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Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP) => Topic started by: capsfan9803 on August 02, 2004, 10:09:44 am

Title: A random thought
Post by: capsfan9803 on August 02, 2004, 10:09:44 am
Long time follower of the SCP, and i'm just amazed at how far FS2 has come as a result of it, and i'd like to thank you all.

Now here's my thing:

In the tech room, its always saying how it's dangerous to be near a support ship when it's exploding becuase of the large amount of explosives on board.  Although in reality, it really isn't.

Is there a way to take into account the type of secondaries on board a bomber/fighter/support ship and modify the blast radius according to the type of warhead?  IMO, an Ursa carrying a truckload of Helios' shouldn't detonate the same way a Perseus carrying a few Tornados does.
Title: A random thought
Post by: karajorma on August 02, 2004, 10:18:45 am
No need for an SCP change for this one. Simply extract the ships.tbl and look for this


$Expl inner rad: 100.0
$Expl outer rad: 200.0
$Expl damage: 100.0
$Expl blast: 4000.0
$Expl Propagates: NO ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it.
$Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave

Change the values a little for the bombers and a lot for the support ship.  :D

Okay. this doesn't take into account the number of bombs left on the ship but it's a better approximation than what we have at the moment.
Title: A random thought
Post by: kasperl on August 02, 2004, 10:20:13 am
There was a discussion about this, I forgot why it wasn't implemented

If this is implemented, a ship flag should be used, a weapon flag too. And a commandline. One of each to set it to "detonate", and a command line and a weapon flag to force it to not detonate,
Title: A random thought
Post by: aldo_14 on August 02, 2004, 10:28:00 am
Originally posted by kasperl
There was a discussion about this, I forgot why it wasn't implemented

If this is implemented, a ship flag should be used, a weapon flag too. And a commandline. One of each to set it to "detonate", and a command line and a weapon flag to force it to not detonate,

Game balance, perhaps?
Title: A random thought
Post by: karajorma on August 02, 2004, 11:48:41 am
It would completely screw up game balance unless you made it need flags like Kasperl said but I think the reason it was ditched was simply that it was too much work for too little reward.
Title: A random thought
Post by: capsfan9803 on August 02, 2004, 12:20:23 pm
Sorry for being naive, but why would it screw up balance?  I'm just talking about a cosmetic explosion, not changing how often a ship explodes or changing how easy/hard it is to destroy it.
Title: A random thought
Post by: Kazan on August 02, 2004, 12:22:21 pm
causes damage to nearby ships - that's not cosmetic
Title: A random thought
Post by: karajorma on August 02, 2004, 12:42:19 pm
Exactly. And if you just want to add shockwaves that would probably be okay but you can do that now. Losing half your wingmen in an explosion will have play balance issues.
Title: A random thought
Post by: Liberator on August 02, 2004, 01:20:48 pm
Why?  Wingmen in FS2 well and truly suck.  I have played missions where it is actually easier to finish the mission(kill everything, blow something up, ect) without wingmen.  My brother actually makes a practice of sending his home before the mission gets going good.
Title: A random thought
Post by: Kazan on August 02, 2004, 01:27:22 pm
you must be playing on easy -- there are missions in which your wingmen are VITAL
Title: A random thought
Post by: karajorma on August 02, 2004, 01:40:42 pm
Exactly. Even if you only use them to draw enemy fire away from you there are missions on harder skill levels where you really need your wingmen.

Besides even if YOU don't that doesn't mean that other people don't.
Title: A random thought
Post by: Cetanu on August 02, 2004, 02:49:31 pm
not to mention multiplayer coops - where your wingmen are actually players ... if you don't bother about what happens there, lots of friendly fire will remind you to care :D