Author Topic: Balance feedback  (Read 15841 times)

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Offline Sushi

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Those of you who've successfully gotten multi working, how does it feel?

Having spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to balance the various fighters against each other so they'd be fun in multi, I'm curious how well it's worked. Each of the fighters should be viable against the others, and facilitate a slightly different playing style...

So start talking. I'm curious. :)

Can't play the raider/adv raider as of yet, but the Heavy Raider seems to be a bit overpowered.  There were time that people would spawn in front directly in the gun site and go poof.  Especially when used in conjunction with the short range anti-fighter missiles it's extremely deadly. 

It's been frankly hard to judge at this point though because some of the people are using mouse/keyboard, some of us have joysticks, some are new to this style of game, others of us grew up on the likes of Xwing/Wing Commander/Freespace. 

But when I can go 4 v 1 (plus AI) in a TvT in a Heavy Raider and end up with something like 18 kills in 5 minues, it maybe a tad over powered.


Offline torc

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  • Diaspora SFX engineer
i tried a session whit all mk VII, but whit different controls systems ( Key, mouse , Controllers and sticks) and the situation seems very balanced.

The only complaint i have is that vipers rotdamp is too much high....making a bit too difficult to aim fast targets...
Anyway not too much problematic... i'm just nit-picking.

EDIT: almost forgot... for people like me that uses roll in X Axis, seems that this value is still too slow, producing some sort of ''handicap'' for this kind of players.

If there's someone that plays like me,please leave feedback.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 08:03:36 am by torc »
indossare una divisa può avere un prezzo a volte...è troppo alto!!! Bill Adama

Having been able to fly the full line up now, I think the raiders vs viper is balanced consider the raider takes a different style of play (relying on the dogfighting missiles vs. guns), but I will still say that the heavy raider may be a bit overpowered.  It seems to be able to smash through the other players quickly.  I realize the HR has no afterburner limiting it's speed (I'm assuming this is a feature not a bug) so there is a counter to it for most other players.  (Boost the frak away until you can get a better angle)


Offline Ace

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The Heavy Raider's lack of AB is a feature. We'd like some more feedback on Raptors/HRs v.s. Vipers and Raiders.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline An4ximandros

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Having used the HvyRay to dominate on a match... I think it's not as OP as though, since only one missile slot can carry Dumbs or Swarms, and both are very close range weapons, given the Hvy Ray's lack of Afterburners and slow turn rate, I'd say what's truly needed is a player to pay attention towards it's front, it's the larges craft, easily killable by aiming your Auto-cannons at maximum range. (I started in control, then started getting smacked around almost everywhere towards the end, when they figured this out ;f)

Having used the HvyRay to dominate on a match... I think it's not as OP as though, since only one missile slot can carry Dumbs or Swarms, and both are very close range weapons, given the Hvy Ray's lack of Afterburners and slow turn rate, I'd say what's truly needed is a player to pay attention towards it's front, it's the larges craft, easily killable by aiming your Auto-cannons at maximum range. (I started in control, then started getting smacked around almost everywhere towards the end, when they figured this out ;f)

It's the 12 short range dogfighting missiles that I think makes it a bit over powered.  I can sit and pickle those off at a target < 1000 and finish with the guns.  I can easily get 3 - 4 kills to 1 death using that method.  Although I'm not sure everyone's figured out the whole, don't get in front of a heavy raider part. 

I understand the dogfighting missiles are key to Cylon tactics in this game (I know a couple people complained about them, but the guns on the raiders don't seem as deadly as the vipers), but 12 missiles + 480 dumbfire swarms where the raptor gets the 480 + 1 bay of missiles. 


Offline Ghost

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    • whoopdidoo
Adv Raider seems overpowered compared to Viper MkVII. Just the impression I got switching back and forth with a player yesterday.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Offline Ace

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It's balanced with the VIIe, how do those two compare?
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Ghost

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    • whoopdidoo
It's balanced with the VIIe, how do those two compare?

Just played a 1v1 in an AdvRaider against a VIIe, and I smoked him 5 to 2. Didn't have time to role reverse.

I really just think it's a matter of not having to lock on with the Cylon missiles.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



The Greatest Game in Existance


Offline Sushi

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It's balanced with the VIIe, how do those two compare?

Just played a 1v1 in an AdvRaider against a VIIe, and I smoked him 5 to 2. Didn't have time to role reverse.

I really just think it's a matter of not having to lock on with the Cylon missiles.

Speaking of which, how hard are the Cylon missiles to dodge once you factor in network latency? What about the colonial ones?

I know in SP at least, missiles are pretty easy to dodge or shoot down.

Just finished a few matches with Skunimatrix, Ghost and Headscar.
I can attest that cylon dogfighting missiles are pretty easy to doge alone, but, Adv. Raiders and Heavy raiders carry ridiculous amounts of them, which means they can just be spammed (I was on both ends). Chances are you will have something like 4-5 missiles on your tail if your opponent is determined enough, and at least one of those will probably hit and do a decent amount of damage.

And a VIIe compared to an Adv. Raider in a dogfight is no contest (although Skunimatrix surprised me with a jester salvo, and I was left to spin around wildly trying to find him and hit him with my guns).

Edit: Forgot to mention that my ping was between 130-190 when dodging missiles.

Double Edit: Colonial missiles seem to be a bit more accurate and powerful, though can still be dodged without too much effort and a couple of countermeasures.


Offline Ace

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Cylon missiles are meant to be weaker and more easily spoofed but a bit more spammy. Sounds like they might need to be a little more easily spoofed still.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock

Just finished a few matches with Skunimatrix, Ghost and Headscar.
I can attest that cylon dogfighting missiles are pretty easy to doge alone, but, Adv. Raiders and Heavy raiders carry ridiculous amounts of them, which means they can just be spammed (I was on both ends). Chances are you will have something like 4-5 missiles on your tail if your opponent is determined enough, and at least one of those will probably hit and do a decent amount of damage.

And a VIIe compared to an Adv. Raider in a dogfight is no contest (although Skunimatrix surprised me with a jester salvo, and I was left to spin around wildly trying to find him and hit him with my guns).

Edit: Forgot to mention that my ping was between 130-190 when dodging missiles.

Double Edit: Colonial missiles seem to be a bit more accurate and powerful, though can still be dodged without too much effort and a couple of countermeasures.

The other part of that is the fact colonial missile take time to lock on.  The cylon dogfighting missiles don't.  They are simply point your nose at the target, wait untill you are under 1000 (I'm not sure what their actual effective range are) and then let loose as often as you can fire.  You close the gap, not a problem.  I just glide turn around, get my nose on target and keep firing while the viper then will take 3 seconds or so get reaquire a new lock.

That coupled with the rate of fire with the HR guns.  I know the trick of trying to out manouver at close range against the HR, but all it take is one slip up on the other pilot's part and for me to get guns on and watch you melt especially with heavy swarm missiles at the ready...


Offline Sushi

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How do the HR guns do at the edge of their range? I know they technically have a bit longer range than the Viper guns, but there's also fairly considerable spread...


Offline Cerebus

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I think it would be a cool option to be able to replace your missiles with drones that acted as countermeasures if you are more of a gunfight kind of guy