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Off-Topic Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Krackers87 on May 29, 2004, 03:03:05 pm

Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Krackers87 on May 29, 2004, 03:03:05 pm
Im looking for some really kickass sci-fi big war/battle movies, unfortunately, that type of sci fi movie is in short supply as i see it.

All i can think of are:

Wing Commander
Star Wars
Star Trek
Star Ship Troopers
Fifth Element
Battlefield Earth
Titan A.E.

     Please sudgest any movies you have seen, but not any old movies like before 1990, unless they have exceptionally good special  effects for that time. (ie: Star Wars) Better the effects, the more id be intrested.

     Story line and acting is not as much as a factor, because im buying this movies to watch the special effects and study them, as i aspire to make them someday. Also looking at space ship designs inspires me, and gives me ideas, also i just love looking at awesome designs of ships and watching things blow up in the most spectacular of ways.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Raptor on May 29, 2004, 04:14:33 pm
Heres my suggestions:

Battlestar Galatica
I'm not sure if it counts as a movie, the copy I have is the length of one, I think it's classifed as a pilot episode for series.

But the SFX are pretty much the same as for original Star Wars.  Heck, pretty much the same people worked on both, including model makers;).  The Viper is a classic design:D.

Also, look up Buck Rogers, made by the same peope who did BSG, so simular level of SFX.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Flaser on May 29, 2004, 04:56:12 pm
Do animated titles count?

If they do I suggest the following:

'Macross: Do You Remember Love?' and 'Macross Zero' - you just can't get enough seeing what a Veritech can do.

Anything from the Universal Century in the Mobile Suit Gundam saga - MS Gundam 0083 is probably the best since it has a lot of space warfare.

Though the above two are more mecha than ships. For ships I suggest the following:

Big Wars
Crest of the Stars
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I know very cheesy title, but an actually mature film)
Title: sniff I cried...
Post by: Star Dragon on May 29, 2004, 06:10:01 pm
I just got done seeing Farewell Yamato (released in Japan in 1983) One of the movies from the Spcae battleship Yamato storylines.  We only got to see it as Starblazers in the US back int eh 70's so we also missed out on the Bolar Wars (third series) as they nly showed the Iscandar, and Comet Empire stories AFAIK and NONW of the movies. I got the pilot for the anime Yamato 2250 but it SUCKS dead frozen goats! A torrent link I stumbled upon had this movie so I tried it and man I wasn't dissapointed!

  If you never seen Yamato then it is a must see! (even if you missed the earlier stories adn explanations of the characters and what their relations are you still get the point!) The only bad point was that this was the first time I heard them referred to in the Japanese names and it was distracting, but by the end I got over it. (yeah it is subtitled but never let that stop you from seeing a GOOD film!).

  20 years ago I saw Char's Counter attack (Gundam) 2 hours in Japanese only NO SUBTILES AT ALL! that was rough but WORTH IT!!! Makes Gundams today look pathetic!

  Legend Of The Galactic Heroes was good but very long and boring to me, still I saw it once.

  My youth in Arcadia (vengence of the space pirate) HARLOCK is excellent as is the semi sequel Cosmic Warrior Zero (I posted pics of the Khariyu (SP?) not too long ago in the hopes someone would get inspired to make her!

  Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (G-force/battle of the planets) often shows the enemy using funky ships that could be worth looking at since their base is in another galaxy.

  Macross Plus, Macross 7 and Macross Zero are also excellent not only for fighter designs (love the veritechs!) But also for some capships.

   Big wars or Veus wars also had some spaceships in it.

  Gundam (stardust memory) 0080? or 0083? had massive amounts of ships in it despite being about the mecha. Plus that one episode of the Naval Review (Asteroid Base with all the cap ships lined up like idiots) was priceless as ONE mecha wiped out DOZENS of capships with a well placed super nuke! (GO MECHA!)

  If I think of more I will post again... BTW THE LAST STARFIGHTER!!!!!!!! (playing the theme now....!!!! WOOHOO!)
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Nico on May 29, 2004, 06:19:29 pm
Originally posted by Flaser
Do animated titles count?

If they do I suggest the following:

'Macross: Do You Remember Love?' and 'Macross Zero' - you just can't get enough seeing what a Veritech can do.

Anything from the Universal Century in the Mobile Suit Gundam saga - MS Gundam 0083 is probably the best since it has a lot of space warfare.

Though the above two are more mecha than ships. For ships I suggest the following:

Big Wars
Crest of the Stars
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I know very cheesy title, but an actually mature film)

One title: Vandread
The final battle shown on the last two episodes completly puts the battle of Endor to shame, in every aspect :)
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Anaz on May 29, 2004, 07:03:44 pm
how about any of the B5 movies? Some of them had some pretty kick-ass space combat scenes...
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Flaser on May 29, 2004, 07:19:54 pm
Well quite a thrown off cousin but Last Exile had some good ship designs too.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Fineus on May 29, 2004, 08:43:16 pm
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the most well conducted space battle ever:

Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. The battle of the mutara nebula between Kirds Enterprise and Khans Reliant.

Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: vyper on May 29, 2004, 08:50:09 pm
Ahem... The Battle For Peace, in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Edit: For the trek ignorant - it's when Kirk and Sulu on the Enterprise and Excelsior go up against a Bird of Prey that can fire while cloaked, and which might i add seems to pack a more than typical punch for a ship her size.

"The thing's gotta have a tail pipe(!)"
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Jetmech Jr. on May 29, 2004, 08:52:44 pm
Another star trek movie: Star Trek: Nemesis

The Scimitar kicks ASS!
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: diamondgeezer on May 29, 2004, 09:14:41 pm
I suggest, Mr Krackers, that you investigate Space: Above and Beyond. Not really capital ship enagements, but lots ofl ovely fighter-level combat and some majorl kick-arse design. There are DVD sets out there if you look hard enough
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: jdjtcagle on May 29, 2004, 09:20:03 pm
I thought the best graphics in a Sci-Fi movie was Final Fantasy but, It had no space battles... But, it had potential to be a very powerful contender.  For some reason I have always pictured Final Fantasy graphics is what a Freespace Movie would look like.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: DarkAce128 on May 30, 2004, 12:24:09 am
You had to mention a FreeSpace movie diden't ya!!!:(  Alas, the possiblities are endless....and not a one of em ever to be realizied!!!!:mad:
Oh,...uh....anyways, one of my all time faves is the sequence from Starship Troopers....although that was more of a massacre then an actual battle. And I also (too) really loved the space battle from Star Treak II...as it was more brains than brawn.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: jdjtcagle on May 30, 2004, 01:25:24 am
What the hell is your problem ??
PMS somewhere else
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: karajorma on May 30, 2004, 03:52:31 am
Be nice JDJ. Doesn't sound like he was having a go at you so much as just *****ing in general that there wouldn't be an FS movie. Can't say I disagree with him.
Title: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Nico on May 30, 2004, 03:57:57 am
Originally posted by Flaser
Well quite a thrown off cousin but Last Exile had some good ship designs too.

heh, well, technically, the Grand Stream is space ;)
Title: Re: Good Sci Fi Space battle movies
Post by: Ace on May 30, 2004, 04:18:35 am
Originally posted by Krackers87
Battlefield Earth