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Attachment rules

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Rules to posting attachments that will take effect on 2006-07-01.

Starting July 1st, posting of attachments is allowed on all boards by all registered members, same rules apply to contents of any attachment as laid out in the Guidelines For Forum Conduct. This means that attachments that violate the Conduct will be deleted.

Attachment size limit is set to 512KB per-attachment and per-post, you can post up to 4 attachments per post. Following file types are allowed: 7z, gz, rar, zip, gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Maximum size of the attachments folder is set to 32MB. When the folder is full, we will remove all attachments older than 30 days. Please keep in mind that the attachments you post will be available only temporarily, there will be no exceptions. The less people post attachments and the smaller the attachments are, the longer the posted attachments will be available.

There are many free image hosts such as ImageShack, Photobucket and Putfile. For other than images, you can look for free webhosts, some of them are decent enough for hosting small files.

We realize that there may be attachments that are worth keeping, which is why this rule will take effect on 2006-07-01 and not immediately. Please report all topics/posts that have attachments that should be preserved. In case of image attachments, admins will assist by posting such attachments to free image hosts and updating the post with a link to the image.

Thank you.
- HLP admins

I looked through all the main forums and these two look like they have attachments worth preserving:,25406.0.html,22680.0.html

CP5670, from these two topics I found only two attachments in Tribute - MS Paint The FS Moments -topic, which I have now uploaded to ImageShack and updated the posts. If I missed any attachments, feel free to posts links to the posts themselves.

Is it possible to allow the .7z 7-Zip format ? Since that allows the best compression ratio in a fairly common format, it would be nice if possible.

It is possible but .7z is so uncommon that using the format is often pointless.


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