Author Topic: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced  (Read 3688 times)

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Offline Admiral Nelson

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RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
Vassago's Dirge

One of the most compelling, atmospheric, artistic mods the community has seen, delivered by an auteur and a peerless FREDder. Like the titular dirge, it is both beautiful and funereal - a desaturated journey into the most compelling and unearthly parts of the FreeSpace universe.

There are moments in this campaign that will shock, and others - more disturbing yet - that will chill you with their unsettling, eerie familiarity.

And there are ridiculously, ridiculously cool moments, masterstrokes of honed FREDcraft. Perfect, invisible control in some missions; in others feats of modding I didn't believe feasible.

Also, the use of music is just something else.
Play it.

Vassago's Dirge is a masterwork of one of HLP's most legendary modders.  Now it can be enjoyed with full voice acting and current FSO and MVPs builds! If you've played before, now is a great time to revisit this classic. If you haven't played it before, what are you waiting for?


[DOWNLOAD] - Use Knossos:
Click below to get started. The latest revision is 1.3.3.


Axem - Original concept and campaign
Admiral Nelson - Patch as documented below, FREDing, voice editing, etc.
MJN.Mixael - Remastered cbani,s

Voice Acting:
Andreas Rybak - Voice of Alpha 3
Colonol Dekker - voice of Captain White
Goober5000 - voice of SAR 2
Iain Baker - voice of Captain Sibelius

Special thanks to Paraspacer / Gamma39er for new Vasudan translator method.
Special thanks to Lafiel for error checking, repackaging and uploading to Knossos


NEW Full voice acting, feature a mix of live actors and AI
NEW Remastered cbanims
NEW Spelling / grammar checked
NEW Made compatible with FSO 23.0 and MVPs v. 4.6.8
NEW many bugfixes

Full changelog in spoilers below. Don't read if you haven't played before!
General edits
Made compatible with 23.0 and MVPs 4.6.8
Voiced the campaign
Spell check / grammar fixes
Changed message timings throughout to reflect voice line timing
Added Cagliari station and its Ganymedes to a collision group to improve performance
Fixed HUD appearing incorrectly in cutscenes
Fixed custom gauges not working correctly
Updated Axem message box to current version, switched vfonts to TTF for legibility
Fixed subtitles to scale with resolution
Fixed nameplate transparency - the old ones looked black on PBR models
Added NTF skin to the Orpheus
Turned on 3d ship and weapons select in mod tbm
Corrected the cockpit engine sound of the Mara to be the Shivan sound effect
Updated cbanims with current models and corrected typo. Converted all cbamins to APNG

Mission edits


Fixed sequence of send-message-list events to prevent more than one conversation taking place at the same time
Edited message "ORF Won't do you" to be clearer about what the ESM sensor does


The Shivan cruiser would incorrectly destroy the Thunderhorse when fire-beam was triggered. Made it temporarily invul while the cruiser is firing
The Vassago would often miss the Thunderhorse when it jumped in.  Changed fire-beam to target specific subsystems, and make sure it is always destroyed


The comm node would often not be destroyed by the beam attack. Ensured that it always is destroyed
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting.

Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
"…ignorance, while it checks the enthusiasm of the sensible, in no way restrains the fools…"
-Stanislaw Lem

Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced

Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
That's cool~ :yes: :yes: :yes:

Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
Awesome! Well deserved!


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
I am currently playing this and I got a bug report.

Mission 3, Ossia, has the wrong sound file attached to step 2 of the command briefing.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced

I'm sure Admiral Nelson will he here soon to rectify that.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline SF-Junky

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Re: RELEASE: Vassago's Dirge Voiced
I finally got to play this. I love it! :) Thanks for the effort. :yes:

The only thing I came across was the wrong sound file in mission 3 mentioned before, even though it felt like trigger delays should be one or two seconds longer here and there, but that's a pettiness. And you didn't change anything gameplay-related, right? Because mission 5 seemed a lot harder than I remembered. :headz: