Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP) => Test Builds => Topic started by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 01:13:49 pm

Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 01:13:49 pm
remember the afterburner trails a long time ago?
remember how they worked great, then suddenly they seemed to get broken?
and you never heard from them again. :(

well guess what, I fixed them :D
it was a combineation of a small amout of mangled code and a problem similar to the bug were player ships wouldn't get thruster glows.

and just to make sure everyone's clear on this,
_this is something that has been in FSO for more than a year, but broken_

build and needed art/tables (http://freespace.volitionwatch.com/blackwater/fs2_open_Bobboau_3-7-04.zip)
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Flipside on March 07, 2004, 02:42:57 pm
Ooooooooooooh! Lines in the sky! :)

Looks great Bobb, though a little odd, I don't know if it's whether the trail needs to be darker to start off with, or fade faster, but very nice nonetheless :D
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: kasperl on March 07, 2004, 02:44:24 pm

how are these defined, tbl's, images, or hardcode?
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 02:45:55 pm
there is a section in the tables, lookup the old topic for details
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: kasperl on March 07, 2004, 02:50:13 pm
cool, i think that if we release Lightspeed on this, something awesome could be produced. now i have to admit i haven't run that, or even seen a screeny, but the description sounds cool enough.
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 03:15:50 pm
well it uses textures I made for upgraded beam textures, there a bit... bright, but that' about the only thing wrong with them.
I think I made them live too long, should probly be 5 seconds not 15
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Whitelight on March 07, 2004, 05:16:59 pm
What was wrong with the ones you and Lightspeed made, they seem to work fine for me anyway..

Used them in TBP and Inferno campaigns..
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 05:19:04 pm
it was mostly an issue with changeing ship types in the ship selection
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Taristin on March 07, 2004, 05:53:49 pm
What is this now? I haven't been back for a year yet so, what does this do?
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 05:55:24 pm
when ever you (or anyone) uses the after burner it leaves behind a trail
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Taristin on March 07, 2004, 09:24:14 pm
Tried it. :ick:  The trails last too long and seem odd. I guess it needs tweakage in the tables, but as it stands, I don't like.
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Bobboau on March 07, 2004, 09:30:05 pm
go in and change the lifetime to 5 and cut all the alpha values in half (use find/replace and this takes two seconds)
it's just below the afterburner sction (well in it actualy but at the end)
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: deep_eyes on March 07, 2004, 10:34:03 pm
i mentioned these errors before but this was when they first started happening, then for some dumb reason i began to believe they were done purposely (they look rather nice only in afterburn).

interesting though...
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: J3Vr6 on March 08, 2004, 08:35:41 am
can someone post screenies?
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: SA22C on March 08, 2004, 08:50:53 pm
Performance wise, this build seems sound, it works better than the last one when there are plenty of particles on the screen.  The movies don't play in this build, the support ship is still transparent and the engine glows seem to intersect the hull even worse than before.  Also when viewing from outside your ship, the ship is down at the bottom of the screen, almost out of sight.

Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Nico on March 09, 2004, 12:17:13 pm
Cool, someone up for making a Stellvia TC? :D
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: ChronoReverse on March 09, 2004, 01:09:37 pm
=O  Awesome idea, Stellvia is all about those funny long trails...
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Zarax on March 09, 2004, 01:37:03 pm
Homeworld style tralis would look even nicer... Or maybe the ones seen in the FS1 DVD edition...
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Nico on March 09, 2004, 03:20:20 pm
Originally posted by ChronoReverse
=O  Awesome idea, Stellvia is all about those funny long trails...

You also forget the kickass mecha designs ( excepted that robot, why did they have to put a robot in the mix? )
Title: bugfix that plays like a new feature
Post by: Flipside on March 14, 2004, 07:28:14 am
Hmmmmmmmmmm... funny thing about those Engine glows, I seem to remember them looking pretty much like that on my old Voodoo Banshee when I had my P300 on Freespace 1. I don't think they have changed much at all, I just think everything else has improved and that's what's making it all the more noticeable.