Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Inferno
Progress Report
I think it is about time I brought everyone up to speed
Estimated percentages
Story = 80% complete
Mods = 75% complete
Missions = 8% complete
CB Anims = 5% complete
Demo = 56% complete
estimated number of weapons = 25+
estimated number of modified ships = 40+
--- Quote ---Orginally posted by Woomeister:
estimated number of modified ships = 40+
--- End quote ---
and you expect all this to fit in the ships.tbl?!
-Director of the staff of Hidden Terror.
-Fleet Admiral of The Ancients Armada
--- Quote ---The fear always controls our attitude, let us fear no more!
--- End quote ---
I suppose it's possible to have multiple TBLs that you can switch around...
Or, you just repace a lot of ships.
Sushi- the OTHER white meat!
Accelerate your game-Velocity Mod
Sushi's Freespace Zone-Future home of loads of cool stuff.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by RKIF-DragonClaw:
and you expect all this to fit in the ships.tbl?!
--- End quote ---
They already have.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by RKIF-DragonClaw:
and you expect all this to fit in the ships.tbl?!
--- End quote ---
Easy, just delete the ships you won't use (from th volition bravo to a bunch of cargoes), and you'll have way enough room for more than 40 ships.
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