Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Inferno
Ancient Fighter
Space superiority fighter, currently works in game but has no eye or docking data. Has weapons and shields.
[This message has been edited by Woomeister (edited 05-25-2001).]
Great job dude.
You gays just keep on going an going.
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by StarGunner:
You gays just keep on going an going.
--- End quote ---
Sushi- the OTHER white meat!
Accelerate your game-Velocity Mod
Sushi's Freespace Zone-Future home of loads of cool stuff.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by StarGunner:
You gays just keep on going an going.
--- End quote ---
Nice fighter guys!
- Arnav Manchanda
ICQ: 6228797
Creator of Technological Superiority:
I almost didn't recognise that Knossos bit. Nice.
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