~1GB of data, it should be no problem (That is for MSVC++2010Express, Windows Updates for MSVC, and Tortoise SVN).