Author Topic: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium  (Read 20944 times)

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RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
After thirteen years of off-and-on again development, Vasudan Imperium has now been released. Play through the events of the main FreeSpace campaign from the Vasudan perspective.

This release includes:

  • Full branching campaign with a total of 37 missions
  • In-game cutscenes
  • VasudanAdmiral's alternate ending cutscene, now complete
  • PVN HUD thanks to WoolieWool
  • Skyboxes by Nyctaeus
  • Main Hall, briefing, debriefing, and some in-mission music from "Shadow of the Colossus" and "Ico"

We strongly recommend TEXT TO SPEECH for this campaign. Go to Knossos Settings, bottom of the first column (Speech) and tick the box for In-Game Speech.

Please PLAY and ENJOY!
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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Congratulations on the release!  I'm very much looking forward to playing this. :)


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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Wow, just wow, that was totally unexpected.  :D

I know it's been in the works for quite some time and, to be fair, I didn't realize it was this close to release. Congratulations!  :yes:
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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Yet more good content?
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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Sweet. Just my luck that my TTS stopped working with FS.  :lol:

Also - congrats on getting it released. That’s a long time to keep working on something and I imagine many people would have lost momentum and given up.
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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Holy hell!!, congratulations on release :)
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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Overall this was a very immersive and quality campaign, great work!

It was interesting in that the campaigns seemed to have a little bit of alternate history in there.  Obviously this was present in the HOL branch, but there was even a little bit of that in the first half of the campaign playing as the PVN/PVE:
It appears that the PVN did somewhat noticeably better against the GTA in this campaign than they did in FS1.  In that sense it was more than just "FS1 from the Vasudan perspective".  I'm not complaining, just making an observation.

One suggestion I might have is removing the "Impressive, for a Terran" line from this game.  It's not a huge deal, but it was kind of odd to get that playing as a Vasudan (in both PVN and HOL branches).


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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Noticing some hiccups here and there. Directive telling me to target weapons when the training instructor says sensors. Default personalities insisting on me being Terran. They are little things but for a story driven player, quite immersion breaking. From what I've played so far (Finished Tombaugh mission), the so far does not feel like the GW from the Vasudan perspective, but a Vasudan reskin of FS1. Where is my desperation from failing one mission after another? From not even being able to successfully assault one cruiser undergoing repairs? Fr failing to get the Avenger prototype while our lines are bing chewed by the Shivans and Terrans alike? I'm hoping later parts pick up, the initial foray into this is leaving me a bit wanting.


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
:jaw: 13 years!!!???? My, how time flies when you're not looking (I was 20!!)

My brother, and I had started this project in ~2010 by creating a basic outline of what we wanted to accomplish in the campaign. Now, after all this time, it is a thing ;7.

I am most apologetic for the fact that the world of the real life had taken over every last detail of my existence, in so doing prevented my having any further involvement in the project with the exception of a conversation here and there.

I must then, throw a hand of applause to Galemp for his patience regarding my absence in the project. And I want to make it known that nothing much would have been accomplished had I not passed the torch. I want to claim only 30% credit for this project as 100% post-demo work was provided by Galemp [for the time being anyway :p]. (I do, however, remain truly proud of my work in the Tombaugh mission :cool:).

*As a co-creator I make this shameful admittance: I am currently in the process of downloading this to play for the first time since the demo released.  :lol: :banghead: :nono:


Noticing some hiccups here and there. Directive telling me to target weapons when the training instructor says sensors. Default personalities insisting on me being Terran. They are little things but for a story driven player, quite immersion breaking. From what I've played so far (Finished Tombaugh mission), the so far does not feel like the GW from the Vasudan perspective, but a Vasudan reskin of FS1. Where is my desperation from failing one mission after another? From not even being able to successfully assault one cruiser undergoing repairs? Fr failing to get the Avenger prototype while our lines are bing chewed by the Shivans and Terrans alike? I'm hoping later parts pick up, the initial foray into this is leaving me a bit wanting.

I do recall that I had concerns that the traditional campaign (as opposed to the alternative branch) would become a "reskin" of FS1 from the Vasudan Perspective, and so I appreciate the honest response:

As I stated above, I am shamefully just about to experience my lost collaboration for the first time soon enough, and I shall do my best to spend a little of my upcoming vacation time to discus this topic with my brother. I shall strive to remove that impression of a "reskin" (an impression that I wanted to avoid if at all possible) - and *hopefully* create a unique play experience that still fits in the universe that we desire to portray.

However I must add before I duck out from my premature commentary here a little asterisk * regarding this "reskin" feeling:

It was discussed at the time, and the consensus we came to is that it isn't really possible to prevent this entirely... I do admit that it is somewhat inevitable that a campaign created from the Vasudan perspective that followed the traditional timeline would feel much like a "reskin" due to the restrictions that come from working with a pre-determined timeline.

And so, the pre-determined timeline is to be judged as such, and similarities must be forgiven.

Those who are not forgiving/understanding of this can meet my alien friend here - his name is Prometheus, and he doesn't have much patience after his experiences with the earthling called "Bob" :headz: so pick your battles carefully.  ;)

Now, with regret, I must pull a Waldo and disappear once again. :warp:
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!

Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
I want to say this is absolutely terrific. The PVN route really truly felt like FS1 to me in a way few if any other mods have while still presenting a bunch of different experiences, and the HoL route was full of delightful nods that made me smile. A terrific experience, top to bottom.


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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium

I remember playing the VI demo many years ago and being very impressed with what I saw (even though I kept getting spawnkilled on an asteroid in one mission if I switched from the default ship selection). Belated congratulations on the full release.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War: Vasudan Imperium
Finally finished both branches of the campaign.  Terrific work, Galemp, this is an outstanding campaign. :yes:  The story was well-written, the missions were fun to play, and the plot was compelling.  I enjoyed the little tie-ins and shout-outs, and I loved the inverted take on Silent Threat: Reborn.  There were also a whole bunch of nice touches: the HOL reskins, the music, the use of the Sekhmet, Nahema, and Gorgon, and especially the ending cutscene in the HOL branch.

Now we just need to recreate Sesquipedalian's voice generation process so we can get this voice-acted. :D