Author Topic: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command  (Read 26700 times)

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Offline Dragon

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[ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Most people here are familiar with Capship Command script from BP. It allows control over Karuna's turrets, draws brackets over their targets and comes with a handy rangefinder for long ships. The problem is, it only works for Karuna and, in R2, Custos.
I've wanted to adopt this script for other mods, but found it impractical, difficult and uncomfortable. So, I've asked my father, who's a Delphi programmer (He's not a member of this community, but he usually goes by "Tygrys" (Polish for Tiger), so let's call him that) if he could take a look at this script and modify it. Turned out he didn't knew LUA nor FS-specific scripting, but he did it anyway. :) I've helped him with some FS-specific parts, explaining how things works, and handled testing the whole thing. Anyway, here's the result:

The_E: The original CSC script. Without him, I wouln't have even thought it's possible.
Tygrys: All modifications to the script. Almost all bits of code that weren't originally there were done by him.
m!m: Final cleanup and some small changes to the code.
Dragon: Testing and teaching Tygrys how FSO works. And the idea. :)

At the very beggining of the script, you define the keys you want it to use.
Just edit the part after "ui_keyToggleFunctions". Defaults are arrow keys and 0.
Up-down cycles turret groups, left-right cycles modes.
Available modes are:
"Auto"-AI handles targetting.
"Track"-Turret fires at the current target.
"Lock"-Turret fires on a target locked by pressing "0" (by default).
"Offline"-Turret doesn't fire.

About 2/3 way down the script, you'll encouncer a section marked with "--config stuff start" comment. That's were you define mod-specific stuff.
There are comments in that section explaining what to do.

Near the end of the script, there are two lines, marked with a comment:
Code: [Select]
--The Shieldman and Betty script overrides
ShieldmanOverride = true
BettyOverride = true
The first one overrides shield manager script, the second one overrides the Betty (CAWS) script.
Set them to "false" if you don't want them to be overriden. Note, if you chose to set ShieldmanOverride to false, you must edit the key assignments, as they will clash (Shield Manager also uses arrow keys). Also, don't touch two similar lines at the very end of the script, which aren't marked with a comment. Those always need to be false.

The example configuration should be capable of acting as a drop-in replacement for WiH CSC script. I've tested it with The Blade Itself, among other missions.

Now, installation:
Copy this into csc-sct.tbm :
Code: [Select]
;The CSC script. No longer messy and unreadable. Allows effective control over capital ship turrets.

#Conditional Hooks

$Application: FS2_Open

$On Key Pressed: [[csc_KeyPressed.lua]]
$On Key Released: [[csc_KeyReleased.lua]]

$On Game Init:
ui_keyToggleFunctions = {}
InputStates = {}

ui_keyToggleFunctions["Up Arrow"]    = function(val) InputStates.up    = val end
ui_keyToggleFunctions["Down Arrow"]  = function(val) InputStates.down  = val end
ui_keyToggleFunctions["Left Arrow"]  = function(val) InputStates.left  = val end
ui_keyToggleFunctions["Right Arrow"] = function(val) InputStates.right = val end
ui_keyToggleFunctions["0"] = function(val) = val end

function getTargetName(target)
local targetname
if target then
local targetship = mn.getObjectFromSignature(target:getSignature())
if targetship:isValid() then
if targetship:getBreedName() == "Ship" then
targetname = targetship.Name
targetname = "None"
targetname = "None"
return targetname

function getTargetClass(target)
local targetname
if target then
local targetship = mn.getObjectFromSignature(target:getSignature())
if targetship:isValid() then
if targetship:getBreedName() == "Ship" then
targetname = targetship.Class.Type.Name
targetname = "None"
targetname = "None"
return targetname

function setTurretColor(weapon)
gr.setColor(csc.turretColors[weapon][1], csc.turretColors[weapon][2], csc.turretColors[weapon][3])

function drawTurretUI()
local sel = csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl[csc.acnum]
local weapon

gr.drawString("", 5, gr.getScreenHeight() * 0.6)

for i = 1, #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl, 1 do
weapon = csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl[i]
ba.print("CSC: ui: " .. weapon)
if sel == weapon then
gr.setColor(255, 255, 255)
gr.drawString(csc.turretDisplay[weapon] .. csc.turretMode[weapon][csc.turretStatus[weapon]])
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon], 1 do
local targetname = getTargetName(csc.turretGroup[weapon][i].Target)
if not targetname then targetname = "None" end
if weapon == "pd" then
gr.drawString("  PD Turret: " .. targetname)
gr.drawString("  " .. csc.turretGroup[weapon][i].Name .. ": " .. targetname)

gr.setColor(255, 255, 255)
local targetname = getTargetName(csc.CurrentTarget)
local classname = getTargetClass(csc.CurrentTarget)
if not classname then classname = "None" end
if not targetname then targetname = "Invalid" end
gr.drawString("Current Target: " .. targetname .. " Class: " .. classname)

function fillturretlist(ship)
local turretnum = 1
ba.print("CSC: Entered fillturretlist\n")
csc.turrets = {}
for i = 1, 60, 1 do
if i < 10 then
turretname = "turret0" .. i
turretname = "turret" .. i

ba.print("CSC: Looking for turret: " .. turretname .. "\n")

if ship[turretname]:isValid() then
csc.turrets[turretnum] = ship[turretname]
ba.print("CSC: Found Turret.\n")
turretnum = turretnum + 1

function groupTurrets()
ba.print("CSC: Entered GroupTurrets\n")

for i = 1, #csc.turrets, 1 do
if csc.turrets[i].PrimaryBanks[1].WeaponClass:isValid() or csc.turrets[i].SecondaryBanks[1].WeaponClass:isValid() then
for j = 1, #csc.weapondef, 1 do
if string.find(csc.turrets[i].PrimaryBanks[1].WeaponClass.Name, csc.weapondef[j].weapon) then
csc.turretGroup[csc.weapondef[j].turret][#csc.turretGroup[csc.weapondef[j].turret] + 1] = csc.turrets[i]
ba.print("CSC: Found " .. csc.weapondef[j].weapon .. ". Turret Number: " .. i .. " weaponnum: " .. #csc.turretGroup[csc.weapondef[j].turret] .. "\n")

csc.initComplete = true

function drawTargetBraces(weapon)
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon], 1 do
target = csc.turretGroup[weapon][i].Target
if target:isValid() then
gr.drawTargetingBrackets(target, true, csc.turretColors[weapon][4])

function doInput()
MissionTime = mn.getMissionTime()

if OldMissionTime ~= MissionTime and MissionTime ~= 0 then

if InputStates.up and not csc.inputstates.keyup then
csc.acnum = csc.acnum - 1
if csc.acnum == 0 then
csc.acnum = #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl
csc.inputstates.keyup = true
elseif not InputStates.up then
csc.inputstates.keyup = false

if InputStates.down and not csc.inputstates.keydown then
csc.acnum = csc.acnum + 1
if csc.acnum == #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl + 1 then
csc.acnum = 1
csc.inputstates.keydown = true
elseif not InputStates.down then
csc.inputstates.keydown = false

local weapon = csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl[csc.acnum]
if InputStates.left and not csc.inputstates.keyleft then
if csc.turretStatus[weapon] <= 1 then
csc.turretStatus[weapon] = #csc.turretMode[weapon]
csc.turretStatus[weapon] = csc.turretStatus[weapon] - 1

csc.inputstates.keyleft = true
elseif not InputStates.left then
csc.inputstates.keyleft = false

if InputStates.right and not csc.inputstates.keyright then

if csc.turretStatus[weapon] >= #csc.turretMode[weapon] then
csc.turretStatus[weapon] = 1
csc.turretStatus[weapon] = csc.turretStatus[weapon] + 1

csc.inputstates.keyright = true
elseif not InputStates.right then
csc.inputstates.keyright = false

if or io.isMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) then
csc.CurrentTarget = csc.plrship.Target = true
elseif not or not io.isMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) then = false
OldMissionTime = MissionTime

function doTurretMode()
local weapon
for j = 1, #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl, 1 do
weapon = csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretControl[j]

if csc.turretStatus[weapon] == 1 then
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon] do
elseif csc.turretStatus[weapon] == 2 then
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon] do
csc.turretGroup[weapon][i].Target = csc.plrship.Target
elseif csc.turretStatus[weapon] == 3 then
if csc.CurrentTarget then
if csc.CurrentTarget:isValid() then
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon] do
csc.turretGroup[weapon][i].Target = csc.CurrentTarget
elseif csc.turretStatus[weapon] == 4 then
for i = 1, #csc.turretGroup[weapon] do

function drawRangeDisplay()
local turposCount = #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretRange
if turposCount > 0 then
csc.range = nil
csc.range = {}
csc.range.Shipname = {}
csc.range.Range = {}
local plrship = hv.Player

local turpos = {}

for j = 1, turposCount, 1 do
  turpos[j] = (plrship.Position + plrship[csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretRange[j]].Position)

items = 1
for i = 1, #mn.Ships do
local tempship = mn.Ships[i]
local class = getTargetClass(tempship)
if class ~= "Fighter" and class ~= "Bomber" then
if tempship ~= csc.plrship then
local temp = tempship.Position
local tempsum = 0
for j = 1, turposCount, 1 do
  tempsum = tempsum + math.sqrt( (temp[1] - turpos[j][1])^2 + (temp[2] - turpos[j][2])^2 + (temp[3] - turpos[j][3])^2 )
csc.range.Shipname[items] = tempship.Name
csc.range.Range[items] = math.floor( tempsum / turposCount)
items = items + 1

gr.drawString("Range:", gr.getScreenWidth() * 0.17, gr.getScreenHeight() * 0.78)
for i = 1, #csc.range.Shipname do
if csc.range.Range[i] < 1000 then
local c = math.floor((csc.range.Range[i] / 4)) + 5
gr.setColor(255, c, c)
gr.drawString("  " .. csc.range.Shipname[i] .. ": " .. csc.range.Range[i])
gr.setColor(255, 255, 255)
gr.drawString("  " .. csc.range.Shipname[i] .. ": " .. csc.range.Range[i])

function turretInit(weapon, display, r, g, b, p)
csc.turretGroup[weapon] = {}
csc.turretMode[weapon] = {"Automatic", "Track", "Lock", "Offline"}
csc.turretStatus[weapon] = 1
csc.turretColors[weapon] = {r, g, b, p}
csc.turretDisplay[weapon] = display
ba.print("CSC: Turret init " .. weapon .. "\n")

function weaponInit(weapon, turret)
local i = #csc.weapondef + 1
csc.weapondef[i] = {}
csc.weapondef[i].weapon = weapon
csc.weapondef[i].turret = turret
ba.print("CSC: Weapon init " .. weapon .. "\n")

function defineTurrets()
csc.turretGroup = {}
csc.turretStatus = {}
csc.turretColors = {}
csc.turretMode = {}
csc.turretDisplay = {}
-- config stuff start
-- turret group, UI display, R, G, B, Brace padding

turretInit("pd", "point defense turrets: ", 61, 93, 255, 8)
turretInit("flak", "flak turrets: ", 61, 93, 255, 8)
turretInit("md", "mass drivers: ", 255, 93, 48, 11)
turretInit("gauss", "gauss cannons: ", 255, 187, 53, 14)
turretInit("torpedo", "apocalypse torpedoes: ", 255, 255, 53, 17)
turretInit("missile", "missile launchers: ", 255, 255, 53, 17)
turretInit("gattler", "gattler: ", 255, 187, 53, 14)
turretInit("rapier", "rapier: ", 255, 187, 53, 14)

function defineWeapons()
csc.weapondef = {}

--weaponClassName -> turret group

weaponInit("Point Defense Turret", "pd")
weaponInit("PD Turret#Player", "pd")
weaponInit("Burst Flak", "flak")
weaponInit("Mass Driver", "md")
weaponInit("Gauss Cannon", "gauss")
weaponInit("Apocalypse", "torpedo")
weaponInit("Warhammer", "missile")
weaponInit("Gattler", "gattler")
weaponInit("Rapier", "rapier")

function defineShips()
csc.shipdef = {}

--Entry number - don't forget to change while copypasting this one
i = 1
csc.shipdef[i] = {}
csc.shipdef[i].shipClassName = "UEFg Karuna#Player"
--turrets showing target braces
csc.shipdef[i].turretTargets={"pd", "flak", "md", "gauss", "torpedo"}
--turrets aviable in UI
csc.shipdef[i].turretControl={"md", "gauss", "torpedo"}
--turrets to calculate target range
csc.shipdef[i].turretRange={"turret01", "turret02", "turret03", "turret04"}
-- possible turret weapon groups:
-- {"pd", "flak", "md", "gauss", "torpedo", "gattler", "missile"}

i = 2
csc.shipdef[i] = {}
csc.shipdef[i].shipClassName = "UEC Custos#Player"
csc.shipdef[i].turretTargets={"pd", "missile"}
csc.shipdef[i].turretControl={"pd", "missile"}
-- config stuff end

function cscInit()
csc = {}
if not csc.initComplete then
ba.print("CSC: init \n")

if not csc.plrship then
csc.plrship = hv.Player

csc.disable = true

if csc.plrship:getBreedName() == "Ship" then
csc.shipIdx = 0
for i = 1, #csc.shipdef, 1 do
if csc.plrship.Class.Name == csc.shipdef[i].shipClassName then
csc.shipIdx = i
csc.disable = false
ba.print("CSC: Ship found " .. csc.shipdef[i].shipClassName)

if not csc.disable and not csc.turrets then
defineTurrets() = {"*", " ", " "}
csc.acnum = 1
csc.inputstates = {}

inputlocked = false

--The Shieldman and Betty script overrides
ShieldmanOverride = true
BettyOverride = true

$On Gameplay Start:
if (csc) then
ba.warning("There was already a CSC table present when initing the CSC script!")


$On Frame:
cscMissionTime = mn.getMissionTime()

if cscMissionTime ~= 0 then
if csc then
if not csc.disable and csc.initComplete then
for j = 1, #csc.shipdef[csc.shipIdx].turretTargets, 1 do

$On HUD Draw:
if csc then
if not csc.disable and csc.initComplete then

$On Mission End:
csc = nil
ShieldmanOverride = false
BettyOverride = false


This goes to csc_KeyPressed.lua , in data\scripts folder. Note that the name might be case-sensitive:
Code: [Select]
local key = hv.Key
local func = ui_keyToggleFunctions[key]
if func then
This goes to csc_KeyReleased.lua , also in data\scripts.
Code: [Select]
local key = hv.Key
local func = ui_keyToggleFunctions[key]
if func then

End notes:
This is an alpha release, tested by just one person on a few missions. There might be bugs, odd behavior and so on. It should run a bit faster than the original CSC script, but I can't guarantee that. It might work or not work in multiplayer, as I haven't tested it there either. Also not tested with beams, but it should work OK, as it doesn't tackle actual firing process, just targeting.
Another thing is, while this script is ready for use, it's far from comfortable. I would like to make it to use an external configuration file instead of doing everything in the script, but neither I nor Tygrys know how to do that. I though that it should be simple, but m!m told me it isn't. So, I hope that either somebody will come along with time and knownledge needed to do it, or that people will be OK with editing the script to configure their capships.

Anyway, the script is now free to use for all the HLP, in any mod, anytime. For anything with any sort of turrets.
Enjoy.  :)


Offline General Battuta

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
thanks for, uh, discussing this with the team


Offline bigchunk1

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
I think Droid803 figured out a way to generalise capship command as well.
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Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
thanks for, uh, discussing this with the team
The CSC script is public anyway, and The_E once said I'm free to edit/let other people edit this script. Granted, it's been a long time, but I've been working on (well, trying to) doing this since then.
Ah, and of course, many thanks to all people who worked on TBI. It was my primary testing mission for this new version of script.
And Droid's solution includes adding ships to the old script, which is a very long, boring and difficult to debug. And it doesn't support turrets with weird names. This one does.


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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
No, mine was super easy to debug actually (it worked the first time, no bugs lol), and didn't take very long at all. You just had no idea what I did. :P
Because I just "replaced" the Karuna with the ship I wanted to use, and just edited the turret references etc, appropriately.

I "generalized" it for any one ship you want.

You shouldn't be using "turrets with weird names" anyway.

How does your implementation group turrets. I don't see a way to 'automatically" do it, you'd have to group them for each ship anyway...


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
"Turrets with weird names" mean as much as that there's an "a" at the end. In my implemetation to group turrets, you specify the weapon type (once) and the group it belongs to (also once). And that's it. You can also have any number of ship you want by copypasting 4 lines (instead of 40), any number of groups by copypasting one line, and any number of weapons by copypasting another line. Now, try adding all capships in Wing Commander Saga by using your method. Suddenly not so good, eh? Not to mention Tygrys made the script run faster by skipping a ton of redundant calculations.


Offline Droid803

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
if you're going to use that stupid logic, two can play at that game! I don't give half a **** about Wing Commander! I wouldn't even implement it for one ship in that, not if you paid me. I don't even have WCS downloaded and I won't, because the way the devs behaved makes it a product I don't want to support. That aside, in my implementation I just edit about 10 lines and voila it works for the one ship I wanted it to work for, don't need to rewrite the whole thing or anything. Suddenly a lot better than what you had to go through to get it to work for a single ship, don't you think? I got it all done in five minutes too!

I don't really care for having it for multiple ships because in what I'm using it for nobody is going to be flying any other capship. Funny, I think that's kind of what the original was written for too, and what it works fine for.

You want to have it for every ship, I couldn't give less of a **** about that I just wanted it to work for my one ship so I could finish that part of the campaign and move on...
I've completed like 10+ missions since then, plus a number of models, while attending university full time to boot. What I did has a totally different purpose from what you're trying to do, don't compare them.

Yes, my solution isn't "elegant", nor does it "generalize" to every ship. I never aimed to do that. You people just decided that I did. :P I just got it to work on a ship that wasn't a Karuna and went WHOPPEE I'M DONE HERE.


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Well, if you just wanted to repurpose the old script for another mod, then why didn't you say so in your first post?
What I've done was meant to be useful for anyone who'd like to create his own capship mod. WC, Star Trek, FS, whatever. Not to mention to improve performance a bit. Yours had a different, much less ambitious purpose.
Anyway, since we're done with this pointless argument, could somebody test this version in multiplayer, on a beam-armed ship? I've heard that BP Multi has a mission with one player commanding a Deimos, so this could be a good testbed.


Offline The E

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Why have the ShieldMan and Betty overrides been placed in the $On Mission End Hook? That's quite possibly the most wrong place they could be in, as this guarantees that Betty and Shieldman will be disabled for the next mission, not the one currently running. To clarify, setting those to true means that the two scripts will _not_ run, and since the scripting environment is not cleared after a mission ends, setting them to false at mission end is the correct thing to do.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Oh, rats.
I must have been switched that one when I was trying to make Betty work for capships. This segment wasn't really touched, so I'll fix it in second.
EDIT: And done. Changed the overrides, instructions for them, and added a comment above those which actually control Betty and Shieldman in the current mission. Should be fine now.
Thanks, The_E. I haven't really tested this script in a campaign, so I haven't spotted this one.


Offline Deadly in a Shadow

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
That's strange.

I set everything up, but everytime when I start a mission, I get a message:

LUA ERROR:[string "csc-sct.tbm - on game init"]:45: attempt ot index field "? (nil value)
the same error follows, just with 62 instead of 45.
"Uh, Sir we can hear the explosion."
"No you can't, there is no air in space. Sound can't travel through a vacuum!"


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
What are you using it for? What did you change?


Offline Deadly in a Shadow

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
What are you using it for? What did you change?
I've only changed the stuff in the config stuff part. I want to use it for the ZGF Archon.
"Uh, Sir we can hear the explosion."
"No you can't, there is no air in space. Sound can't travel through a vacuum!"


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Could you post the modified section? I'm going to test it with the ship in question.


Offline Deadly in a Shadow

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Here it is.
Code: [Select]
-- config stuff start
-- turret group, UI display, R, G, B, Brace padding

turretInit("plasma", "Plasma Guns: ", 61, 93, 255, 8)
turretInit("Photon", "Photon Cannons: ", 61, 93, 255, 8)
turretInit("Beam", "Beam cannons: ", 255, 93, 48, 11)
turretInit("Homing Lasers", "HL: ", 255, 255, 53, 17)

function defineWeapons()
csc.weapondef = {}

--weaponClassName -> turret group

weaponInit("Heavy Plasma cap", "Plasma")
weaponInit("Zy photon cap", "Photon")
weaponInit("Zybeam", "Beamk")
weaponInit("Homing laser huge", "HL")

function defineShips()
csc.shipdef = {}

local i = 1

csc.shipdef[i] = {}
csc.shipdef[i].shipClassName = "ZGF Archon#player"
--turrets showing target braces
csc.shipdef[i].turretTargets={"Plasma", "Photon", "Beam", "HL"}
--turrets aviable in UI
csc.shipdef[i].turretControl={"Plasma", "Beam", "HL"}
--turrets to calculate target range
csc.shipdef[i].turretRange={"turret01", "turret02", "turret03", "turret04"}
-- possible turret weapon groups:
-- {"Plasma", "Photon", "Beam", "HL"}
-- config stuff end
"Uh, Sir we can hear the explosion."
"No you can't, there is no air in space. Sound can't travel through a vacuum!"


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
I'll take a closer look at it tommorow. In the meantime, check cases of all your edits. LUA is case-sensitive in some important places. In other words, wrong case might be the case. *ba-dum-dish*  :)


Offline m!m

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
I don't think that that's the problem as that would have caused a more useful error message. It more likely that the weapon index from line 66 is out of bounds and causes the specified error when you try to index the nil value, that would explain the cryptic error message as LUA can't find a "real" name for the value.


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
OK, I've managed to confirm it with WoD2 files (and it turned out that wrong case is not the case :)).
I'm going to talk to Tygrys about it.


Offline Deadly in a Shadow

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
Ok, thanks for the info. :yes:

EDIT: Oh, found a typo in my entry. It's beam not beamk :D
"Uh, Sir we can hear the explosion."
"No you can't, there is no air in space. Sound can't travel through a vacuum!"


Offline Dragon

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Re: [ALPHA RELEASE]: Configurable Capship Command
OK, sorry for not replying for so long, Tygrys' has quite a lot of work on his hands right now.
Anyway, I've found the problem, and it turns out the code isn't bugged at all. The issue is with the config, namely the line:
Code: [Select]
csc.shipdef[i].turretRange={"turret01", "turret02", "turret03", "turret04"} Zy Archon has no such turrets. There are gunturret-00, gunturret-01, etc. Since the script can't find the turrets to check distance from (this part is for the rangefinder), it crashes.
Correct this (if you're not big on having a rangefinder, you can leave the turret list blank), and you should be good to go.
Also, avoid removing stuff from the script. If it doesn't find a weapon, a ship or whatever it'll skip it. Any number of entries can be added, but removing them isn't tested.
I'll PM you a working version of your config.