Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace Discussion => Topic started by: Charismatic on November 29, 2003, 11:48:32 pm

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 29, 2003, 11:48:32 pm
To FS Pilots Loyal and Passers by.. and Veterns like I am..,
"The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!"
dose this strike u as a odd post? have u ever thought of this before?
I am a Loyal pilot.. who else is with me?

OldNewsFlash: SW is dead PXO asleep... FS2 dying.
New Topic: How do we save FS2 Multiplayer? how do we save FS?
we need 2 find a way.. maby some kind of advertizing.. or a darn pitichon or somthing. i dont know.. but we gota find a way.
Ive herd back in the day FS2 Mulitpalyer was BiG.. how do we make it big once again? yes ther are many FS2 Pilots stil hangin on.. like i am.. and many hardcore gamers like i am.. we want FS2 Mulit alive again.. how? there are many of us.. we need 2 find a way.
Fight Volution 4 the legal rights 2 FS.. and win and make FS3? zez guys lets pull 2geather many of our Campaighn makers like BTW and maby BP or somthing.. and many more and Create FS3.. and then fs4 and so on... Spread the Knoloage.. Spread the Skill..

Spread the power..

> )

Come on guys we cant just sit here and make private seperate little campaighns (not saying that BTW is little or easy or nothing) but we need 2 do somthing before its to late!

What can we DO?

Plz reply or EMAIL ME.. at [email protected]

LETS THINK People! Reply 2 this.. if u read this REPLY !!!

Lets get 2 work Pilots!

Spike out!
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Carl on November 29, 2003, 11:59:57 pm
Originally posted by Charismatic

Fight Volution 4 the legal rights 2 FS.. and win and make FS3? zez guys lets pull 2geather many of our Campaighn makers like BTW and maby BP or somthing.. and many more and Create FS3.. and then fs4 and so on... Spread the Knoloage.. Spread the Skill..

you obviously don't know what's been going on these last few years.

If i were you, i would delete this post and run away before it's too late. save yourself.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 12:05:41 am
what do u mean whats been going on? and run away?
hay i play fs2 mulitplayer.. the thousands of u on this HLP dont even fly.. so what u talkin about!?
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Solatar on November 30, 2003, 12:10:58 am
Uh....fs2 won't die as long as people don't think it's dying.

It just strikes me as people being pessimistic when they start making threads about its death...

in short: *puts a bullet in Charismatic's head*
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Carl on November 30, 2003, 12:17:17 am
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kv1at3485 on November 30, 2003, 12:21:16 am
I see you've finally come over from VWBB...

In my opinion, FS is hardly going/dying away.  Last gasps?  More like alive and kicking.  The flurry of activity continues at a healthy pace, although this does not mean there should not be more .

However, if you are convinced of what you say, then perhaps a good place to start would be to learn how to FRED and to then start FREDding.  We can always use more missions around here.

Indeed, you seem like a PXO kind of person.  You may wish to concentrate on multiplayer missions.  If you are ambitious enough, perhaps a multiplayer campaign.

There is no real point starting threads like this.  I say to you: go forth and add to the glory of Freespace!  Linger not over doomsday predictions!

Oh, and since nobody seems to have done it yet...

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 12:21:34 am
Charismatic, you just ruined any chance of earning respect here. Never sho your face around here again until you get your story straight.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Carl on November 30, 2003, 12:25:37 am
ummm, lliving large, please don't scare away the new guy. this is supposed to be a friendly community.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 12:56:55 am
u guys dont like me after 1 post?
ive only seen fs2 mulit and it seemed 2 be dying ... so thats y i thought what i thought.
also squad war didnt validate no more or update anything.. and pxo dont have a email and they dont fix things fast. thats y i thought it was dying.
my opinion has changed.
and guys Plz be nice, im not trying 2 be mean or anything, and i dont want any enemys..
and btw, i love fs2 so dont think im trying 2 kil it myself, actually this was an attempt 2 save it. but its not dying so il just not worry about fs2 dyin no more.

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:00:12 am
We don't use PXO anymore, it's obsolete. We are focusing on FSNetD and Squadwar++. These will replace PXO and Squadwar. Bobboau already has a working prototype per se of FSNetD.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 01:02:14 am
whats squadwar++? and FSNetD?
never herd of these..
any info would be Great .. and il go bring the news back 2 FS2 Mulit.. and my Squad.. The Evil Ones, the EVO.. that FS2 mulit aint dying.

our hopes wil go up  after all >)

hmm, darn, that just cost me a job.oh well.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kv1at3485 on November 30, 2003, 01:04:11 am
Truthfully, LLivingLarge, we don't have FSNetD and SquadWar++ just yet.  We are all anticipating there arrival in the near future, but until then, it doesn't hurt to have PXO around.

Indeed, it would help if more of us went online on PXO more frequently.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:07:36 am
Originally posted by Charismatic
whats squadwar++? and FSNetD?
never herd of these..
any info would be Great .. and il go bring the news back 2 FS2 Mulit.. and my Squad.. The Evil Ones, the EVO.. that FS2 mulit aint dying.

our hopes wil go up  after all >)

hmm, darn, that just cost me a job.oh well.
Firstly, all your questions can be answered if you search the forums... But since I'm a nice guy, I'll save ya a little trouble. FSNetD is what we intend to replace PXO with. FSNetD does exist, while at the same time, SquadWar++ is just an idea.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Knight Templar on November 30, 2003, 01:12:28 am
If you're going to be mr. big shot, you might as well tell him about the SCP..
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:14:00 am
That'll take at least an hour by myself... I'll let everyone pitch in for that...
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 01:15:50 am
well about hte squadwar++, its an idea. well, id like 2 be one of the main ppl leading bringing that idea in2 reality.. but i dont have much time, i can only get online during weekends.. and when weekends are up, im on as much as i can.. practically all day.. Anyways.. id Really beable 2 help during sumer vaca.. i am on my comp flying or whatever 24\7 cauz i like fs so much, im on all day and most of night >) im serious..
anywyas.. yes id like 2 help in what ways i can now.. but Next weekend il work on learning how 2 fred
until then.. i may not get these posts read that quickly.. but il try.

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 01:16:47 am
the SCP? what? lol
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:19:16 am
Your name fits you well... But I still think you need to understand just how big the SCP really is. We like enthusiastic people and all, but you should realize that the only way you can get far in HLP, is by keeping a constant dedication to your work.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:20:22 am
Originally posted by Charismatic
the SCP? what? lol
O_o Tell me you did not just say that...
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kv1at3485 on November 30, 2003, 01:26:26 am
Hey!  Charismatic will learn in time.  He's come at a very busy moment.  Is it all that surprising that he doesn't know about EVERYTHING?

When I first got here, I had no idea what the FSSCP was all about, or that it even existed.  Later when I did, I thought it was mostly useless.  Only now am I beginning to appreciate its potencial.

If I went through that, then maybe Charismatic will too.  Hopefully, he will have a less painful time integrating.  Until then, CUT HIM SOME SLACK.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 01:26:27 am
ah.. well what if i did? >) (didnt mean sarcasm)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 01:27:33 am
and u said constand dedication 2 my work.. well sorry 2 break the news 2 u but i have no work.
not even a job in life >)
hehe. i only Lead my squadren.. lots of work i put in that anyways.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:32:24 am
It's nothing personal to Charismatic, but I fear this will become a daily question once the influx of ignorant n00bs come pouring in.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Solatar on November 30, 2003, 01:41:16 am
*stares blankly at thread*

I'd explain everything, but it's almost 3:00 in the morning here.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kv1at3485 on November 30, 2003, 01:48:46 am
You have a point indeed, LLivingLarge.  :nod:

There must be a better way of guiding new people to the information they require.  Say, isn't there a thread going on about this topic in the SCP forum?  Maybe something will come out of that...

Until then, we all have to pitch in and help.  Sorry about my capslocks.  No insult was meant by it.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 01:54:53 am
What will hit us the hardest are the n00bs who will either be completely pessimistic saying, "WTF are you wasting your time on a dead game for?" and the ever annoying "KNOW IT ALL" n00b.

Listen, I enjoy answering questions not found by a simple search, heck, I'm not a coder, but I still like to hear ideas even if they make no sense... But this forum needs to adopt more of a self-help system.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Galemp on November 30, 2003, 02:01:18 am
*points to the Hilights*

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Woolie Wool on November 30, 2003, 02:36:02 am
Originally posted by Charismatic
what do u mean whats been going on? and run away?
hay i play fs2 mulitplayer.. the thousands of u on this HLP dont even fly.. so what u talkin about!?

Inferno, The Babylon Project, SCP, God, what rock do you live under?
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Bobboau on November 30, 2003, 03:26:54 am
he's a newbie
if you want to see were he came from go check the BWO forums
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Gloriano on November 30, 2003, 03:47:06 am
thread's name sound familiar

okay play nicely here and Freespace comminity not gonna die:)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: SnakeEyes on November 30, 2003, 04:05:24 am
SnakeE goes and look around looking for action space sims that can fulfill need of adrenaline.........
SnakeE sees nothing in his ACTUAL game collection that meets the required entertainment needs.......

SnakeE takes Freespace ;) and realizes that multiplayer or singleplayer it still is the best game of it's nature so far... runs it and forgets about this thread for a couple of hours!!!

Death of Freespace Multi or single??

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: karajorma on November 30, 2003, 04:15:21 am
People keep saying that FS2 is dying but as long as more people are joining than leaving I don't see it myself.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kasperl on November 30, 2003, 04:56:26 am
ok, Charismatic, if you want to help, you could beta test for FW (SW++). we are currently on a slight hiatus, but you could help out and beta test. here is the link


the leading roles are somewhat filled now, and since there isn't that much of a staff to begin with, 2 leaders is enough.

also, please, please, please, try to improve your spelling a bit. i know i am not perfect either, but i see you are a native speaker. i am not. i know it's not a perfect excuse, but really, at least look over your posts before you click "submit".

also, replacing you with u and other things like that are not always apreciated. it is nice if you need to chat in a mission, when time is limited, but on a forum, you have all the time in the day to look over your post, so it is not needed.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: karajorma on November 30, 2003, 05:07:34 am
Originally posted by kasperl
also, please, please, please, try to improve your spelling a bit. i know i am not perfect either, but i see you are a native speaker. i am not. i know it's not a perfect excuse, but really, at least look over your posts before you click "submit".

No idea why but the worst spelling and grammer tends to come from people for who English is a native language (especially from the US).

When foreigners do join they tend to improve very quickly (compare Free Terran now with how unintelligable he was when he first joined and you can see a huge improvement).
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kasperl on November 30, 2003, 06:04:09 am
indeed, even if i compare my own english to my first posts here i see a major improvement. not only here, but also in school. i think a lot of foreigners use the web to practice their english, while the native speakers only use it as a way to entertain themselves, and don't pay attention to their english.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 06:32:26 am
Wow, i'd never have thought to see him here :eek2:
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: c914 on November 30, 2003, 07:03:52 am
i can say ony one


I'm playing almoast evry day on PXO i i see there meany peapole.
First roud of Teamwars is all moast finish, second stats on January 2004.
U want flight on it cheek this http://www.teamwars.com/
And don't tell me that fs 2 multi is death:mad2:
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 07:05:56 am
FS2 multi is dead.

I intensively played there so I know what i'm talking about.

I mean, who's gonna want to play on PXO anymore? It's down quite a lot, theres almost nobody there anymore, Squadwar wont work anymore, the chatserver is spammed by bots and other people, in fact it's broken.

I can't wait for FS2open to go multi though ;)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: aldo_14 on November 30, 2003, 07:19:38 am
Originally posted by karajorma

No idea why but the worst spelling and grammer tends to come from people for who English is a native language (especially from the US).

When foreigners do join they tend to improve very quickly (compare Free Terran now with how unintelligable he was when he first joined and you can see a huge improvement).

Simple when you think of it..... native English speakers take their ability to write in it for granted, so don't really think much about what they write.  Likewise we can use phonetics like 'u' for 'you' and soforth more naturally, because we're used to hearing it  Though, to be honest, i find 'textspeak' the most singularly fexking annoying thing on the planet, because it's so bloody lazy....

So, er, what kasperl said then :)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 09:13:08 am

Hopefully that doesn't apply to me. I've been trying to improve my speach... and err... text.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Johnmike on November 30, 2003, 09:21:12 am
You know you love grammar.  :)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 09:45:02 am
I know my speech is crap, but at least theres less typoes in my comments than usual. I think, anyway.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Johnmike on November 30, 2003, 10:00:00 am
I was refering to Charismatic.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: silverwolf on November 30, 2003, 10:24:57 am
I suppose we have fleet wars too look forward to and at the same time as the fleetwars testing was going on SCC(or someone else?) had a fs tournament so in short freespace is not dead just a tad weaker
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Johnmike on November 30, 2003, 10:49:04 am
Why don't we see if we can get the SCP dudes to design a PXO-like server program and see if they can find someone who has a lot of bandwith to run it?  Or at least a redirecting service to list games on.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 10:54:06 am
That's what they are trying to do right now, actually.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: kasperl on November 30, 2003, 10:54:55 am
Originally posted by Johnmike
Why don't we see if we can get the SCP dudes to design a PXO-like server program and see if they can find someone who has a lot of bandwith to run it?  Or at least a redirecting service to list games on.

do you even check the SCP forum?

it is already made, it is just waiting for a good server, at least AFAIK.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 10:58:43 am
no, its not done kasperl. It still lacks IRC chat implementation AFAIK. The only thing that is done and works is the stat-tracking service.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 11:25:16 am
Well, I played against Kazan with it...briefly... It was at an advanced level when we did, and that was long ago...
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 11:28:41 am
yes, but did you have an IRC chat implemented? I guess not.

Inq has told me that there lies the current problem. Nobody of the staff seems to have enough knowledge on IRC and c++ as to implement it into FS2 again. :(
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 11:33:10 am
Oh, no, but I never deemed it that important... :nervous:
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 11:34:38 am
It is. :)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 02:53:04 pm
PXO is not dead, it's on a long forgotten but very fragile respirator.

SquadWar is in a sense, brain dead and in a hospice...
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Charismatic on November 30, 2003, 03:24:57 pm
'Inq has told me that there lies the current problem. Nobody of the staff seems to have enough knowledge on IRC and c++ as to implement it into FS2 again. '
i think one of my pilots is working on learning the 'C++' and has been; im going to ask him about that when i see him, and well see what we can find.. if hes of any use to you guys.

btw i hope you (everyone) are appreciating my spelling\grammer now or whatever the f'k you asked me to do before.

Captain Spike OUT!
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 03:58:35 pm
Why do you call yourself Charismatic? Yet end every sentence with "Spike" or "Captain Spike"?
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on November 30, 2003, 05:49:24 pm
Probably CAUSE HES EPHILLI THE GREAT!!!1111oenoneone

... sorry, couldn't resist :lol:
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 05:56:46 pm
Speaking of which... where's those mustang texxies?
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Falcon on November 30, 2003, 07:01:35 pm
Can Falcon kill this thread? Please let me kill this thread! Falcon will be good, Falcon isn't crazy, Falcon okay. [first signs of the Ephili virus]
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on November 30, 2003, 07:08:52 pm
I like noobs that bow into the HLP quietly without a public outburst.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Stealth on November 30, 2003, 07:11:07 pm

Lightspeed, what's up with you and everyone else using the "!!!!!!!!11111111onenoeoneoneoneoeon"

i've seen it more the last 2 hours on these forums than any others i've gone to ;)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Nuclear1 on November 30, 2003, 08:08:37 pm
Because j00 R A N00B!!!!!!!!!!1111111elevenonenoeoneoneoneoneoneoenoe :D
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: DragonClaw on November 30, 2003, 08:50:38 pm
Lightspeed, stop talking and finish j00r texturing all the l33t stuff!!!!!1111oneoneone :mad:

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Taristin on November 30, 2003, 08:54:01 pm
Like my Mustang!!!!!11!111oneoneone
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Knight Templar on December 01, 2003, 01:19:38 am
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Starks on December 01, 2003, 01:44:42 am
Hmmm, I need a custom title...
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Knight Templar on December 01, 2003, 01:45:54 am
Capt. Arrogance?
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Unknown Target on December 01, 2003, 05:32:12 am
No, I need a custom title! :D

Oh. My. God. This thread is retarded, lol!
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: DeepSpace9er on December 01, 2003, 05:54:37 am
now that the thread has been reduced to a !!!!1111oneoneone contest, lets just lock it and end the stupidity.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on December 01, 2003, 06:27:12 am
The Mustang texxies will take some time. Theyre in progress though. Oh, and the !!!!111oenoneone is rather funny because if you actually read the gibberish some of those people type you'll notice they really drop in those "1"s.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Johnmike on December 01, 2003, 06:37:37 am
Hm, my mistake.  I must've missed the server part.

...If you're going to add IRC implementation, use Espernet.  =P  I love that network.  o.O
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Setekh on December 01, 2003, 07:13:53 am
Not directed at anyone in particular: if you have no more constructive things to say, please leave this thread and say no more. Guys, a welcome is not something you say, it's something you do. So let's do it.

Welcome to HLP, Charismatic. It's true that you've come at an incredibly busy time. Stick with it and after a while the picture will become clear to you, if it hasn't already, of what the face of FreeSpace is like right now.

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on December 01, 2003, 07:20:17 am
If there will be an IRC server it will be hosted on the same net as the stats server is, probably.
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Stealth on December 01, 2003, 03:33:13 pm
rgr that Setekh!!!!!11111oneoneoneoneonoeneoeneoeneon.

Welcome to HLPBB Charismatic :)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Nuclear1 on December 01, 2003, 05:54:32 pm

WELCUM TO HLPBB, HOME OF SUPER 1337 M0r0n$ lik3 m3!!!!1111

Seriously though, watch out for the black-eyed things in the air vents, and plasma rifles are avaiable with the flamethrowers and mortars in the boxes to your left. ;)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Galemp on December 01, 2003, 07:17:17 pm
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Flipside on December 02, 2003, 02:40:02 pm
World Tiddlywinks Federation?

Welcome aboard Charis!

Flipside :D
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Woolie Wool on December 02, 2003, 03:41:12 pm
Stop it with the punctuation lunacy.....periodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiod
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Nuclear1 on December 02, 2003, 04:21:23 pm
HAY U R DUM I CAN USE PUCNTUASHUN HOW I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111oneoneoneon
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Johnmike on December 02, 2003, 04:22:10 pm

Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Lightspeed on December 02, 2003, 05:25:30 pm
OMG WTF HAX (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/romeoandjuliet.html)
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Stealth on December 02, 2003, 05:48:24 pm
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Stealth on December 02, 2003, 05:52:25 pm
yeah that romeo and juliet movie 0wzzzzzzzzzz***
Title: The Death of FS.. and of us all.. sit and wait as we all have been doing sofar?? NO!
Post by: Shrike on December 02, 2003, 06:00:59 pm
You guys are far, far less clever than you think you are.