Community Projects > The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
Campaign of the Semidecade - Silent Threat
--- Quote from: LieutenantGeneralMobius on April 12, 2007, 02:15:20 pm ---Ehm...what do you want the Restauration Team(me, Admiral Nelson, MP-Ryan, m225xxxx, <jr2?>)to do? We are available :)
--- End quote ---
That misspelling makes it sound like we fix restaurants or something.
Which, really, wouldn't be bad. I could do with some free food along with our campaign fixes :P
Uhm...I'm hungry.
Ok, it's Restoration Team :) Silent Threat already being revamped elsewhere? What should we do?
He, he... maybe you should wait till I get FS running on my (now) only working comp I have left.. :(
Admiral Nelson:
There is nothing for us to do with Silent Threat. Goober was making a rhetorical pont with this posting. He was perhaps a bit too subtle... :)
Yeah, I have suspected it.
What should we work on, besides Warzone? The Lightning Marshal?
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