Community Projects > The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
were can i find freespace the silent threat and other freespace 1 campaings
i need silent threat more inportanly than any other so could i get somweone to link it up here:
and anyother thing i need for it? like a fso for freespace 1?
thnaks :pimp:
Try this. It's the FSPort website this contains the conversion of FS1 to FS2. Silent threat is included in the down loads. You have to have FreeSpace 2 for it to work.
Try this for other FS1 campaigns that have been converted to FS2
Alternately you could use the FSOpen installer. It contains all the files for FSOpen including all the port files. You have to have a copy of FreeSpace 2 installed on your computer for it to work.
Problem is, the original Silent Threat rather sucks. It was very clearly released in a very...incomplete stage. I'm waiting on Silent Threat: Reborn before I try playing the so-called expansion to Descent FreeSpace: The Great War again.
Jeff Vader:
--- Quote from: CaptJosh on November 12, 2008, 05:10:20 am ---Problem is, the original Silent Threat rather sucks. It was very clearly released in a very...incomplete stage. I'm waiting on Silent Threat: Reborn before I try playing the so-called expansion to Descent FreeSpace: The Great War again.
--- End quote ---
But at least the version included in FSPort works. I've been told that the original one had issues. Serious issues.
Colonol Dekker:
I played it twice with indefference, only thing is, when i patched the original FS1, ST refused to work. Squadwar came first in my list of priorities and so......
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