Author Topic: Dagger Starfighter  (Read 26437 times)

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Offline Dragon

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I don't think it looks good. It should have a single color paint scheme. You could make a few version of the texture, in different colors.
No offense, but your explanation for why it has so many colors doesn't sound very plausible, nor is it consistent with SW universe (rebels pain their ships in accordance to the color of a squadron they're serving in).


Offline mandobardanjusik

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well, I was only planning to have one ship set that way, and they would be the earliest, I am currently working on the normal rebel one now, and it is white and blue, and plan to do a correllian squad wiht green and white ones. and team colors wont work, cause I plan to give em ensignias, and some differing color areas


Offline CountBuggula

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I understand what you're trying to do with the rebel version, but it just looks BAD.  Either rethink the concept or it needs much better execution.


Offline mandobardanjusik

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{note, rethought, made this prior to your statement count}
ok, since I guess I more or less agree with dragon(though, not all squadrons are named after colors)
so here are the three variants(note these are all WIPS, and not only the colors, but also the normal map, and all the detailing for all the versions need work(as they all use the same normal map)
so, they are Blue, Orange, and Correllian/green(could also be the non-alligned color)


Offline newman

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Oh, just kidding. But tbh that doesn't look like paint peeling off showing undercoats of different colors, it looks more like a really weird paint job. If you want paint chips, try to look at what real ones look like. And think where these would occur the most - namely around the hard edges of surfaces. So you'll want more chipping (which should have hard edges) along the edges, and not just random large areas of different coloration.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 11:55:52 am by newman »
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Offline mandobardanjusik

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well, really first thing I need to figure out basic texture, so its back to the imp one. second I stink at texturing, so what will get done on my watch is another question, I am just trying to get it to the rate to get ingame


Offline Dragon

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Those three look much better, can't wait to see the Dagger in-game.


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Thank you Dragon, now I just have the nightmare of figuring out what to do for the detailing(that is shared by all of them including imp) combined with the normal map.... as as always, this is an area where I have few thoughts where to go


Offline mandobardanjusik

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First off, I have been modeling for a while. Second, the engine is still solid so it is actualy a VERY easy fix.  oh and I already baked an AO

sorry I dont mean to be rude, I am fixing it now, I just hate having to redo the uv map and texture, as I am weak at it and I find it a real pain. also I have been doing this while consquently showing swash
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 06:18:43 pm by mandobardanjusik »


Offline mandobardanjusik

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ok,, I made the fix using symetry, no I am not posting a wireframe, and no I am not welding the engine, as that is a waste of polys, and I luckily only need to do only a few more fixes


Offline mandobardanjusik

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hey greyleader, and star slayer, if you want to talk, pop on hardlight IRC


Offline mandobardanjusik

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ok, I am sorry, I dont mean to sound arrogant, I am just getting tired of having to do, and redo my models, and its starting to get frustrating.... and no I dont have industry, I have been doing this as a hobby over the past year, and I have put out a lot of models for a handful of mods for an RTS, and I have been working on transitioning to this engine, because it gives me a chance to do more with my hobby. and I am also not entirly sure what tool you mean, I use max


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He has posted one ship's UV before, and it went through quite a bit of critiquing.  Not saying this one can't use it too, but he's not necessarily afraid of that.
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Offline mandobardanjusik

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I am not afraid of the critqing, I have actualy been working heavily on getting this to the right level with a couplle of the guys on the IRC, and specialy Swash, I just prefer working with a handful of people than open, because I find getting overcritiquing exxtremely frustrating. also, though I may not be a pro I do not consider myself a newbie either, as I have done a ton of models over the past year, however they have mainly been for SW EAW FOC, and I have been working on getting to this level for the past couple months. I am not afraid of advice, however I do somewhat trust my skills. also, I have fixed the issues by symetring most of the model, but note, it is still only 2992 tris


Offline mandobardanjusik

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and you know what, everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, and I am going to try to fix my mesh the hard way rather than symetry, then fix the minor uv errors that will occur, while presercing a good part of the uv, and also greyleader you know what, I bake an AO everytime to keep an eye out for errors, so I do know what I am doing, and I know what I need to fix I just messed up one minor thing, and the reason I dont post a wireframe, is not because i am afraid, but rather because I only post them when I need help, as when I am working on the model the first important thing is visuals, then  polys, because my first priotity is getting the right appearance to get a model ingame, and its not my modeling skills I am worried about. And I am always willing to ask for help, just ask the guys on the IRC, i proably get annoying with how many times I ask, and thanks you guys for tolerating me. and also its more my texturing skill I am worried about because that is a BIG weakness of mine


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Ok so I fixed the mesh issues, and with minimal mesh distortion. I think I got the base rebel colors figured out pretty well, though I think that some of the detailing work is beyond my skill level, so I am hunting after a texturer for this model(same deal as on my WIP thread)


Offline mandobardanjusik

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ok decided to work on the texture, so here is the solar panels. ignore the whiteness, I still need to tweak the lighting, I am working on further detailing now(not sure what it will be but i am working on it


Offline mandobardanjusik

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thanks dragon, its both easy and tricky to do solar panels, also, I think I will more go off either the x-wing or a-wing for details.... trying to work on it, but its not an area of my expertise


Offline Mongoose

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I'm not sure that thing needs could just skewer enemy fighters on those spikes. :D