Author Topic: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)  (Read 89942 times)

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Offline SL1

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Just finished the first mission. I seem to be getting severe FPS loss from the asteroids, even with detail settings at their lowest. Is there anything else I can do?

Also, a gameplay question: Is it just me, or are up/down/left/right thrust too slow to be of any real use? This is a problem I've had in every mod that uses them. I haven't been able to figure out if that's just how they are or if I'm doing something wrong. They seem to be less responsive when I map them to my joystick's hat switch. Mapping them to keyboard keys makes them a little faster, but still not fast enough for me to use them in a dogfight. It's a far cry from Descent or Overload, that's for sure. I also tried increasing and decreasing throttle, but that doesn't seem to affect it. So what's the deal? Am I missing something?

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I'm also noting the FPS loss from asteroids in the Durius system maps.

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I can't even fly the 9th mission due to the FPS-draining asteroids being so prevalent on the map. It feels like I'm trying to play DOOM on a 386.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 12:26:03 am by burstdragon323 »


Offline Darius

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Have you got shadows enabled? If so, see if that improves framerate.


Offline SL1

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I've disabled everything - shadows, deferred lighting, normal maps, and so on. All the in-game settings are at their absolute lowest. Even dropping the resolution all the way down to 1024x768 didn't prevent my FPS from dropping below 30 during Post Tenebrus, plus it screwed up the HUD. I did forget to disable the cockpits the last time I tested it, but I doubt that would make much of a difference either.

I'm using an i5-3570k with 8GB RAM and a 1050 Ti. Not a high-end system, but not complete crap either, from what I understand. Maybe I'm wrong. It's handled other FS2 mods pretty well, though. The only other thing I can think of is that I'm running the game off an external drive right now, but that should only affect loading times, not FPS.

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Same settings changes as SL1, it's still chunking hard.

AMD FX-8320 8-Core CPU
16GB DDR3 Dual Channel
GTX 1050ti

It's only on maps with the massive asteroids, like in Mission 9 and the Durius maps.

Edited, 9th mission, not 10th. Miscounted.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 12:25:50 am by burstdragon323 »


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Looks fabulous
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Just finished mission 3, really liking it so far. Also the ships are 10/10.

As far as framerate is concerned, I am running an I5-3570K at 4.5GHZ all core paired with 16GB 2133mhz memory and a gtx 1080 playing at 1080P. I have all of the details cranked up including shadows and play at native resolution. There have been some minor slowdowns (dropping to around 30, maybe 20 FPS if I had to guess - didn't have a FPS counter enabled) but otherwise the performance has been smooth. Playing with the latest July nightly build


Offline theperfectdrugsk

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Finally got around to playing this through.

Tons of fun...gorgeous models, great cutscenes and music, excellent mission design.  A+ campaign in terms of all that.  However, I do agree with most of Woolie's review:

The background could use more fleshing's hard to care about any of the factions...honestly, just more background info could go a long way there.

Personally, I dig the kinetic weapon aesthetic...don't know if it's 'trendy', but it's certainly different from most of the FS2 mods/campaigns out there, so it's a welcome change.  BUT...agreeing with woolie again...the ships definitely look different between factions, but aside from the odd ASW launcher added/removed here and there on the cap ships, the faction ships seem entirely interchangeable performance wise.  Could do with some spicing up...make one faction love high caliber thud guns and another love rapid fire something...I dunno.

I'm not really a fan of the novel...story...whatever thing.  Where you have to click to make the text proceed.  I like the idea, but...same as in WoD, I read a lot faster than the TTS talks, so I end up waiting around a lot.  And just clicking a bunch to speed through seems to confuse the system where I get repeat text (maybe just a problem on my system?)

Still...awesome campaign, and I want more.

Almost forgot...did I imagine it, or is there a 'waddya hear starbuck...nothin but the rain' sound effect when you fly through the debris of a destroyed capship?


Offline Yonzor

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I'm a newbie returning to Freespace and FSO and pulled this mod off of Knossos but can't play it at all. It loads up but when I try to create a game, it hard crashes with an error that states:

Error: Can't open model file <fighter-rx6.pof>
File modelread.cpp
Line: 1057

Is there some dependency I've neglected to download?

Thanks for the assist if you can help me get up and running.


Offline jr2

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I'm a newbie returning to Freespace and FSO and pulled this mod off of Knossos but can't play it at all. It loads up but when I try to create a game, it hard crashes with an error that states:

Error: Can't open model file <fighter-rx6.pof>
File modelread.cpp
Line: 1057

Is there some dependency I've neglected to download?

Thanks for the assist if you can help me get up and running.

ou used Knossos to download and launch it?

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
It's a TC, shouldn't make a difference.


Offline Darius

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Are you launching Solaris directly from Knossos? That error message sounds like it can't find the slrs-assets package (which is a required package and should have downloaded without you doing anything). Can you generate a debug log?


Offline theperfectdrugsk

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
FWIW I had repeated crashes starting one mission (can't remember which), and verifying file integrity on Knossos wouldn't fix the issue.  It would 'verify', find a problem, re-download, but still crash.  Repeated that multiple times...verify, problem found, re-download, still crash.  A full uninstall and reinstall fixed the issue.  I don't recall which file was causing the problem, but that might be worth trying.


Offline Yonzor

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Yup, downloaded and launched right from Knossos. Just uploaded the debug log to:

For what it's worth, I ran into some difficulties getting FS2 to run on my system after downloading through Steam and had to move the entire install to a different folder where lo and behold, everything works fine with FSO. Just finished re-enjoying the FS2 campaign after many years and loving the updated graphics.


Offline Yonzor

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
A couple file checks, Knossos crashes, and a reboot later, I've got it up and running!


Offline Iido

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
I have been completely unsuccessful trying to get this game running. The moment I launch it, it crashes... Rebooting my PC did not fix the issue. I have not tried uninstalling and reinstalling, though I doubt it'll fix it since it has been broken since it was first installed. What could be the problem? This is for the Knossos version, btw.

GTX 1060 3GB
i-5 7400 @ 3.00GHz
Windows 10


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
In mod settings, select "Run fast debug". Then "Upload debug log" and share the link here.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline Iido

Re: Solaris (A FreeSpace Open Total Conversion)
Uh...nevermind, actually, it's fine. I discovered that it's just the loading animation that won't play correctly at start up; it freezes on the first frame for about 20-30 seconds (and the window does the "not responding" thing) but after that the game loads up okay.

Here is the debug log anyway: