Author Topic: ***RESOLVED*** Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User  (Read 1222 times)

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***RESOLVED*** Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User

Greetings fellow space gamers,

I just discovered all the modding going on for FS and FS2 and decided to jump in.

I downloaded KNOSSUS.NET launcher, new clean install of FS2, followed the linking instructions and setup.  I downloaded Blue Planet Complete 3.3.3, made a new pilot, and when I go to play it, and it spins up without any errors.  Only problem is when I go to the 'Campaigns' in the Freespace home screen only FS2 shows - no new campaigns.

The PROBLEM:  I can't figure out how to access the campaigns under Blue Planet.
 - do I need to complete the FS2 campaign first?

I launch the game through Blue Planet icon within the Knossus.NET launcher with 'blueplanetscomplete' and 'FSO' activated and I can only see and play the FS2 vanilla campaign.

I've been a gamer since WC1 hit the 286-PC and I've played at least 7 full years of my life away in video games. I'm presently pushing 70, but still gaming strong.  Can you give your surrogate Grandpa a helping hand?  What am I too obtuse or senile to be missing here?


- hoovsbin


EDIT - 03/12/2024

I had initially deleted and redownloaded 'Blue Planet Complete 3.3.3' after its initial failure.  Same result and then I posted my "Help me Obi-Wan".

Today I dl'd Knossos.NET on a different PC (my NVIDIA high end system) with follow up 'Blue Planet Complete' and it ran.  I compared files between the 2 different PCs and found out instead of ~ 5.6GB of data on the working PC my 'blueplanetcomplete' on the nonfunctioning PC was only 950MB.

Deleted entire game and redownloaded.  Game now shows all campaigns and appears to be running nominally.

Thanks for your tips and your welcoming.  Double kudos to all of those who've made these mods.

MODERATOR - this post can be locked or deleted to clean up the forum as desired.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 03:22:27 pm by hoovsbin »


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User

I too started back on frontier elite and wing commander 1. :D  (286 and dos 3.5)

K-Net is the succsessor to knossos, amd the best way to play, with minimal tech issues.  Please see link here

It should cover setup in that topic.

Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User

I too started back on frontier elite and wing commander 1. :D  (286 and dos 3.5)

K-Net is the succsessor to knossos, amd the best way to play, with minimal tech issues.  Please see link here

It should cover setup in that topic.

AFAIK is K-Net, which it sounds like he is using already.
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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User
Try following the link Col Dekker shared, but try downloading a different campaign this time and see if you have any luck with that and let us know if that works. Then we should know if it is BP that’s acting up or something more widespread.

PS - welcome aboard. I remember WC1, Elite, Frontier etc too 😁

Also, take a look at this once you are up and running:

And this:
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Re: Grandpa needs help accessing Campaigns - New User
Thanks for the replies.

I downloaded 'GOTY Mission Pack'.  Under the "Settings" tab of the GOTY Missions Pack icon on the Knossus.NET 'PLAY' screen I add "FSO" to the default selected "GOTYMissions".
When I select "play" it takes me to the FS2 home screen base, I create a new pilot, and again only the vanilla FS2 campaign/missions are available.

I DL'd the standalone "Diaspora" campaign and it works.

When I play 'Blue Planets' it gives me the new intro story, but same ol', same ol' FS2 vanilla campaign once I get into the game.

Sorry - I must be doing something basic incorrectly. 

I still get to replay FS1, Silent Threat, and FS2 with improved graphics and the standalone campaigns.

EDIT: 1534 EDT
I DL'd 'Silent Threat: Reborn' for FreeSpace Port and it works.
Go figure?

Thanks so much for making these older great comes come back to life.   
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 02:34:40 pm by hoovsbin »