I can't bootcamp because I don't have the memory space for it and then I would have to install FS2 again... double the memory usage.
Le what??
You mean hard disk space, right? Boot Camp is dual-booting, your system memory (RAM) is either used 100% for Mac OSX, or, if you choose to boot into Windows for that session, 100% for Windows.
OK, basic memory lesson time:
Memory can be described as a desk with filing cabinet drawers in it. There are two types of memory. One is RAM, Random Access Memory. This would be like the top of the desk. The more memory you have, the bigger the size of the table, the more pieces of paper (programs, documents, OS running all this) you can have on the desk at once. Got that?
Now, there's a problem: 1) desk top memory (RAM) is expensive. Also, it has the nasty habit of not holding information without power (you could say, your teacher makes you clear your desk before leaving, and if you don't, she throws everything on your desk in the shredder)
So: There's a second type of memory: your hard disk drive. This could be compared to the drawers in your desk. You can put many more pieces of paper (programs, documents, OS) in the drawers. They also have the benefit of not erasing when there is no power. It's also cheaper than RAM. However, the downfall is, it's too slow to read from and write to paper that is stored in the drawers (can you imagine trying that?) so, you take the paper out and put it on the desk top to modify.
If you run out of room on the desk top, you can even use a swap space / pagefile, which would be like an empty drawer that is reserved for if you run out of room on the desk top, then you can start putting pages that you're not working on at the moment into that drawer temporarily, where they can be accessed more quickly than if you filed them away in their proper place.
With Boot Camp, if you choose to load Windows, Windows gets control of the desk top and Windows' section of the drawers (your hard disk). If you choose to load Mac OSX, Mac OSX gets control of the desk top and it's section of the hard disk.
What you are thinking of (shared memory access by two OSes) would be if you were running the software Parallels, which lets you have both Mac OSX and Windows running
at the same time. Boot Camp does not do that, and is simply a method whereby you may dual boot either Windows
OR Mac OSX at start.
Additionally, you can "go pro" and use the compilers directly, but I seriously wouldn't recommend that to anybody who's never used the command prompt/DOS console ever before.
It's called
Terminal on *nix-based OSes, you heathen!
Ah well, I guess if you wish for a cross-platform name, you may use the term "CLI / Command Line Interface".