Community Projects > The FreeSpace Wiki Project
Major updates to the Max exporter page.
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I was referring to this and noticed that, while informative, it wasn't structured very well and was lacking information about multipart turrets and LOD subobjects. This should be much more comprehensive and legible.
Oh, and we need more pages dealing with editing tools! We need a page each about Modelview, VPView, PCS, Aurora, FRED, and everything else we use. These should at the very least have persistant links to the tools.
The FRED page could easily link to an online version of the Volition HTML FRED help file; we could even add notes about SCP features in there.
Does anyone actually use Aurora? It's been nothing but crashes with all the models I've tried it with recently.
--- Quote from: Galemp on December 09, 2005, 04:06:13 pm ---The FRED page could easily link to an online version of the Volition HTML FRED help file; we could even add notes about SCP features in there.
--- End quote ---
Sounds like a good idea to link to the help file but I'm not so certain that updating it would be a good idea. Most of the stuff would have little relation to the walkthrough and would thus serve to confuse new FREDders.
That said I do agree that FRED does need better explainations of its new features (as well as a list of them. I sometimes forget what has been added and it would be nice to have them all listed somewhere when I'm trying to do the impossible in FRED yet again :)
:v:'s version does have a list of all the SEXPs and describes the functionality of every checkbox and option in the editors. Why not update these aspects?
Vasudan Admiral:
What happened to the modview and PCS pages from the old wiki? Can they be brought back? They took a fair while to write, and I'd quite like to add some stuff to the PCS one. :\
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