Author Topic: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency  (Read 28064 times)

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
There is a problem with the nebula mission after the Knossos one (which I beat by sheer luck.)  If  you go after the containers in the beginning without taking out the fighters,  the mission becomes endless,  I have never gotten past said mission


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
There is a problem with the nebula mission after the Knossos one (which I beat by sheer luck.)  If  you go after the containers in the beginning without taking out the fighters,  the mission becomes endless,  I have never gotten past said mission

How did you get past mission 14B with the Agni starting in the middle of the Knossos?  I tried that multiple times and it seems impossible.

Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I don't fully remember now, but I remember getting really lucky on my last attempt before I planned to turn the difficulty to insane and kill myself 5 times to skip


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency

I noticed there are a bunch of new issues on the current media VPs and builds, and it was brought to my attention that some missions have gamebreaking bugs, so the campaign is currently not playable. (14b and maybe 14c)

I don't have a lot of time these days, but was talking to Durandal on doing a minor remaster of the whole campaign. Apart from fixing all the bugs, some assets like ship models and background graphics could use an update. I think the gameplay in several missions also needs to be tweaked. Many missions don't really play out the way they used to on modern FS2 builds, and scaling the difficulty (like some kind of "easy mode" at low difficulties) would make the campaign more accessible to a modern audience. The story and atmosphere hold up nicely but the gameplay sometimes feels janky by today's standards, even to me. :p Some of the key ship models (namely the Saturn, maybe also the Akrotiri) are in dire need of an update too. I wonder if anyone here might be interested in contributing to that? The extra turrets would need to be placed on the Hades model in a way that looks reasonable and is close to the original Saturn model's layout.


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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
The only gamebreaking bug I encountered playing the most recent PI (with 4.3 MVPs) was I believe 14b (escorting the Agni to the Knossos).  The Agni started the mission in the middle of the Knossos which made the mission virtually impossible to complete.  I couldn't get beyond this mission so I couldn't say if there are other problems.

Thankfully I had the version of PI before that saved and was able to beat it with no problems (using 4.0 MVPs).

In other words, a remaster/fix would be really cool.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Yes, we are trying to figure out what is causing that. Have you tried the previous campaign version on the current FS2 build and 4.3 MVP? I'm not sure if the mission itself is the issue (mjn.mixael made some changes to it at one point on Knossos) or if it's something with the build or MVPs. It may be dockpoint related.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
The build that worked was a nightly from 2018 that I had around.  I couldn't go higher than 4.0 MVPs on that.


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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I'll see if I can work through the media VP errors, they are usually not that hard to fix.

From talking to others it seems that an updated Saturn model will involve some effort to get right, so we might have to put that on the back burner for now. I originally had a slightly different concept in mind for the Saturn, which never made into the campaign and would be cool to see if the model will need some work anyway.

Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I've started a VOD playthrough of Procyon Insurgency on YouTube. 

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I fixed that 14b bug (couldn't figure out the problem, but I just force-moved the Agni to the right spot) and another major problem I saw in 14c, where the Agni never fires its beam and gets stuck. There is a new Procyon VII planet (thanks to Durandal for making it) and ship nameplates (thanks to Colt). The campaign should at least be fully playable now. There are still some minor issues, and I'll look into the remaining asset upgrades and gameplay changes for the next release.

Nice LP videos. You may as well switch to the current version (1.7.0) for the rest of it, which I put up on Knossos.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I noticed a few other critical issues in 17a/17b, and put up a new version with fixes for that.


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
If you're still interested, I should be able to whip you up a recolored/returreted HTL Hades in fairly short order. I'll have a look when I can.

What you have on the concept art would require remodelling tho, which is outside my field of expertise.
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SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grĂ¢ce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
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Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Sure, you can try it out. There is some modeling work needed even if you stick to the usual Hades design though, as described earlier.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 02:00:42 pm by CP5670 »


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I ran into a small bug that isn't gamebreaking but can make this mission much harder.

In the mission where you are called to take down at least 15 of the Saturn's turrets, the Disruptor guns don't work as advertised.  They are listed as having 2000m range (and the circle in the middle of your HUD that says you can hit a target is there), but they don't do any damage to turrets from that range (or even within that beyond 1000m).  You have to get within 1000m to do any damage with the Aketon Disruptor.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I took a quick look at the weapons.tbl but the Akheton lifetime/speed look fine. It could be an issue with the Saturn model itself, which is known to have collision holes. Do you see it anywhere else like mission 8?


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
No, I didn't have a problem with the Akheton anywhere else from what I remember on the current version (current PI version/FSO 22.2/4.6.X MVPs).

Although, I do remember when I used the previous version of PI (i.e., not the current one) on a older nightly and the 4.0 MVPs it (the Akheton) worked fine/normally on the Saturn.  Could a change in FSO version and MVPs affect things?


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I tried the mission out and noticed this issue too. The lifetime is somehow lower than what it's set to in weapons.tbl. I wonder if it's being overriden in the MVPs somewhere.


Offline Admiral Nelson

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
MVPS include:

$Name:         @Akheton SDG
@Laser Bitmap:      akhetonbolt
@Laser Glow:      akhetonboltglow
@Laser Color:      150, 150, 255
@Laser Color2:      0, 0, 0
@Laser Length:      28.0
@Laser Head Radius:   0.5
@Laser Tail Radius: 0.5
$Collision Radius Override: 0.90
$Damage Type:      NormalWeapon
$Detonation Range:   750.0
$Lifetime:         1.6
$Flags:            ( "particle spew" )
$Impact Effect:      AkhetonPact
$Piercing Impact Explosion:         exp06
$Piercing Impact Radius:         0.9
$Piercing Impact Velocity:         10
$Piercing Impact Splash Velocity:   -2.5
$Piercing Impact Variance:         0.01
$Piercing Impact Particles:         5
$Muzzleflash:      akhetonmuzzle
   +Index: 0
   +Count:      1
   +Time:      25
   +Vel:      0.0
   +Radius:   0.2
   +Scale:      0.1
   +Bitmap:   akhetonring
   +Index: 1
   +Count: 0
   +Index: 2
   +Count: 0
   +Index: 3
   +Count: 0

in mv_effects_vp.  You'd want to add your own mv_effects-wep.tbm with everything the same but your changes to lifetime, etc for the Akheton. Altheratively you could make an "Akheton SDG mk II" or suchlike.
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting.


Offline CP5670

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
I added in a copy of that file with this parameter changed and uploaded it to Knossos (version 1.7.4). The lifetime really shouldn't be in that file to begin with though.

The problem is the game gives priority to the MVP tbm before any campaign tbm, unless the campaign tbm has the same filename and overrides the entire file.


Offline Admiral Nelson

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Re: RELEASE: Procyon Insurgency
Yep. Been there many times.  :)
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting.