Author Topic: Joystick is not working ingame FS2  (Read 687 times)

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Joystick is not working ingame FS2
WxLauncher shows joystick as active, windows drivers for joystick allow calibration of joystick. Model it Thrustmaster T.flight Stick X.
Any ideas anyone??, Oh, I only have 1 device for the joystick, mouse works fine.



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Re: Joystick is not working ingame FS2
This error occurs because wxlauncher use a different SDL2 version than FSO, which causes a different Device-ID for the Joystick.

To fix this, you have to update the SDL2.dll file wxlauncher uses.
So simple download this file and extract it to wxlauncher\bin.
Female FreeSpace 2 pilot since 1999.
Former Global moderator in the German FreeSpace Galaxy Forum.
Developer of NTP - A Multi-Language Translation Library Interface, which allows to play FreeSpace in YOUR Language.

Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.

Re: Joystick is not working ingame FS2
Hi, I figured I could save a thread taking up a space by asking more or less the same questions. I hope that's alright.

I'm not using wxlauncher, I just reinstalled FS1&2, so I'm using Knossos.

I'm using my trusty (hopefully never dies) MS Precision Sidewinder 2 Joystick. Probably the only thing MS has ever made that actually lasts. lol

I looked for the SDL2.dll file on my PC and it's in several folders. Knossos, FSO x86 and x64. Hell it's even in my Blender folder. Do I replace the file in each of the 3 folders (so, every one but the Blender one) or just in one, and which one? Also, do I want x86 or x64? I have a folder for both.

I should add that I have my joystick is showing up in my Win10 hardware and I've selected, configered, and calibrated it. I've also gone into Knossos, FSO for FS1 and FS2, and made sure that it is selected and showing in the Joy0 slot and saved.

That all sounds wonderful, but I still get no joystick control. Oh, and yes I did select the joystick in the FS options menu in game and saved it. Despite all that the joystick does nothing and the ship only works with my mouse. :(

Any help you can give me would be great. I'd rather break my fingers then play a space fighter sim with a mouse.......

Amazing work BTW! I've played FS1 & 2 many times over the decades, and a couple times with FSO, but it's been quite a long time since I last took a look at it. You guys have done so many things that way back I remember people within the modding circle saying that half of what you've done simply wouldn't be possible, due the age of the engine. You must have updated the coding like crazy to do this. Props!

Makes me pine for a remake of the Wing Commander series, but I dunno how much the copyright holders would tolerate. (EA or Activision? I can't remember.)
