Right, just a small note, since I'm not really in a position to be able to dig up things/troubleshoot very well at the moment:
If you're trying to play through DE (be it v1.0 or v1.1) and are having trouble, and are willing to give something "in-testing" a shot and provide feedback, just send me a PM saying so and I can link you the in-testing version of "v1.1b". I can't do anything at the moment to actually get bugs you find and whatnot fixed, but it's another version to try that might solve your problems. (Plus, if you do find anything, I'll take note and fix it at the end of the month when I get back to my home computer with the workfiles and whatnot - you'll have contributed to testing!). I'm going to try and get 1.1b out (along with a little bonus) ASAP when I get back.
Just putting this offer out there.