Hosted Projects - Non-FreeSpace > StarShatter Open Source Project

Having trouble with Mission Editor

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That's just the carrier sending out the rest of the squadron out on patrols. That's why Brad warned about creating ultra large squadrons, you might end up with way to many flights out.

     Ok, I set the squadron amount to just 6, which seemed to solve that issue.
     The next bit of annoyance I have is during the mission itself. In the 3 times that I've flown it, one of my wingmen ended up colliding with me and destroying me, every time. Is there something in the Flight element I need to change or is this an expected bug? Thanks. BTW, I am using 2 wingmen, I know normally the missions I fly in the game you only have 1, could that be it? I also added some NAV points.

Not sure really. I've been trying to figure out the ai in this game for a while and I can't tell you what they think they're doing sometimes. Try the mission with just one wingman and see if that helps.

     Tried it with 1, but then issued the order "Form Up" as soon as I launched, which he carried out. Seemed to solve that, now I'm going to try it with 2 wingmen. EDIT: worked with 2 wingmen.


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