OK, I've ran into a new, rather serious bug, also at Talos station.
When you exit the mission via the pause menu and enter it again, the game crashes upon proceeding to ship loadout. If you skip it, it mostly works, up to the point after friendly reinforcements arrive. Then, when targeting the enemy superbombers, the screen goes black except for the HUD, which gets messed up (elements missing or moved). The mission seems to continue running. And yes, it's reproducable on release build (didn't try on debug yet).
Note, the first part happened to me sometimes with my experimental mods, but these were rare, and I thought that it was due to bugs in those (poorly debuged) modpacks. I've didn't had a black screen problem in them though. I do remember something like that happening , but I can't remember where (maybe in BP? A long time ago, that's for sure).