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Useful scripts for 3ds Max

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This script let's you hide/show lod levels quickly and easily.  You have 4 lod levels to use, simply select the object(s) you want on a specific level and hit the "+" next to the LOD level.  "-" will remove it from that level.  You can then use the show/hide buttons for those objects.  Hint: Objects can be on more than one lod level.

--- Code: ---macroScript LodDisplay category:"Fast Utils"
rollout renameObjs_rollout "LODS" width:344 height:240

button btnShow0 "Show" pos:[48,66] width:107 height:34
button btnHide0 "Hide" pos:[160,66] width:104 height:32
label lbl4 "LOD 0" pos:[8,80] width:32 height:16
button btnAdd0 "+" pos:[272,66] width:32 height:32
button btnRemove0 "-" pos:[304,66] width:32 height:32
button btnShow1 "Show" pos:[48,104] width:107 height:34
button btnHide1 "Hide" pos:[160,104] width:104 height:32
label lbl7 "LOD 1" pos:[8,118] width:32 height:16
button btnAdd1 "+" pos:[272,104] width:32 height:32
button btnRemove1 "-" pos:[304,104] width:32 height:32
button btnShow2 "Show" pos:[48,144] width:107 height:34
button btnHide2 "Hide" pos:[160,144] width:104 height:32
label lbl8 "LOD 2" pos:[8,158] width:32 height:16
button btnAdd2 "+" pos:[272,144] width:32 height:32
button btnRemove2 "-" pos:[304,144] width:32 height:32
button btnShow3 "Show" pos:[48,184] width:107 height:34
button btnHide3 "Hide" pos:[160,184] width:104 height:32
label lbl9 "LOD 3" pos:[8,198] width:32 height:16
button btnAdd3 "+" pos:[272,184] width:32 height:32
button btnRemove3 "-" pos:[304,184] width:32 height:32

fn ShowChildren parent levelText =
for obj in parent do
test = getUserPropBuffer obj

if matchpattern test pattern:levelText then
unhide obj

for children in parent.children do
ShowChildren children levelText

fn HideChildren parent levelText =
for obj in parent do
test = getUserPropBuffer obj

if matchpattern test pattern:levelText then
hide obj

for children in parent.children do
HideChildren children levelText

on btnShow0 pressed do
for obj in do
ShowChildren obj "*lod=0*"


on btnHide0 pressed do
for obj in do
HideChildren obj "*lod=0*"

on btnAdd0 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
test = getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]
if not(matchpattern test pattern:"*lod=0*") then
test = test + "lod=0\r\n"
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] test

on btnRemove0 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
buff = (getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""
while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and not matchpattern str pattern:"*lod=0*" do format "%\r\n" str to:newb
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] (replace_LF_with_CRLF (newb as string))

on btnShow1 pressed do
for obj in do
ShowChildren obj "*lod=1*"
on btnHide1 pressed do
for obj in do
HideChildren obj "*lod=1*"
on btnAdd1 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
test = getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]
if not(matchpattern test pattern:"*lod=1*") then
test = test + "lod=1\r\n"
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] test

on btnRemove1 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
buff = (getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""
while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and not matchpattern str pattern:"*lod=1*" do format "%\r\n" str to:newb
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] (replace_LF_with_CRLF (newb as string))

on btnShow2 pressed do
for obj in do
ShowChildren obj "*lod=2*"
on btnHide2 pressed do
for obj in do
HideChildren obj "*lod=2*"
on btnAdd2 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
test = getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]
if not(matchpattern test pattern:"*lod=2*") then
test = test + "lod=2\r\n"
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] test

on btnRemove2 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
buff = (getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""
while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and not matchpattern str pattern:"*lod=2*" do format "%\r\n" str to:newb
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] (replace_LF_with_CRLF (newb as string))

on btnShow3 pressed do
for obj in do
ShowChildren obj "*lod=3*"
on btnHide3 pressed do
for obj in do
HideChildren obj "*lod=3*"
on btnAdd3 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
test = getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]
if not(matchpattern test pattern:"*lod=3*") then
test = test + "lod=3\r\n"
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] test

on btnRemove3 pressed do
for loop = 1 to selection.Count do
buff = (getUserPropBuffer selection[loop]) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""
while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and not matchpattern str pattern:"*lod=3*" do format "%\r\n" str to:newb
setUserPropBuffer selection[loop] (replace_LF_with_CRLF (newb as string))


createDialog renameObjs_rollout


--- End code ---

How it works: It simply adds a property "lod" to the objects properties.

Collapse Clones

Ever get the message in PCS2 that something couldn't be imported because it wasn't xform resetted?  But you don't want to do an xform reset because you'll lose inheritance data.  This comes to the rescue...  Simply select the object(s) and run script.  The original object will be cloned, that clone will be xform reset and the original object(s) will be hidden.  If you make changes to the original object latter, just rerun the script, it'll delete the original clone and make a new one.

--- Code: ---macroScript CollapseClones category:"Fast Utils"
fn AddKey theObject key=
buff = getUserPropBuffer theObject
buff = buff + key

setUserPropBuffer theObject buff

fn RetrieveID theObj theKey =

buff = (getUserPropBuffer theObj) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""

scankey = "*" + theKey + "*"
while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and matchpattern str pattern:scankey do 
filtered = filterString str "="
return filtered[2]

return ""
fn RemoveKey object key =
buff = (getUserPropBuffer object) as stringStream
newb = stringStream ""

while not eof buff do
str = readLine buff
if str != "" and not matchpattern str pattern:("*" + key + "*") do format "%\r\n" str to:newb
setUserPropBuffer object (replace_LF_with_CRLF (newb as string))


fn DeleteChildren obj =
for loop = 1 to obj.Children.count do
DeleteChildren obj.Children[loop]

delete obj

fn RemoveExistingClones parentID =

for child in do

id = RetrieveID child "slave"

if matchpattern id pattern:parentID then
DeleteChildren child


fn CreateClone object uniqueID =
--Get the node and all it's children

-- Now create the clone
maxOps.CloneNodes object clonetype:#copy newnodes:&cloneNodes expandHierarchy:true

for loop = 1 to cloneNodes.count do
AddKey cloneNodes[loop] ("slave=" +  uniqueID + "\r\n")
--cloneNodes[loop].Name = cloneNodes[loop].Name + "-Cloned"
cloneNodes[loop].Name = (uniquename "cloned")

--First unlink children
tempChildren = #()
for child in cloneNodes[loop].Children do
append tempChildren child
child.parent = undefine


--Then collapse
collapseStack cloneNodes[loop]
ResetXForm cloneNodes[loop]
collapseStack cloneNodes[loop]

--Then relink
for child in tempChildren do
append cloneNodes[loop].Children child



fn HideOriginal obj =
for loop = 1 to obj.Children.Count do
HideOriginal obj.Children[loop]

hide obj

fn ResetXFormClone object =
for obj in object do
objectChildren = #()

for child in obj.children do
append objectChildren child

for child in objectChildren do
child.parent = undefined

--print ("Reseting XForm on " +
collapseStack obj
ResetXForm obj
collapseStack obj

if objectChildren.count >= 1 then
for child in objectChildren do
child.parent = obj

for loop = 1 to selection.count do
checkForSlave = RetrieveId selection[loop] "*slave=*"
if (checkForSlave != "") then

-- Retrieve the existing unique ID, if any
uniqueID = RetrieveID selection[loop] "master"

if (uniqueID != "") then
RemoveExistingClones uniqueID
RemoveKey selection[loop] "master"

--Create a random parent ID value
randomValue = random 1000 9999
uniqueID = uniquename selection[loop].Name  + randomValue as string

CreateClone selection[loop] uniqueID

--Now add that name to the parents properties
AddKey selection[loop] ("master=" + uniqueID + "\r\n")

HideOriginal selection[loop]

--- End code ---

How it works: it simply creates a random number name that it attaches to the master/slave. 


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