Author Topic: A few new features for possible consideration  (Read 2139 times)

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A few new features for possible consideration
just wondering if these are worth considering.  I already tried posting them on the Source Code Project >> Feature requests, they said to post them here.

On the 3d shockwaves by DaBrain, maybe they'd look even better if the outer edge of them had a tear-drop type thickness that narrows to the current thin layer as it get closer to the center of the explosion. (like in the FS1 cutscene of the Lucifer exploding, if I remember correctly)
However, I think it'd get overruled pretty quickly as once you give the shockwave a non-negligable volume you then make it obvious that the graphic is actually just a shell. It would look pretty strange from inside.
Hmm...probably just nonsensical for me to suggest this, but what if you made it so that if you're inside of the outer rim of the shockwave (the part you can see coming towards you), you get an ambience the same color as the shockwave? Sort of like pointing towards a close star; it kind of wipes out your visibility while you're pointed at it. And then it fades as the wave moves past.

maybe the engine glow/trail could be modified so it's barely a glow peeping out the back on stop, an progressively stretches to full size/brightness as throttle goes up?

Have any of you guys tried to follow a target using the radar when it's a stealth ship/ship in the nebula while using 3d radar? Yikes! I end up following my wingmen. I thought of something (again, I'm not sure if it's feasible): I end up going to 2d radar for missions that have unlockable radar ships. What if there was a way to toggle 2d/3d radar view in game? Maybe the 'r' key (Shift-R and Alt-R are used for repair, but I don't believe the 'r' key is) could be used as default to load the 2d / 3d radar, and maybe this could be added to the key assignments if someone wanted to customize for another key or jostick button or something.
Of course, maybe I'm the only one with the problem...but I couldn't seem to tell which direction the blip comes from, as it jumps all over the place, and in 3d there are solid targets blocking your view sometimes.

My other ideas (pretty well answered) and the full previous posts are here:
Hard Light Productions Forums  »  FreeSpace  »  The Source Code Project
Topic: Feature requests

Thanks guys