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A number of thingies
Mad Bomber:
Some things I think should be noted/added in the Wiki:
1) The Prom-S is NOT the same cannon as seen in FS1 -- it has 600m more range and is much improved over its Great War progenitor. Something should be in the article to indicate this, and the FS1 GTW-5 Prom oughta have its own article, separate from its FS2 incarnation. Otherwise people will get confused.
2) Though the technology for xasers apparently _did_ exist during the Great War, they were evidently not in production by the time of Operation Templar (mid-2340s), since they are rather conspicuously absent from that campaign. (AFAIK, they were mentioned as "expensive frivolities" at the time.) Just thought that ought to be mentioned -- they weren't churned out the second the GTVA appeared (and definitely not before that).
3) Some discussion on the Terran Blocs might be in order -- speculation at least, inferred from their locations and names (plus what we know from canon). E.G. the Regulus Syndicate. The fact that a large number of people in the Regulan sector were poor and jealous of the Vasudans' recovery (they joined Bosch at the drop of a hat!) infers that perhaps the Syndicate was laden with corruption and/or mismanagement.
4) Any idea why Sirius (and Regulus, for that matter) might be a nominally Terran system *cough*NTF*cough*, even though the Zods are so much closer? I blame the pseudocanon Delta Ser-Sirius node (seen in Clash of the Titans). Assign blame already! :p
5) Perhaps a section for Non-Canon Notes in ship classes. (e.g. "According to Ace's 'Cardinal Spear' campaigns, the GTB Medusa was preceded by the GTB Gorgon class.)
Black Wolf:
It's a wiki. :p The whole point of such a thing is that you can make changes like this for yourself.
1) I asked for proper FS1 (& ST) weapon tables (btw big thanks to Spicious for ST ships.tbl) some time ago in another thread, but none seemed interested in mailing those to me... As i currently do not have FS1 installed (and i do not have ST at all) and my hard disks are about to explode (reinstalling is temporarily impossible) i can not read the FS1 data without some little help.
4) I'm not sure that such non-canon info should be included to canon ship entries as data from different mods is usually different and it might be hard to reach any kind of agreement. Ofcourse if separate non-canon section would be added to end of the ship article in wiki that would clearly indicate which mod is used as the source of the particular info, then it might work.
Perhaps there could be sort of info in this kind of lines at the end of the entry
--- Code: ---<font color=#855545>
==Non-Canon Information==
*The GTB Medusa was preceded by the GTB Gorgon class.
**Source: '''Ace's ''Cardinal Spear''''' -campaing
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: Wanderer on December 23, 2005, 03:40:07 am ---1) I asked for proper FS1 (& ST) weapon tables (btw big thanks to Spicious for ST ships.tbl) some time ago in another thread, but none seemed interested in mailing those to me... As i currently do not have FS1 installed (and i do not have ST at all) and my hard disks are about to explode (reinstalling is temporarily impossible) i can not read the FS1 data without some little help.
--- End quote ---
The ST Weapons table is attached. When did you ask for it?
[attachment deleted by admin]
Again, big thanks! It is in this thread... I was wondering the possible difference between FSPort and FS1 weapons tables.
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