Community Projects > The FreeSpace Wiki Project
Non-Canon Material In The Wiki
Following the discussions that have been going on lately I thought that a poll would be a good idea to see where the community stands on the idea. The question is whether we should keep the wiki just as a reference for the canon information from the game or whether we should allow non-canon interpretations of the game to be placed in their own area of the wiki.
I think it should be allowed in there, as long as it is clearly marked as such - like they do it at DITL.
As I said in the other thread; No - not unless it has a complete criticism of any inaccuracy or problems relating to the known stuff of FS1/ST/FS2, and every equivalent theory in that area is given it's own entry to ensure fair coverage of the area of discussion. Also no because the wiki is intended as a reference source, not a place to store fictional stories; IMO this would be equivalent to inventing a 'universe' which is not used in any form except to be inserted into the 'full' (i.e. wikipedia.
Also, another 'no' reason is because this type of thing really is only of value in discussion (i.e. in the forums), and that precludes sensible inclusion in wikipedia (because discussion and change is to be avoided in a factual reference). Finally, adding non-canon means that anyone can add any old rubbish into the wiki, and justify it with a non-canon tag - regardless of whether it cites evidence that is actually similarly made up or incorrect.
EDIT; and also, it strikes me that any criticism added in to balance out these articles will be removed as 'unfair' or somesuch, especially if said article has massive holes and hence lots of criticism.
Could we take a moment to define the word "material"?
My point being that if someone wants to document BlackWater Operations - good for them. It's a well known campaign and people may want to hear about it. If someone wants to write up The Babylon Project and a description of what you'll find within it then that's also FreeSpace related (as it runs on the same engine). It's additional information relating to the overall topic of FreeSpace. I support the addition of such content on the condition that it is appropriately marked as "Non-Canon" material.
However as aldo_14 says, I don't think the wiki should turn into a "story archive" where anyone who feels like a bit of a writing spree can type in some half-cocked unsolicited story and enter it into the archive. That sort of offshoot has no place. It's not a download, mod, campaign or total conversion.
If the SM was to be added as the result of some campaigns output, I wouldn't object so much; albeit I wouldn't view it as the job of the wiki to document campaign storylines (that's surely what playing the campaign is for - not to mention the individual campaign websites). To me, the level of detail in Skippys' list is what is needed for campaigns, with perhaps just a tad more for the TCs like TBP (because they have a whole new universe that needs to be explianed, even if just by linking to B5, or WC, Star Wars, etc wikis).
My objection to the SM - in particular, but also in the general principle - is that it's already been cited as if canon (even though it says so in the theory; although IMO is puts itself as too conclusive in the key assumptions made), and that it's presences means it has precedent over non-featuring theories. Moreso, my worry is that people will simply adopt it as an easy, lazy background with considering the flaws within, and thus it'll act to stifle creativity.
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