Author Topic: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics  (Read 15268 times)

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Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
any way to make use of the throttle when in glide? apply the same neutonian drift model, yet stil have variable control of the main engine.
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Offline Omikron

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
I think, by adding that, it would no longer be a poor-man's substitue.

Unless you mean being able to change the speed at which you are gliding, and not implementing a thrust in a different direction during the glide.


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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
I will somewhat agree... currently, the relative throttle does work but the absolute throttle does not.  The reason for this is, when you first push glide, in almost all cases the throttle was at a certain position and you wish to continue at that speed.  Were I to implement the absolute throttle, the moment you started gliding you'd start accelerating.

I've updated the build with a small tweak, the speed indicator now gives the absolute speed in the direction of travel no matter your orientation.  A simple workaround while I work on the more complicated speed indicators.  Also, all the 3.6.9 rc3 updates have been merged in.

Great discussion Herra Tohtori... lots to think about.  I probably won't be trying that atmosphere stuff for quite a while myself, lots of other stuff to do anyway, but it's cool to see it's a bit more within reach than it was before.


Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
I think, by adding that, it would no longer be a poor-man's substitue.

Unless you mean being able to change the speed at which you are gliding, and not implementing a thrust in a different direction during the glide.

no i mean make it work the same way it does in orbiter :D

also if you can implement axis based control for lateral thrusters that would be great too. my joystick has roughly 9 axes but freespace only uses 4 of them. i have a 5th assigned to relative throttle, but its of little use when you have an absolute bound. id also like to see that relative control to be of some use. it really doesnt have anything to do with this physics implementation but if youre gonna tweak the controls, might as well do this one too. make the relative throttle override absolute when you have match speed set. also is there any way to make the main throttle control retros as well. its sad that the only way to go in reverse with a joystick, is to hit z. :D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 06:59:43 pm by Nuke »
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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
axis controls for lateral thrusters, you say?  I've already done that a couple months ago :D  ...but the problem is, the way the existing pilot files are, my build with those axes is not compatible and so previous versions of pilot files cause the game to crash.  taylor is working on new pilot code that would fix this, but it's a big project, and you know he works on so much other stuff too, so I wait.  If you want I can dig up my code and make a special build for you, but you'd have to make a new pilot and only use it with that build.

9 axes??  What joystick is that, and how do you keep them all straight?!  Is that the saitek monster everyone talks about?  I suspect I want to try it...

Whoops, you're right, relative throttle is not working as I had planned.  I'll hammer on that later this week.  Ideally it would behave just like A and Z.  And I just had an inspiration for the absolute throttle...

I still think I need to tweak the acceleration rates.  It's too easy to get going way too fast.  And dang, multiplayer with this is really hard.  Half the deaths are to slamming into destroyers :lol:


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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
its the x52. it really has 7 plus a mousestick, which can be set up as axes, however there havent been any games that would make use of it. i have it set up in freespace as my shield controls, also i use it for lateral thrusters in descent 3 and d2xxl. its a nice stick, but i wish it was wireless, as the typical cuase of death for my joysticks seems to always be cable failure.
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Offline Omikron

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
Has anyone tried using pedals for your relative throttle, and a normal throttle for absolute? I'm gonna be getting some pedals off a friend soon, and I'd love to implement them into my setup like that. This would be great for extra glide control.


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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
you know i really wish this saitek stick had pedals with it. seeing as most games only support one stick, fs2 open included. getting pedals means using a second controll wich only a few flight sims really have support for. the ch controllers have this nifty little driver that allows you to group several controlers as one virtual controler. i have the feeling it would only work with other ch controlers. i really miss the good ol days of analog controlers before everyone went mouse and keyboard. there were some nice sticks on the market back then.
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Nuke's Scripting SVN

Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 05:48:43 pm by quadrophoeniX »


Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
**** are those x52 compatable?
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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
If you follow the link to the press release they explicitedly state the X52 as the controller that will be enhanced...


Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
they say that, but will it be considered part of that controler or a second one. if its a second controller then you can pretty much screw the idea of using it in most games. as most games theese days have support for only one controler. then again if it works like ch controllers and can be setup with another controler as one logical controler then it will be good. what they said can be bent either way. the other thing is they really need to knock down the suggested price. i wouldnt spend more than a hundred bucks on it myself. especially if game support is virtually nil.
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Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
Most games? I actually thought Freespace was more like an exception.  :nervous:

Many of the games I've played have had multiple controller support. Actually, most of them have it... tho only ones coming to my mind are X-Wing versus Tie Fighter, I-War and Freespace 1, 2 and Open...

For example, Il-2 Sturmovik (and Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters) at least has support for AT LEAST three controllers at any given time. It rules. I should get some pedals from somewhere, I think...

And, If I'm not gravely mistaken, on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 I could also use multiple sticks (I have two, I assigned the elevator trim onto other sticks throttle with great ease). I suspect that this applies to most other Flight Simulators too - and those rudder pedals, throttle levers and others from Saitek are probably primarily meant for flight simmers. Those fance X-52 extensions might not be usable in Freespace, but I still drool when I'm looking at them.

Heck, I can play Grand Prix 2 (with VDMSound) and THAT detects two joysticks... but on the other hand, that's an *old* game.

It would be nice to have two joysticks detected in Freespace, though.
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Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
mw2 had the best stick support of any game i think. but the trend seems to be moving away from joysticks. fewer games are being made to support them, an fewer sticks are being made. and they dont seem as accurate as they once were.
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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
The sliding feature has been in FS2 since retail. I've been using it forever (was one of the first to discover it, I think, not sure).

If you want some real fun, play with the dampening. Then you'll get real newtonian.

EDIT: And yes, the BSG mod (which I'm tabling for), will be using these, and a dumbed down version of Newtonian physics.


Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
i know that. i find using larger damp factors makes the existing physics more fun. ive also putting slide on a few of my ships. ive always liked to see true 6dof in space games, freespace had it all though it wasnt used much.
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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
Sorry to bump this one but i thought this one might be rather closely associated with the topic... So something little that i scripted....

The second reticle is velocity vector reticle pointing towards the true direction where the ship is actually headed.

Only problem now is the impact on performance (60 -> 30 fps), with totally unoptimized version... and also the problem to get foolproof handle to player ship (i dont know how to do it) hinders it a bit

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
i take it that works about the same way as the indicator from frontier. thats sort of the type of indicator that newtonian flying needs.

any chance youl show us youre code?
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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
Yeah... its not reserved (not yet atleast) for any purpose so sure. I'll try few things with it first.. Or rather try to fix some of the issues i noticed with it.
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Offline Nuke

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Re: The poor man's substitute for Newtonian Physics
yea, ive come to the conclusion that i cant do scripting unless i see some functional examples. and i mean lots of them. when i did quake see i probibly did 50 tutorials before i tried any of my own code. sorry coders, but hello worlds dont seem to cut it for me :D
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