Hosted Projects - Non-FreeSpace > MechCommander OmniTech

User made campaigns

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Hmm. How about Artillery? I know MC1 handles support rather differently. Same with the Fog of War, by the way. Since it is probably impossible to do a remake with exactly the same settings, how will the MC2 remake cater towards some of the features (such as scouting on top of the hills to reveal fog of war and everything that comes torugh it, an extremely important part of the game)

There have been some compromises unfortunately, scouting for instance in MC2 was moved from a in-mission player skill to a mechwarrior skill with the sensors skill, I am a massive MC1 fan and it is sad to not be able to do a 100% remake but I hope at least that people wont notice so much the limitations because they will be enjoying the game play the bulk of which is extremely similar to the original game (in the few maps I have currently). Artillery... well I wont allow the artillery piece to be called in during missions and as for the lack of large air strikes in MC2 I will work it out through game testing what the correct balance is (hopefully), currently I am working a 2 for 1 policy where if a mission has a large strike available I replace it with two small MC2 airstrikes. This is not perfect because it ultimately leads to more air strikes for the player to place so play testing will be a big determining factor


Operation beachhead Mission 4

Looking great Karl! I know it will be a long haul but hell I can't wait to play the original campagin in MC2 :)

Thanks Kurgis, yeah it will be a long haul but hopefully things will speed up once I have all the resources made and implemented (thanks to magic :)). I would be nice to have some more modellers so that I could step back and focus on getting the missions done but then again you got to get the work done aye...


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