Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => The FRED Workshop => FRED Academy => Topic started by: karajorma on September 11, 2004, 12:43:22 pm

Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 11, 2004, 12:43:22 pm
I know this may seem premature but although the SCP campaigns have plenty of slots left there is only one empty slot left on the retail campaign.

Rather than having anyone twiddling their thumbs I thought it better to get the next round of campaign submissions underway now.

Unlike the previous set which campaign gets made will be decided by a vote. As I said before I was only dictatorial about the last set because voting takes time and I wanted to get moving quickly. :)

Basically this thread is for submitting ideas. When we need to decide which campaign gets chosen I'll put up a poll and people can vote.

As before the more complete the campaign idea the better. If you've got missions designed you're more likely to get my vote :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TopAce on September 11, 2004, 01:16:20 pm
I would like to receive feedback on this plot. I had already posted it once.

You are a pilot on board an unimportant destroyer(let's say GTD Kelleps, just to give it a :cool: name) which is tasked with the destruction of a larger cargo depot and its defences, but an NTF/Shivan destroyer interferes. It is the best to face this destroyer as soon as possible to kick the Shivans/NTF hard. In the first mission, you hinder some freighters/transports from transfering more cargo containers to the site. While you are away from the GTD, it comes under attack by some bombers, which cause some damage to it. Destroy the cargo and help the Kelleps in taking down the bombers. The next mission should be the direct assault on the cargo depot, but unexpectedly, the evil enemy destroyer jumps in and threatens the Kelleps. There is no choice, but to escape. The next mission should be a tactical engagement: As there is no enough weapon(bombs and bombers) on the Kelleps to destroy it and the Kelleps is damaged, you have to disarm the enemy destroyer's main beam cannons. You fly a LIGHT bomber in this mission and you are armed with the Stiletto or Trebuchets. Unfortunatly, the enemy destroyer escapes but you chase it on. The last is a RED alert mission, there the Kelleps will help you, you must finish your job and let the Kelleps destroy the enemy destroyer.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 11, 2004, 02:09:58 pm
Sounds reasonable as far as the acion goes. Could use more backstory though.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: magatsu1 on September 11, 2004, 02:26:51 pm
was the PVD Anvil ever destroyed ? I always liked the idea of it reapperaing (maybe in the Nebula, maybe not)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TopAce on September 11, 2004, 03:26:17 pm
You can only destroy the Anvil if you fly well. You can easily suppose it survived the Great War.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Kie99 on September 11, 2004, 03:52:01 pm
Was that the Typhon in the GR8 hunt?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TopAce on September 11, 2004, 04:00:29 pm
No, that was the PVD Prophecy.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Fergus on September 11, 2004, 04:25:34 pm
To be honest I'm not too sure I like this campaign.  Perhaps if it were less focused on the Destroyers maybe?  I dunno.  Ultimately I defer to you experience
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Blaise Russel on September 11, 2004, 05:13:22 pm
I have an idea for Fall of Epsilon Pegasi.

Backstory: Player is a pilot for Epsilon Pegasi's (severely depleted) 6th Fleet, under the command of Admiral Wilson... or someone, or something. Supporting fleet assets from the Capellan 3rd have been redirected to Gamma Draconis to assist in fending off the Shivans, so 6th Fleet is working overtime to keep everything tight. Those ships that weren't destroyed or haven't defected to the NTF are stationed across the system, guarding key positions vital to the war effort - from jump nodes to planets, cargo depots to major installations.

1. Player is up for patrol duty around the Epsilon Pegasi-Polaris jump node. The GTVA is keeping the node blockaded with a couple of cruisers. Sporadic attacks by NTF bombing squadrons escorted by fighters are keeping everyone on their toes. Player's task is to take out any ships that attempt to run the blockade. Command doesn't expect anything major to happen, and for the most part, it doesn't - mostly assault fighters, some bombers attacking the cruisers. However, towards the end of the shift, a corvette (NTCv Rook?), a number of fighter wings and some escorting cruisers (Fenrises) jump in. The cruisers move to block the GTVA blockade cruisers and also force the player's wing out of the area. The Deimos and fighters escape, but the NTF cruisers fall to the GTVA cruisers/reinforcements.

2. The blockade's back up and running, but Command's worried about this Deimos running loose behind their lines. Multiple task forces have been dispatched to track down the NTF corvette, and the player's leading one of them. Player has to check a series of waypoints in an asteroid field. Light fighter resistance, perhaps with really good AI so that they can put up a fight while remaining in small numbers. However, the corvette doesn't make an appearance, not in the asteroid field and not anywhere else, either.

3. Scramble mission. The Rook has just attacked a minor GTVA shipyard (like, a Faustus, some cargo and ships hanging around in space - no Arcadia or Ganymede or nuffin') and the player's going in. The Deimos is merrily blasting away at a number of old Fenrises, Leviathans and other cheap old ships, all of which are deactivated or being serviced. The corvette jumps out before it can be seriously damaged or disabled or before any reinforcements can be sent, but it's kind enough to leave some fighters behind. Some of the ships in storage at the shipyard may have been commandeered by the NTF commandos as well - additional fighters, maybe a freighter.

4. It's obvious that the Rook's going to have to be taken down soon, else it'll just keep on chipping away at the overstretched, overworked 6th Fleet and take it down piece at a time. More ships have been dispatched to track it down and put an end to it once and for all. The player's out and about looking for the Rook again, but this time he's in a (light) bomber and there's a cruiser as well. And this time, they're lucky, and find the Rook, not too far away from where they jumped in. Player heads in, taking on the last few escorting fighters and throwing a few bombs at the the Deimos. Reinforcements pour in and the Rook finally falls - but before it dies, it sends a burst of static out. Why? Nobody knows - until an urgent message from the node blockade reaches the player, begging for reinforcements. We red alert to...

5. ...a red alert mission. Rear Admiral Koth has led his fleet into Epsilon Pegasi, and with a vengeance. The blockade has been smashed and NTF ships are pouring into the system through the node. The player can do little but watch and fend off the occasional fighter that attacks his group. The NTF ships eventually jump out to their various destinations. Nobody can raise Command on their comms. Things doth not bode well. One of the wingmen suggests a place to hunker down for the while, until they can get back in contact with Command again.

6. A number of GTVA ships have regrouped at the old shipyard from mission 3, including the player. Nobody knows what's going on, but the highest ranking officer present has taken charge and has laid out a plan of action. It is assumed that the NTF has taken control of at least this section of Epsilon Pegasi, if not all of it. Priority objective is to link up with Command or the 6th Fleet brass, whichever's closer. It's decided that an installation around Epsilon Pegasi's second planet will have put up a decent resistance, and so Alpha is sent to check it out.

They find a massacre. Koth hit them with everything he had. All that remains is a debris field full of derelict ships, and a couple of NTF fighters hanging around, looking for trouble. Orders change to 'check all of the ships, see if one of them is playing possum or too badly damaged to limp away'. One of them is still alive, if not kicking, and contact is established with the flagship of 6th Fleet, the GTD Diomedes. Player returns to the shipyard to tell everyone.

(Possible stealth mission? If player avoids fighters, he can avoid fighting?)

7. Player oversees the evacuation of the shipyard. Both GTVA and civilian ships are moving out and jumping to the location of the Diomedes. People are nervous, general mood is depressed and pessimistic. When the NTF attack, initially things go okay, but when they suggest that the ships present should defect to the NTF, some of the ships do just that, and start opening fire. Chaos ensues, and the player desperately tries to get as many people to safety as possible. Eventually, the player jumps out to rendezvous with the Diomedes.

8. Now that they are all back aboard the Diomedes, the true state of things becomes horribly apparent to the player. The NTF has seized control of the vast majority of Epsilon Pegasi... all spread out looking for the Rook, the 6th Fleet ships were easy pickings, as were the stations that they had left behind. It was a feint. The GTVA has suffered massive casualties across the board, while Koth's forces remain mostly intact. If the GTVA reinforcements from Capella are to have a hope of defeating Koth's NTF, and if even a few civilians are to survive this invasion, their advance has to be halted as soon as possible. The Diomedes, which is shifting about the system trying not to get caught, hopes to cut the NTF supply lines and force Koth to pull back and consolidate before he can grab the Epsilon Pegasi-Capella jump node as well. The player is sent to attack NTF freighters and transports travelling across Epsilon Pegasi.

9. The GTVA's gained a little time, but the NTF are keeping the pressure up. With his supply line temporarily severed, Koth is withdrawing his forces... but is just using the might of the NTD Repulse as a battering ram to smash the GTVA defences. However, luckily enough, the cure lies with the disease. Koth is now vulnerable. The Diomedes decides to engage Koth itself, and the player is assigned a specific task in the upcoming attack - disarming and crippling the Repulse, to make it easy pickings for the Diomedes. The two ships clash, Alpha is deployed, they get started giving the Repulse some hurt - but before it can be destroyed, the NTD Normandy jumps in, along with additional NTF reinforcements. The Diomedes takes a battering and suddenly the player is covering its retreat.

10. The Diomedes is badly hit and not in a good way. It has holed up in orbit around one of the outer planets, watching over the civilian and GTVA ships in its care. Not that it has a choice, after what the Repulse and Normandy did to it. Supplies are limited. The Diomedes' only hope is to stick it out, hope that the Alliance can retake Epsilon Pegasi and get to the Diomedes before the NTF can.

Fat chance. Player is on patrol when an NTF scout wing jumps in and relays the Diomedes' location. The player has to defend the rag-tag fleet from NTF attack. (Some of the ships should be carried over from mission 7). Fighters, bombers, capships... shooting down Hercs, Cyclopses and beam cannons... a fight for survival. But if the player can keep the Diomedes around for a certain amount of time, the NTF suddenly retreats. What's going on? The Colossus is, that's what's going on. 3rd Fleet has arrived and is pushing the NTF back on all fronts. Yay!

Player is congratulated on surviving the attack, admired for defence of the Diomedes, rewarded according to number of ships kept alive, promised that yes, he'll be allowed to go back into the breach tomorrow, yadda yadda yadda. Campaign done.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Fergus on September 11, 2004, 05:20:09 pm
I dont mean to be rude, but mission 3 and 4 look suspicously like Pandora's Box missions 3ish and 4ish.  But it does look good.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Blaise Russel on September 11, 2004, 05:23:25 pm
Pandora's Box?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Axem on September 11, 2004, 06:58:46 pm
Here's one where you are a Vasudan, or atleast fly with them. It takes place a few months before the NTF is formed.

Backstory: Even years after the GTVA was formed, there were still some Vasudans that opposed the alliance. This caused a small rebellion where a Terran Colony was attacked. The rebellion was quickly crushed, but the leader of the rebellion, Vasudan Captain YYYYYY, got away and began hiding in fringe systems. Among the victims of the attack was Captain XXXXX's family. Determined to serve his own justice he goes renegade and begins to search for YYYYY, and sees any Vasudan ship a threat. Your orders are to capture Captain XXXXXX, and his ship, alive.


No missions by mission guidelines, I could make one later, but here's what happens in a nutshell.
You start off by dealing with some leftovers from the Vasudan Rebellion. Then you begin to track down XXXXXX. Soon you start to find some other Terran ships have joined with the rogue Captain. After an attack on his destroyer, he gets away and makes for a jump node. The GTVA has blockaded the jump node but somehow he makes it through, oh by the way our future pal, Aken Bosch was incharge of that blockade. It's all blamed on a communication breakdown however. *Wink Wink*

XXXXXX has now gotten deeper into Vasudan space, and he has begun to attack civilian convoys in an effort to draw out YYYYYYY. Fortunately for you, Intelligence has just found him, and now you spend a mission or two finding him and capturing him. XXXXX hears this and demands that the Vasudan be turned over to him. Of course they don't and he attacks the Arcadia installation YYYYY is being housed at. That would be the final mission where you have to disable the Admiral's ship and make sure they capture him while also ensuring the destroyer isn't destroyed from a predicable self-destruct. (Kill the Weapons subsystem!)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 11, 2004, 07:19:47 pm
Okay, campaign? Got one of those...

You are the squadron commander for the 242th Suicide Kings, flying off the GTD Aquitane. It's roughly two years after Cappella.
Command Briefing #1 outline: The Aquitane and her battlegroup have been pulled out of a scheduled refit because of the appearance of a pirate Deimos corvette in Delta Serpentis, where it destroyed a convoy of several Hippocrates medical ships. The GTVA Security Council is not happy about this, and has ordered the pirates' destruction.
Insystem forces in Delta Serpentis chased the Deimos and several attendant fighter wings into Ross 128 and are sitting on the jump node now to keep it from leaving, while Laramis System Command scrambled bomber wings to watch the the Laramis-Ross 128 jump node. The pirates are trapped. Their forces are believed to consist of fewer then ten wings of fighters/bombers, a few older crusier models, and the Deimos. The Aquitane and her battlegroup have been tasked with finding them and killing them.
Because the GTCv Dynamic, the corvette that's a part of the Aquitane's normal escort, wasn't done with its engine refitting in time to join, the GVD Memphis' battlegroup loaned the GVCv Luxor and a heavy fighter squadron to the Aquitane for this mission.
You'll be flying the Perseus almost exculsively in this campaign, because the 242th is an interceptor squadron.

Mission 1: Faceoff
Briefing outline: Alpha wing will escort the Fenris-class cruiser Fortune as it participates in a sweep of the system. The briefer doesn't know what you'll find, but suspects pirates, if anything. If the Fortune gets into trouble, or finds the pirate Deimos, it can yell for help and have the GVCv Luxor and its escort wing arrive within 45 seconds, with the GTC Lord of the Deep (a Leviathan-class) arrive within 90 seconds. If things are REALLY bad, the Aquitane itself and the remainder of the battlegroup can arrive within 5 minutes.
Mission Outline: You jump in to see a pair of civilian Argos tooling along, nothing much happening at all. This changes when a hostile Fenris and a wing of mixed fighters warp in off to your left a few klicks. The Fortune orders you to engage the fighters and moves to engage the Fenris itself. The fighter wing heads for the Argos, which you have to protect. After you've killed the fighters, the Argos warp out, and you can turn your attention to the pirate Fenris.
Once the pirate Fenris is dead, the Fortune tells you it's warping to the next search area, and you should follow.
Red Alert to next mission.
The pirate fighters should only have one wave.

Mission 2: On Call
Briefing Outline: Your patrol is interrupted when you recieve a distress call from the GVC Re, an Aten-class crusier escorting a small convoy through Ross 128. The Re has been attacked by pirates and badly damaged. It and several of the convoy craft were disabled, but managed to beat off their attackers for the moment. You and the Fortune are to go and offer whatever assistance you can.
Mission Outline: You arrive and find things pretty much as described. The convoy is beat up, the Re is even more beat up, and the Vasudan escort wing is actually doing okay for itself. The Fortune and Re exchange messages (How are you doing?, Pretty bad, etc.), and then a mixed wing of bombers and fighters jumps in, with another wing of mixed fighters for cover.
Because they were dumb enough to engage somebody with the Alpha 1 callsign, they die. Friendly transports jump in and dock with the Re and disabled convoy vessels to repair them.
At this point, three Satis frieghters jump in along with a wing of mixed fighters, and attack. Don't laugh. The Satises have LTerSlash beams in their main turrets, which will do bad, bad things to the Re's hull.
After these are destroyed, repairs are completed to the convoy, the Re and convoy jump out, the repair transports jump out, and the Fortune returns to its mission with your wing in tow.
Red Alert to next mission.
Again the pirate fighters should only have one wave.

Mission 3: Familar Faces
Briefing Outline: Still on the sweep, still haven't found what you're looking for. The pirates can't have too many more fighter wings to throw at you. since they had less then ten to begin with and have expended four by now. The GVCv Luxor and GTC Lord of the Deep have had no encounters with pirates or anything else.
Mission Outline: Lookie! It's that Deimos you've been hunting...except it just got blown to bits by a Shivan Lilth-class cruiser.
Cue general panic. (And comments to that effect from your wing.)
The Fortune yells for backup and orders you to engage the Shivan fighter wing flying cover for the Lilth, as well as destroy the Lilth's main beam. So, you do that and dogfight it for about 45 seconds, then the GVCv Luxor shows up with its escort wing...and so do two more wings of Shivan fighters. 45 seconds after that, the GTC Lord of the Deep shows up as well, along with its escort wing. And so do a Cain-class cruiser and yet another wing of Shivan fighters.
After some intense dogfighting and disabling the Cain's beam cannon as well, the Shivans all die, and your capships are all still alive. (Otherwise, you've failed the mission.) The Aquitane orders the capships and whatever fighters are left to rejoin her battlegroup.
And finally, the uber-mission ends. You warp out normally. No Red Alert.
Shivan wings should have about 3 waves apiece.

Mission 4: Playing Scout
Briefing Outline: The briefer is sorry they couldn't offer you a rest, but every available pilot and ship is needed now that Shivan forces have been discovered in Ross 128.
Your wing is being dispatched to check out an area near Ross 128 IV, where some kind of activity has been detected by the Aquitane's attendant AWACs wing. Nobody knows what you're going to find, but Shivans are expected.
Mission Outline: You see a small Shivan cargo depot. Command orders you to destroy it. It's small, so it's only six containers or so, two sentry guns, and a pair of fighters. After you've destroyed it, one of your wingman asks Command for further orders.
What, you thought you'd get off that easy?
Command orders you to stick around the cargo depot and see what develops. So, you wait a bit. A Shivan freighter jumps in, with two fighters as escort. Take down the freighter and escorts. Another short wait. A Cain-class crusier and another wing of fighters jumps in. Take down the fighters.
When you engage the Cain, you realize there's something odd about it: It has no beam cannon. Instead it's outfitted as though it were from FS1.
Cain fall down go boom. Another short wait. A wing of six Dragons jumps in, and one of your wing tells Command the Shivans seem to be starting to take you seriously. A few seconds after you start dogfighting with the Dragons, a Moloch-class corvette, the SCv Unclean, warps in.
Cue general panic.
Command tells you to hang in there, help is on the way. And it is. Another warship exits subspace, apparently Iceni-class. Command tells you to calm down, and meet the first of the new Tribal-class Frigates, the GTFf Alemanni*. The Alemanni warns your wing to stand clear of the SCv Unclean, then opens fire with its forward beams.
After a brief battle, the Alemanni tears the SCv Unclean to shreds, and you recieve a "Mission successful, RTB" message. The Alemanni warps out, and so do you.
*The Alemanni is an Iceni with a different weapons configuration that I cooked up. If the campaign is selected, I'll dig out the exact weapons configuration. Suffice it to say that it's about as powerful as an Orion but comes in a much smaller package.

Command Briefing #2 outline: The GTVA is taking the discovery of Shivans in Ross 128 very seriously. Ross 128 is now consider a combat theater, and the majority of the GTVA’s combatant ships have been commited to it. The Sixth, Eleventh, Third, and Eighth Fleets have been commited to operations in Ross 128 proper, while the First and Second Fleets blockade the Ross 128/Delta Serpentis jump node, and the Ninth Fleet blockades the Laramis/Ross 128 jump node.
If it weren’t for the fact that there are GTVA systems beyond Ross 128 that can’t be accessed except through that system, the GTVA would have blown the jump nodes leading into Ross 128 already, and been done with it. If anybody spots a Sathanas, they WILL blow the jump nodes, and Laramis and beyond will just have to fend for themselves.
Also, there is a “in other news” bit on the GTFf Alemanni, which has joined the Aquitane’s battlegroup. It includes a brief rundown on the Alemanni’s specs and history.

Mission 5: To Defend
Briefing Outline: They finally let you get some sleep, and now that you're rested up, your wing is to escort your old friend the GTC Fortune as it docks with the newly deployed GTI Europa, a Ganymede-class installation, for repairs. Once the Fortune has docked, you are to protect it and the installation until relieved by the GTCv Dynamic, plus Beta and Gamma wings of the 53rd Hammerheads.
The installation already has an Aeolus-class cruiser (the GTC Tornado) a wing of Vasudan fighters, and a few Mjolnir RBCs for defense.
Mission Outline: You jump in and escort the Fortune as it docks. The Fortune and Tornado exchange messages (How'd you get so beat up?, You know those darned Shivans, Ha!, Fortunately I had Alpha here as escort, etc.)
Shortly after the Fortune docks, a wing of Basilisks jump in about two clicks away. They head for the Fortune. You are ordered to intercept.
Scratch the Basilisks. A pause. Then two wings of Shivan bombers and some fighter escort warp in four klicks away. Again, you are ordered to intercept. You do so, and clean out both waves of bombers.
Now a Shivan Rakshasa jumps in, very far away. The GTC Tornado moves to engage, and you (you specfically, not your wing) are ordered to kill the Rakshasa's beams. You head out to do so.
After you kill the Rakshasa's beams, you're just turning around to head back to the installation when a Shivan Lilth jumps in, right on top of the installation. The Mjolnirs can't engage it; it's inside the defense gun ring. Time to think fast and use those wingmen commands.
About thirty seconds later, the GTCv Dymanic arrives, and moves to engage the Lilth, as do the two wings of fighters it brought. The Lilth dies, the Rakshasa dies, and it's back to base for you, unless you've managed to lose the Tornado, Fortune, or Europa, in which case you lose.

Mission 6: Exorcism
Briefing Outline: Apparently you made an impression on the captain of the GTFf Alemanni, because he requested your wing specfically for this mission.
The Pegasus wing aboard the GTD Tarawa discovered a Shivan cargo depot in orbit around Ross 128 VI. They also discovered the Shivans had commited THREE cruisers to the defense of this depot, and several fighter wings. This implies the Shivans place a very high importance on this cargo surviving.
If the Shivans value this cargo so highly, then the GTVA values its destruction even more. A strikeforce is being sent to destroy the depot.
The GTFf Alemanni will engage enemy cruisers. Alpha will be responsible for close escort of the Alemanni and destroying the enemy cruiser's anti-warship beams. Beta wing from the 53rd Hammerheads will fly Myrmidons and engage enemy fightercraft, while Gamma wing from the 64th Raptors, flying Artemis D.H. bombers, will engage any enemy cargo craft, then assist the Alemanni with destroying the enemy cruisers.
Mission Outline: No bombers present themselves at mission start to be killed by you, so the Alemanni orders you to start taking out beam turrets. Beta wing engages the defending fighters, which aren't too many, and Gamma goes for the lone freighter, an SFr Asmodeus.
After Gamma kills the Asmodeus, the Alemanni says it can handle the cruisers on its own, and Command orders Gamma to destroy the cargo units. Only...Gamma just jumped out.
Command curses about it a bit, then orders you (you specfically) to go kill the cargo, as well as adding that the GTVI requested a scan of at least one container. There are a bunch of Belial sentry guns to shoot at you while you make your runs on the cargo. Meanwhile, a wing of Shivan bombers finally shows up, and the rest of your wing goes to intercept them.
If you scan one of the cargo units, then Command tells you the readings are odd, and they're sending in a frieghter to recover one of the cargo units.
Cue the entry of the Posiden-class GTFr Sea of Stars, which requests cover from your wing. A wing of Shivan fighters appear to attack the Sea of Stars, which displays some unexpected teeth when it opens fire with not Subach HL-7 turrets, but UD-8 Kaysers. Nevertheless, you ought to have do some work to protect the Sea of Stars. When it grabs the cargo unit, the Sea of Stars transmits a "thanks" message and then warps out, and that's good for a bonus objective.
Kill the rest of the cargo containers, help the Alemmani out with the enemy cruisers, and call it a day. Unless you lose the Alemanni, in which case Command thinks you suck and you fail the mission.

Command Briefing #3 Outline: There is good news. This is not the third coming of the Shivans. All Shivan ships engaged to date have been identified as ones that slipped out of Capella before the nodes were closed, or even ships that were thought to have been destroyed during The Great War. Apparently they have been lying low in this system. The GTVI is not certain why.
GTVI estimates a total Shivan force roughly the size of a GTVA Fleet, but this is inferred: no major fleet units have been sighted, save a single corvette. However, these fighters we're facing had to have come from somewhere.
That said, it's not time to relax just yet. A fleet of Shivan ships is nothing to sneeze at, and should they break out of Ross 128 they could do significant damage to the GTVA. The economy is only just recovering to from the loss of Cappella. We do not need a fleet of Shivans wreaking havoc on our shipping lanes.

Mission 7: Hot Scramble
Briefing Outline: Your wing is part of the Aquitane's ready group. The ready group is being scrambled to assist the GTD Sprunance, one of the new Orion Type B destroyers, which was attacked by a Shivan cruiser group and disabled while en route to join the GTD Tarawa's battlegroup. You launch at once.
Mission Outline: You show up, along with a few other wings from other squadrons on the Aquitane (one from the 70th Blue Lions, one from the 64th Raptors, and one from the 107th Ravens) and the GTFf Alemanni. Here's the Spruance and its escorts, two Deimos-class corvettes (GTCv Phobos and GTCv Achilles). The Spruance is somewhat damaged but disabled. The Phobos is mostly undamaged but disabled, while the Achilles is damaged badly but still mobile.
The Alemanni and Spruance exchange messages. (How're you doing, our drive is in pieces but otherwise okay, etc.) It turns out the Spruance's drive can be repaired, but they don't have parts onboard to do so. The GTCv Phobos chimes in to report that they can repair their drives with the means onboard, although they'll need a few minutes.
A few wings of Shivan fighters and bombers jump in. Alpha is ordered to run interference for the wings from the Blue Lions and 107th while they attack the bombers. A few waves later, the Alemanni says that looks like the last of them, and tells you "Good job."
Famous last words.
Two Shivan corvettes jump in, roughly 15000 meters off the Sprunace's port side and somewhat below. They launch fighters, apparently to protect themselves against the wing of Artemis D.H. bombers you have with you, and move to engage the Spruance and escorts. The fighters stick with the Shivan corvettes.
The Spruance orders you not to engage, and to get on its starboard side. When the corvettes reach 10000 meters, you find out why the Spruance is called a Orion Type B, as it blows one Moloch to Kingdom Come with two BFGreen hits. However, the Spruance has depleted its beam cannon capcitators, and you're going to have to go in along with the wing of Artemis D.H.s from the Aquitane and kill the other the old-fashioned way. The surviving Moloch objects to this, and launches even more fighters to defend itself.
Somewhere around here, a transport with the necessary parts to repair the Spruance's drives jumps in and docks with it.
The Moloch succumbs to the power of Alpha 1 like so many others, and the Phobos announces its repairs are complete. After a short wait so does the Spruance. The Spruance and escorts jump out to rendvous with the GTD Tarawa's battlegroup, and Command orders you and the Alemanni to rejoin the Aquitane's battlegroup. Warp on out of there.
Losing the Spruance or Alemanni is a mission failure, while protecting the two Deimos corvettes are two seperate secondary objectives.
The Spruance is an Orion with a different weapons loadout. Again, if selected I can provide the full breakdown of what goes in what turret.

Mission 8: Alpha Strike

Briefing Outline: A Shivan Demon-class the destroyer has been detected making a run for the Ross 128/Laramis jump node. The Aquitane is launching everything that can fly to stop the destroyer and its attendant cruisers/fighters.
The Demon is estimated to have 36 fighters at its disposal, two full Shivan squadrons, and its cruiser screen consists of four Cains, a Rakshasa, and a Lilth. The Demon cannot be allowed to reach the Ross 128/Laramis node. The cruisers are secondary objectives.
Mission Outline: The Aquitane doesn’t have much fighter throw weight left because of nearly two weeks of continous combat ops, so it comes down to your wing, two wings of the Blue Lions, and four wings of Artemis bombers. Tactical command belongs to Alpha 1 of the Blue Lions, (Hey, look, it’s you! Or was you…or something…gah, I’ve confused myself.) so you can give orders to the bombers but not the Blue Lions. Alpha 1 from the Blue Lions will be giving the orders in-mission, rather then Command.
Three of the wings of Artemis bombers attack the Demon, while one wing of bombers and one wing from the Blue Lions attack the screening cruisers. Your wing and the other wing of Blue Lions will cover the bombers attacking the Demon. The Demon, naturally, objects to your trying to blow it up, and launches its fighters in two waves of eighteen to try and fend you off.
You have 5 minutes and 50 seconds. Whatever’s left of the Shivans after that jumps to the Ross 128/Laramis node. Killing the Demon wins the mission, but the node defenses will take heavy casualities if you let too many cruisers slip by, and Command won’t be very happy with you even though the blockade held.

Mission 9: Checkmate
Briefing Outline: The Shivan base of operations in this system has been located. It’s a disabled Ravana-class destroyer. Shivan defenses are heavy, and what remaining strength the Shivans have is concentrated here.
The GVD Memphis’ battlegroup already assaulted the Shivan position, and withdrew after losing ten wings of fighters, the GVC Mycenaus, and the GVCv Luxor. The Memphis herself and most of the other ships in her battlegroup were badly damaged. Shivan losses were also heavy, with several cruisers and numerous fighters and bombers.
The Aquitane’s battlegroup is going to finish the job. The Aquitane will attack the Ravana, with the GTCs Lord of the Deep, Kraken, and Champlain functioning as close escort (all Leviathans). The GTCv Dynamic, GTC Windward (Aeolus-class), GTFf Alemanni, and two other Aeolus-class cruisers joining especially for this operation (GTC Tornado and GTC Typhoon) will attack enemy cruisers and targets of opportunity. The GTCs Fortune and Fenrir were donated to the GTD Tarawa’s battlegroup temporarily in replacement for the extra Aeoluses.
Remaining Shivan strength is estimated at around fifty fighters and bombers, a lone Moloch-class corvette, and a small number of cruisers, probably no higher then five. There are also some Shivan freighters in the area.
Alpha wing, we have a special mission for you. The Ravana is apparently coordinating fire-control for most of the Shivan’s larger ships through its own weapons subsystem. If you can take that out, it will give us a great advantage.
Mission Outline: Well, you know what’s gonna engage. Yes, it has BoE Syndrome, but I happen to like that. The Aquitane and company shall be intelligent enough to attack the Ravana from the side, so it’s pretty much doomed from the word go. Otherwise, go wild. Scatter fighters from both sides all over the place. Set it up so you can rack up a kill count to make Adolf Galland envious. However, just for the sheer neatness of it, Alpha gets to do something fun. When you take out the Ravana’s weapons subsystem, roughly half the Shivan capships stop shooting. (Turret-lock/Beam-lock sexps, anyone?)
And you get the knowledge that the Shivans will be totally owned now, and it’s all your doing.

And…that’s all, folks. However, I have a sequel up my sleeve, too.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Singh on September 12, 2004, 04:04:48 am
one more from my side:
Mission one takes place as per normal. Alpha one plays part of the 44th Iron Fist's Space Superiority Squadron, based onboard the GVD Toeris, one of the 6th Fleet's two Orion Class Destroyers inside the Epsilon Pegasi system. Alpha wing is on routine patrol of the system. The Toeris is being escorted by the GTCv Hawkwood, the GTCv Parapet, the GVCv Nebtuu and the GTC Explorer. They are currently on the lookout for pirates and are also aiding in escorting a large civilian convoy (consisting of several transports and freighters - a few of them Vasudan) from Epsilon Pegasi into Capella. Cue comms chatter between Alpha 3 and Beta 1 (the latter of whom is a Vasudan pilot attached out to the Toeris). Basic chatter about how it is being the only Vasudan on a Terran destroyer and basic back-and-forth arguments. The Vasudan pilot points out that he isn't the only one here, and the GVCv Nebtuu does point out that they are here as well. The Captain of the Explorer pipes in and asks them to keep quite.

Then of course, pirates jump in and attack the convoy. Alpha and beta wings have to engage and destroy. The pirates go for only the Vasudan transports and freighters, along with the GVCv Nebtuu; but are rebuffed by Alpha 1. Mission debriefing mentions how odd this is; but nothing more. Alpha 3 and beta 1 MUSt survive the mission.

Mission two doesn't see the NTF revolution just yet - but suggests hints of it.

The Toeris completes its escort and all the civilian freighters jump out. They are about to jump out when a signal comes in from the GTD Repulse and Rear Admiral Koth - they are under massive attack by pirates. A conversation ensues between the captain of the Toeris and Admiral Koth.

The Captian of the Toeris asks what is going on, and questions about the assault, but Admiral Koth just keeps giving excuses about lack of information and some such. the conversation starts to get fierce but finally the Captain of the Toeris agrees and jumps out. But the mission isn't over just yet. The GTC Explorer and the GVCv Nebtuu have remained behind to help escort another group of civilians that are to arrive soon. They do arrive, followed by more bombers and fighters, all of which focus their attacks on the Nebtuu. When the Nebtuu asks for the Explorer to give covering AAA fire, the Explorer gives an excuse saying that all power relays have had a massive failiure and that they are dead in the water. Alpha wing finally manages to throw off the assault. All ships depart as they recieve a signal from the GTD Teoris. Note: Alpha 3 and Beta 1 must survive this mission.

Mission three is the betrayal. When the GVCv Nebtuu and Explorer arrive on the scene; they appear just before the GTD Teoris, which is right behind them. Ahead is Admiral Koth's ship, but no sign of the pirates. Surrounding the Repulse are several bombers, cruisers, corvettes and.......the Iceni.

When the Nebtuu asks what is going on, and what is the Iceni, Admiral Bosch replies, stating that Neo Terra has no place for Vasudans; and they should retreat immediately or be destroyed. He offers a choice to the terran pilots: either join or die. The main reason Alpha three and Beta 1 has to survive is for this mission: the true betrayal happens between both, when Alpha three attacks Beta 1. Cue comments from Beta 1 how they had worked alongside each others for 'years' yet how can Alpha 3 just turn on him like that. Cue general hatred/extremist reply against Vasudans and death scream from Beta 1. Various fighters take friendly and hostile IFFs accross the board, and Alpha one has to take down all hostiles and survive till the Toeris returns. Protection of the Nebtuu is secondary; but its still an objective.

When the Toeris finally arrives, the Captain confronts Koth, asking him how he could do this to the GTVA and conversations flowing with shock and fear. Mention that Koth worked with teh captain of the Toeris personally for several years; and how could he betray him, of all his friends. Bosch is the only one who replies that he is doing this for humanity, and orders Koth to open fire on the Toeris. Koth hesitates, unsure what to do, faced with one of his friends. Then Bosch reminds him this was what he had signed on to do; humanity's future is at stake, and unless they made a stand here and now, the dream of Neo Terra would never be realized. Bosch then reminds him coldly of what the GTVA have done for Koth and his family.

this fuels Koth onwards, and he coldly obeys, and opens fire (perhaps add a little 'I'm sorry.' bit here). The Toeris doesn't stick around, it and the Nebtuu jump out as the Explorer and other ships that came with it turn traitor and attack it. Neo Terra has arrived in Epsilon Pegasi.
Onto Mission four.

Mission four takes place with the Toeris on the run. At every corner, the fleet (consisting of the GTD Toeris, the GTCv Parapet and the GVCv Nebtuu) are hitting into and running from NTF Blockades and forces of varying sizes and magnitudes. The NTD Repulse has apperantly not chased them just yet, focusing more on getting the Iceni out of the system. The Main assault itself hasn't begun (as witnessed in the main campaign) and this mission focuses more just before it. NTF Units have defected from the 6th Fleet and more are pouring in from Deneb and Alpha Centauri. As it is, almost 40% of the fleet is in the hands of the NTF, and with forces pouring in, the odds don't look good.
With a damaged ship and a demoralized crew; the Captain of the Toeris has made a plan. The Toeris and the corvettes are of little use on their own, with little or no support from smaller craft and supplies. The first priority is on getting re-enforcements.

For this mission, it is in the form of a small group of cruisers that managed to avoid the NTF conflict so far. They have sent out a distress signal out requesting for immediate assistance. The mission is simple - Alpha wing has to go in, make contact with the cruisers and inform them of the situation. The Cruisers in question are the GTC Templar (Aeolus), the GTC Rampart (Leviathan) and the GTC Rogue (Fenris). All are holding position for now, next to a medical frigate that had come under assault from the NTF. The Cruisers communicate with the GTD Toeris and say that they are ready to move once the frigate has fixed it's engines. Alpha wing is ordered to protect them as per normal. You eventually get trouble, but then, this is freespace, waht do you expect?

The mission ends when an NTF Corvette jumps in (The NTCv Hawkwood) along with even more fighters and bombers. It opens fire on the frigate (cue message of 'oh the humanity!' or 'how descpicable' and such) and Alpha is ordered to retreat with the cruisers to the Toeris. The cruisers will play an important role in the next mission - which is a run on an NTF supply depot.

Mission five is done at the other end of the Epsilon Pegasi system. Admiral Koth has now turned his efforts into hunting down the GTD Toeris and it's small fleet. However, after the initial attack and betrayal by Koth, supplies are running low and the Toeris needs spare parts, food and water to keep on running. Contact with Command was re-established for a short while before it was lost again. Re-enforcements are on the way, and would be there within 36 hours - but the Toeris cannot wait that long, and with Koth hot on their heels, he would catch up to them long before the re-enforcements do.

Admiral Toeris says he has a plan to strike back at the NTF, and maybe stop Koth as well. But before they can start, they need the supplies present at this Depot. Scans revealed that it is gaurded by two cruisers, the NTC Majestic and the NTC Reef, along with several wings of fighters. The Depot itself consists of an Acardia Class Installation, several transports and a field of Cargo Containers.
Alpha wing will be going in first to Nuetralize all the fighters. Once that is done, the GTC Templar, the GTC Rogue and the GTC Rampart will jump in along with Gamma wing's bombers to take on the cruisers. During this time, Alpha wing has to go through the cargo and scan to see which one contains the cargo required. The cargo will be present in only three containers out of the entire bunch, and freighters will be dipatched to collect it once the scanning is done. But this is the more interesting twist here - a transmission is recieved from a transport on the other side of the station. It is from a group of civilian hostages being held by the NTF. They are the only survivors from a battle between NTF and GTVA forces elsewhere, and Koth had ordered them taken in rather than nuetralized. The transport is on auto-pilot and set to dock with the station within a few minutes, where marines would board and them take them into custody. Alpha one is ordered to terminate the auto-pilot (read: scan) onboard the transport. As soon as he's done however, a wing of fighters are launched from the station to intercept the transport and destroy it. Of course, Alpha 1 intercepts and they go kaplooie. The mission ends almost immediately after the transport departs, when Koth's destroyer pops in to stop the assault. Everyone jumps out, running like heck!

Mission six sees Alpha one back onboard the Toeris. The raid on the depot is declared a total success. The civilians have a rather interesting story to tell the Toeris. Koth's raid has been going on throughout Epsilon Pegasi, destroying GTVA forces left and right, leaving the Teoris's small fleet as the last remaing bastion of strength the GTVA has here. Losses of the fleet are estimated at 75%, a devastating blow to the 6th fleet. But interestingly enough, wherever Koth has been involved in battles that has Civilians inside of them, he has captured them rather than allow them be killed, and made sure that the ships acting under his command do not do the same. The Captain of the Toeris says this is one of the main reasons for his plan, which as unbelievable as it sounds, is to convince Admiral Koth to surrender. With re-enforcements less than twenty hours away, they are going to have to slow down Koth's destroyer long enough for them to get away. As of the moment, Koth himself is chasing down the Toeris, not trusting the task to any of his other ships, as the exact size of the Toeris's fleet is unknown to them.
A strike is planned against the chasing destroyer - which is just one jump behind them now. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta wings will jump in near the Destroyer, with the main objectives being to disable the following systems: Navigation and Sensors. Disabling the Engines is not recommended since the Captain wants Koth to keep the chase himself - rather than dispatch the massive fleet at his command, which the Toeris would never survive against (but Koth doesn't know that).
Mission six is a success of both subsystems are disabled. Of course, make it tough for Alpha to do so. Koth has been delayed a few hours, giving the Toeris just enough time to make a run all the way to nearby Enif station.

Mission seven doesn't take place near Enif station - its at the other side of the planet in fact. The Toeris and Alpha wing jumps in, only to find an NTF force of two corvettes, a cruiser and a wing of bombers waiting for them. A fierce battle ensues, and the NTF ships fall as they are outnumbered massively. But the Toeris takes a direct hit to the engines and they go down. Alpha must not gaurd the Toeris from several cruisers, corvettes and bombers as they jump in to take it out. Then finally, Koth himself comes in and opens fire on the Corvettes and Cruisers (but not the Destroyer itself. note: The Parapet, Nebtuu and Rampart all have to survive as they appear later in the main campaign). The battle ends when the GTCv Hawkwood sends a distress signal regarding a large, unknown ship before the signal terminates. Seconds later, the Colossus jumps in, right in-between Koth's destroyer and the Toeris. Koth retreats immediately; while the Toeris is ordered to stand down for the moment.
Debriefing mentions facts about the battle elsewhere in hte system, and the possible plan to lure Koth out from hiding. But the captian of the Toeris says he has a different idea instead, one which has a more peacefull resolution. Cue Mission eight.

Mission eight is simple, very simple actually. The captain of the Toeris knows one of Koth's hiding spots, and manages to track him down for a final showdown. The Toeris is alone, and here against Command's orders. The Repulse is alone, without any fighter cover or any other ships. They are still repairing damage which the Colossus did to it. The guns are off-line when the Toeris jumps in, and Koth muses how the Toeris has come to finish him off when he's down. The Captain of the Toeris says he isn't here to kill Koth, he never was. What follows is a long conversation and argument between Koth and the Captain of the Toeris - who tries his best to convince Koth in ending this Massacre; he brings out everything, including the friendship he had shared with Koth in his earlier years. When the main guns come back online on the Repulse, the Captain refuses to open fire, and instead disarms his guns, throwing his fate and their friendship entirely into Koth's hands. Koth ends up being surprised and speechless - but it works in a sense.

Koth then says he has no choice - and then says why.

The reason he defected was not because of his hatred of the Vasudans - it was what Bosch told him. It is revealed that in an attempt to get Koth to defect, Bosch told him everything of his plans - plans which convinced Koth to help Bosch and the NTF, for the sake of humanity - the very same reason that Bosch initially created the NTF. He has little choice but to fight. The Captian of the Toeris tries to convince him to tell him the plan - Koth agrees, and sends a classified packet of data directly to the Captain.

The Captain has almost got Koth to change sides when the signal comes in - the Rampart has been spotted attacking the Majestic and the Refute; and to save both Koth has to jump in and help them. Koth is surprised, thinking the Captain had betrayed him. He then opens fire and then jumps out to engage the Rampart....the debriefing mentions how Koth went up against the Colossus, and how Command might just court-martial the Captain of the Toeris for disobeying orders. If you want to extend it, mention Bosch's plan and how the Captain intends to act on it,otherwise cue end of campaign.

Main characters:
Commodore Samuel Gerald, captain of the GTD Teoris
Admiral Koth, captain of the NTD Repulse
Admiral Bosch, NTF Leader
Alpha 2
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TopAce on September 12, 2004, 06:50:11 am
Originally posted by Axem
Here's one where you are a Vasudan, or atleast fly with them. It takes place a few months before the NTF is formed.

Backstory: Even years after the GTVA was formed, there were still some Vasudans that opposed the alliance. This caused a small rebellion where a Terran Colony was attacked. The rebellion was quickly crushed, but the leader of the rebellion, Vasudan Captain YYYYYY, got away and began hiding in fringe systems. Among the victims of the attack was Captain XXXXX's family. Determined to serve his own justice he goes renegade and begins to search for YYYYY, and sees any Vasudan ship a threat. Your orders are to capture Captain XXXXXX, and his ship, alive.


No missions by mission guidelines, I could make one later, but here's what happens in a nutshell.
You start off by dealing with some leftovers from the Vasudan Rebellion. Then you begin to track down XXXXXX. Soon you start to find some other Terran ships have joined with the rogue Captain. After an attack on his destroyer, he gets away and makes for a jump node. The GTVA has blockaded the jump node but somehow he makes it through, oh by the way our future pal, Aken Bosch was incharge of that blockade. It's all blamed on a communication breakdown however. *Wink Wink*

XXXXXX has now gotten deeper into Vasudan space, and he has begun to attack civilian convoys in an effort to draw out YYYYYYY. Fortunately for you, Intelligence has just found him, and now you spend a mission or two finding him and capturing him. XXXXX hears this and demands that the Vasudan be turned over to him. Of course they don't and he attacks the Arcadia installation YYYYY is being housed at. That would be the final mission where you have to disable the Admiral's ship and make sure they capture him while also ensuring the destroyer isn't destroyed from a predicable self-destruct. (Kill the Weapons subsystem!)

Captain XXXXX needs a better name. :D

Originally posted by Fergus
To be honest I'm not too sure I like this campaign.  Perhaps if it were less focused on the Destroyers maybe?  I dunno.  Ultimately I defer to you experience

Destroyers have major importance, they are mobile fighter carriers unlike any planetary bases or orbital installations. Destroyers in my eyes are daunting(it is because of game balance that you can take down a single one with 4-6 bombers.)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Axem on September 12, 2004, 10:57:43 am
Originally posted by TopAce

Captain XXXXX needs a better name. :D

Fine, his name is now Captain TopAce, and Mr. Vasudan gets the name Maan Yusu'ck. :p

I'm terrible with names, they come out super generic most of the time.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 17, 2004, 06:08:25 am
Anyone else with campaign ideas? The retail campaign is now full so I'm going to have to close this and get everyone to pick an idea pretty soon.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Galemp on September 17, 2004, 01:19:25 pm
You could always adopt NTV. They have a pretty much fully fleshed out campaign outline, and all the mods they need, all that's needed is some missions. It would save it from certain death. :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 17, 2004, 01:48:54 pm
That's not a dreadful plan.

A few questions though.

1) Are the NTV team willing to have people work this openly on their missions? FA requires a lot of openess to work properly. If we remove the possibility of people wondering by and playtesting/correcting a mission it means a lot more work for the dedicated staff.

2) Are all the mods completed and ready to put into a vp file? I assume they are from what you say. It's just that I don't want to see the FREDders sitting about doing nothing while waiting for a mod. If all that NTV needs is FREDders then it's worth doing now. If not get it to that stage and and then it will be considered for the next round of campaign submissions. Considering how quickly people are burning through missions that probably isn't that far away :)

One final point that I've stated before is I'm not making the choice this time. Pursuade the FREDders that they want to make the campaign and it will be the one chosen :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Galemp on September 17, 2004, 04:28:39 pm

1.) NTV has been dormant for the better part of a year now and we're this close away from declaring it dead and releasing everything out in the open anyway. Besides, it's based on the core FS2 storyline anyway; no huge secrets there.

2.) Yep, everything's done, since we're using FS1 and FS2 mods, barring any additions somewhere very late in the campaign (as in the second half of Act III.) As a matter of fact you can start right now just by downloading the six-mission NTV demo. (http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/3dactionplanet/hlp/hosted/ntv/ntv-emergence.zip)

Tell you what, I'll consult with the staff and see if we can open NTV Internal so you can see all our ideas.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 17, 2004, 04:43:59 pm
Sounds fair enough. One of the goals of the FA was to prevent the hosted campaigns from being declared dead due to a lack of FREDders.

Admittedly the idea was that the hosted campaigns would recruit individual FREDders from the academy rather than getting everyone in one big lump but I'm okay with the idea as long as everyone else is. :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: z3r0_tr0jAn on September 18, 2004, 12:31:51 am
As I said in the other topic, I have an idea for a campagin. Currently, I am going through the original FS2 campaign and taking notes, so I think my campaign is going to be pretty accurate.
My tentative title is "Running the Gauntlet," and it is about the NTF side of FS2. This is a brief outline of how it might go (subject to change. It probably will change). The first couple missions will be about you protecting the Iceni, until the GTVA's find you at the cargo depot (Place of the Chariots I think the mission is called). I might include a couple missions about Bosch's dealings with the Shivans after that. Then comes the canon of the campaign - you are apart of the assault on Epsilon Pegasi, and its working out great until the Collosus makes its first appearance on the mission where you attack Enif Station. Then, its up to you to protect NTF ships as they "run the gauntlet" of GTVA blockades. Then I might include some more stuff with the Iceni in the nebula, but I'm a little afraid of doing Shivan missions because I don't want issues to come up like, "That's not what I think Bosch was doing in the Nebula!!"
I'm not going to be putting up anything concrete until I finish my notes and get a story board down. But I think it's going to be pretty cool!
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: karajorma on September 18, 2004, 03:38:35 am
How come everyone likes doing NTF campaigns so much? :D
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Singh on September 18, 2004, 03:49:41 am
Cause we never get to see their sides :P

Another campaign idea could be an alternative ending to the main campiagn. We all know the Bastion entered the node - it was mostly assured. But what if other node wasn't closed completely? What if that effort failed, and before Capella went Kaplooie, several shivan forces made it through? I bet chasing down these forces as they ran rampant through GTVA space would make an intresting campaign :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on September 18, 2004, 03:53:14 am
I think Topace already posted a campaign along those lines in the other thread if I'm not mistaken.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TopAce on September 18, 2004, 10:28:05 am
I posted that campaign idea twice. Considering I received almost no feedback on it, I guess it was not such a success. :o

[EDIT] This is it:

You are a pilot on board an unimportant destroyer(let's say GTD Kelleps, just to give it a :cool: name) which is tasked with the destruction of a larger cargo depot and its defences, but an NTF/Shivan destroyer interferes. It is the best to face this destroyer as soon as possible to kick the Shivans/NTF hard. In the first mission, you hinder some freighters/transports from transfering more cargo containers to the site. While you are away from the GTD, it comes under attack by some bombers, which cause some damage to it. Destroy the cargo and help the Kelleps in taking down the bombers. The next mission should be the direct assault on the cargo depot, but unexpectedly, the evil enemy destroyer jumps in and threatens the Kelleps. There is no choice, but to escape. The next mission should be a tactical engagement: As there is no enough weapon(bombs and bombers) on the Kelleps to destroy it and the Kelleps is damaged, you have to disarm the enemy destroyer's main beam cannons. You fly a LIGHT bomber in this mission and you are armed with the Stiletto or Trebuchets. Unfortunatly, the enemy destroyer escapes but you chase it on. The last is a RED alert mission, there the Kelleps will help you, you must finish your job and let the Kelleps destroy the enemy destroyer.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Singh on September 18, 2004, 10:28:49 am
which one? The NTF one or shivans escaping?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Calaerial on September 19, 2004, 12:34:35 am
Ive never had much experience in designing the nitty gritty of campaigns themselves, im more of an idea man.
I can think if the broader storyline ideas, but ive never fleshed it out to a full size campaign.

One that has persisted is the campaign i once tried to create single-handedly. A roughly 10 mission campaign, before the time of SCP, back when modders were using standard FRED, and huge graphical updates were just twinkles in some very gifted coders combined eyes.

I called it Freespace: Distant Thunder, though since i never got past a technical dificulty on the missions i created it never got past a few prototypes, and had literally no exposure.

It was PARTIALLY inspired by a campaign i played a long time ago whoes name escapes me now. The setting being its main inspiration.

Freespace: Distant Thunder

In the distant Tau Sigma sector, the GTVA contingent is little more than a couple of partially mothballed destroyers running skeleton crews. And the biggest threats to the security of the alliance are a couple of loose asteroids, cosmic dust and dry rot.

During the settling of a minor commercial dispute between the captains of 2 Poseidon class private hire freighters, a couple of pilots discover a subspace spike consistant with a artificial jump node similar to the one destroyed in Gamma Draconis.

A new class of Shivan ship is detected, unarmed but heavily armoured. A kind of variant on the Azrael transport ship but far far more compact and strong.

The pilots relay this information to regional command for the foregone conclusion of recieving orders to engage.

Regional command is a rather articulate and lavish title for what is, in this system little more than a glorified private gentlemens club.
From the GTI Atlus, an Arcadia class installation on the edge of a small asteroid belt. They dish out routine orders, sign the routine forms, dot the i's and cross the t's.

The issue becomes accademic when it emerges that the pilot's moth eaten valkyrie class fighters arent even carrying live weaponry.
However the presence of shivans in this system is of far bigger concern than wether these old space dogs get to rack up their first shivan kill.

GTVA Command orders the forces in the area to not get involved, the mission logs of the incident are classified level Phi.

Nothing more of the shivans is heard.

The 2 original pilots are the only 2 who know what REALLY happened that day, and the devil makes work for idle thumbs, a detour from standard course allows them a closer sweep of the area where they pinpoint the real location of the jump node device.

They enter the portal to find themselves sitting near the head of a shivan armarda...

Flight Liutenant Phillip Montgomery woke up to the blinding lights of the infirmary aboard the GTC Hunter, Fenris Class.
It was a few days before he was in any condition to be briefed or questioned.

2 weeks had passed. The liutenants wingman was MIA, presumed destroyed.
The Hunter had picked up a large piece of debris emitting an emergency signal. They found the cockpit section of a recon craft, designation unknown, and of course, his unconcious body, bloody and bruised, covered in the wreckage of the fighters dials and instrumentation.

Meanwhile, in a neighbouring system, Admiral Petrarch of the 3rd Fleet flagship GTD Aquitaine was pouring over the scrambled logs sent to him in an urgent command briefing.
The flight camera showed typical shivan battle groups, 3 Moloch corvettes in vanguard formation.
A couple of patrolling cruisers, no fighter escorts, clearly the Shivans were not expecting company.
The camera lurches as the ship buckles under the red beam of an unknown shivan cruiser or corvette, and as the core of the reactor on the second fighter blows, a structure unlike anything ever recorded by terran or vasudan life comes into view.
The record ends.

The GTVA, still reeling from the destruction of Capella, and the economic, military, and humanitarian crisis it left in its wake, deemed itself not strong enough to tackle this new threat, and decides not to investigate the matter further, a task force would be sent to destroy the portal, despite this actions failure in Gamma Draconis.

There would be no additional forces deployed to the Tau Sigma system.

The word among the disheartened Hunter's crew, is that Tau Sigma is to be a buffer system, a lightly defended early warning of invasion. They felt abandoned, unvalued, and their warnings of the danger fell on open ears but tied hands as their COs were powerless to act.

Their thoughts are echoed among the crews of other ships. Even a couple of fringe captains, transports mainly.
The forerunning theory is that the shivans were amassing their forces for a new invasion of GTVA space.
But what they are unable to comprehend is, why dont they attack?
Why have they allowed the pathetically under-funded and loosely supported groups of barely spaceworthy ships the system contains to survive?

If anyone finds the campaign intresting, either as a possible project, or just to hear the rest of the story, let me know and i will continue. But its 6:27AM and i dont even know if this is the worst campaign ever concieved.

And please dont be to brutal, im not a professional, nor do i ever profess to be :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Goober5000 on September 19, 2004, 01:18:40 am

Calaerial, your name sounds incredibly familiar.  How did you pick that for your username?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Calaerial on September 19, 2004, 01:22:00 am
Well ive used it on MANY forums, and also your name is very familiar to me, maybe we've encountered each other before.

I read an online comic named Real Life Comics (I thoroughly recommend it, i like it so much i even bought the book! www.reallifecomics.com)

Almost all the characters play Final Fantasy XI, and Liz (The lead characters girlfriend) uses the name Calaerial, in both RL and....RL since its semi-autobiographic.


Just to clarify, i shamelessly stole the name because i liked it, i am not the guys girlfriend :P
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Goober5000 on September 19, 2004, 01:46:21 am
Aha.  Real Life Comics is where I saw it before, yes. :nod:

I haven't used the name Goober5000 anywhere except here and the now-defunct VolitionWatch Bulletin Board, so I guess you're on your own for that one. :p
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Calaerial on September 19, 2004, 02:03:28 am
I think i may have heard it from a mod you were involved with.

Are you the one who mapped the Freespace font?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Goober5000 on September 19, 2004, 02:04:50 am
No, that was Galemp.  Perhaps you're thinking of the Orion nameplates?
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Calaerial on September 19, 2004, 02:06:09 am
Yeah thats what i meant :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Grimloq on September 30, 2004, 07:22:44 pm
erk. i hope im not too late...

first off, hello, blah blah blah, im a new guy, but you may call me 'hey you' instead of 'grimloq' if you wish. i dont mind :nervous:

anywayz, id thought up a generic, yet fun campaign idea a while back. the name 'We, the People...' seemed to fit well.


basicly, you are part of a planetary militia. after the capella supernova, everything was kinda collapsing, especially the economy. you and thousands of otehrs suddenly find yourselves out of a job, with little money. you join a resistance movement, and, with the entire planet on your side, decide to revolt. the GTVA, while not wanting to attack their own planet, tries to stop you. you are NOT afraid to use force, so your resistance movment (not necesarily YOURS, but you get the idea) fight back, hard. and, well, the campaign just kinda goes along those lines. whether its a happy ending (you gain your own government for your planet, or something) or an unhappy ending (you lose :p ) it doesnt really matter. just an idea i had...

i thought it would use little or no MODs, so its good practice (somebody linked me here from the FRED academy thingey-thing...)

ok, now its time to go get my bloody avatar to work...
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Blitzerland on September 30, 2004, 07:43:30 pm
You don't get an avator. You have to be on a project.

This place is great and all, but you have to be royalty to get a custom title, let alone an avator.

One day...i'll get myself a title...and then...i'll conquer switzerland...and rename it....Blitzerland. ;7
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Grimloq on September 30, 2004, 08:39:41 pm
Originally posted by Blitzerland
You don't get an avator. You have to be on a project.
This place is great and all, but you have to be royalty to get a custom title, let alone an avator.

ya, i found that out just after i posted that :) too bad. i gotz a cool avatar... i THINK itshere (http://www.waycoolpages.com/originorder/forumavatar.PNG) , but im not sure.

[edit] yup, thats it :p

and BTW, thats not how you spell 'avatar' :)
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Blitzerland on September 30, 2004, 09:08:34 pm
Originally posted by Grimloq

and BTW, thats not how you spell 'avatar' :)

No one complains about your chatspeak...why? Because like poor spelling here...no one cares.

That is the number five rule here: bother not regarding the grammatical and spelling errors of others.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 30, 2004, 09:29:06 pm
Lies. It annoys the heck out of me. You claim to speak English, so speak it or I shall be forced to post numerous parody pictures.
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 30, 2004, 10:03:25 pm
You are part of the 39th Heavy Fighter Squadron, a Vasudan unit flying Taruets (Vasudan-focused campaign! W00t!) off of the Vega Installation, the main fleet base in Vega. Despite three months of active duty, you've seen almost no action. Things are pretty quiet, it's been six months since Capella.

Mission #1: Whoops
You're flying a patrol mission at a civilian Arcadia. Lots of civvie traffic about, maybe you do some scanning but don't really find anything wrong.
The 3rd Independant Cruiser Squadron (4-6 cruisers of mixed lineage.) stops by as part of their routine system patrol.
So does a pirate Deimos going by the name of Manhunter. The Manhunter turns to flee seeing an array of cruisers coming at it, and the classic "Alpha, stop that ship!" scenario ensues. Manhunter is disabled, disarmed, refuses to surrender, and dies.
The debriefing mentions that the Manhunter was lasted sighted in Ross 128, and it would have had to transit several nodes under direct observation by GTVA installations and ships to get to Vega. The GTVI is looking into it.

Mission #2: Domestic Disturbance
Your wing is scrambled to assist the Vega III shipyards. They called for reinforcements only a few minutes ago. Details are sketchy, but the attackers are apparently Terran.
You arrive to find a huge battle going on about five klicks out. Friendly fighter wings are protecting the main shipyard station, an Arcadia, from multiple hostile wings of Terran bombers and fighters. Multiple hostile Terran cruisers (3 is probably a good number) are engaging the defending capital ships, (a Sobek, a Leviathan, and the Aeolus-class GTC Typhoon) while fighter wings from both sides defend and attack the capital ships.
Off in the distance, friendly fighters are trying to protect the uncompleted Hecate-class GTD Agincourt from an enemy bomber wing and escorting fighters. Strangely, however, the other destroyer under construction here, the completed but uncrewed GTD Kurita, is being left alone.
None of this, however, is your problem. Your problem is defending the repair and refitting docking ring right next to you, as well as the various freighters, transports, and misc. craft housed therein where they are undergoing refitting. Several bomber wings and escort arrive to keep you busy. As you fend off the second wave or so of attackers, the GTD Aquitane and two friendly corvettes arrive, responding to the station's distress call.
Several things happen at once. The docking ring holding the GTD Kurita self-destructs, and the Kurita warps out. The remaining hostiles warp out as well. And you get a mission complete, RTB message.
While the shipyards sustained minimal damage, and the GTD Agincourt will be completed on-schedule in two weeks, Command is worried. The attackers were too numerous and too sophisicated for pirates, and now they've made off with an Orion-class destroyer. More forces, including the GVD Memphis and her battlegroup, are being dispatched to Vega.

Mission 3: Cruisin'
Things haven't gotten any better in Vega. The hijacked Kurita has destroyed several civilian installations and cargo depots, and other enemy forces have struck targets in the system. All attempts at communication have ended in violence, and the GTVI hasn't got a clue as to who they are or where they're coming from.
The attacks on civilian targets bring you to the purpose of this mission: your wing and the GTC Typhoon (Aeolus-class) will cover the evacuation of a civilian cargo facility.
It all looks pretty simple: you just have to fly around looking tough while civilian freighters recover the cargo. Then, of course, things change. A Leviathan jumps in. It's a friendly, but it's suffered some damage, not too much, and reports beating off a wing of hostile fighters. So, now you have to protect the Leviathan too.
And then, of course, the baddies show up in the form of multiple hostile Fenris-class cruisers with fighter escort. You have to beat them off, while protecting the Tornado and the Leviathan. In the background, the civvies continue evacutating the depot. When they're done, regardless of the number of remain hostiles, you're ordered to warp out.

Mission 4: Panic Attack
Your wing and the GTC Typhoon (get used to that Aeolus, you're gonna be working with it a lot) are to escort a convoy carrying supplies for both your squadron and the 3rd Independant Cruiser Squadron.
Simple escort mission, the most that bothers you is a few wings of hostile fighters. You're pretty much off in the middle of nowhere, waiting while the convoy recharges its jump drives.
...Or not. A science ship in the convoy detects an uncharted subspace node...out of which emerges none other then the GTD Kurita, which fries a random convoy ship with its beams and then launches bombers to finish the job.
You protect the convoy as it flees through the node and then flee after them yourself. Red Alert to next mission.

Mission 5: Sprint to First
You come out of subspace in an uncharted system and are confronted with a hostile Leviathan, several fighter wings, and a bunch of sentry guns. You have to defend the GTC Typhoon and convoy while the Typhoon makes a quick scan of the area for an intrasystem jump.
Once the Typhoon finds a good place to run to a few minutes later, it and the convoy warp out. You follow. Red Alert to next mission.

Mission 6: Steal Second
Apparently somebody else thought this asteroid field made a good spot to hide too, because you are attacked by several wings of older-model Vasudan fighters and an Aten cruiser. The Typhoon fries the Aten without apparent effort, and you deal with the fighters. The convoy eases into the asteroids and hides out.

Mission 7: Rounding Third
The GTC Typhoon suffered damage to its intersystem jump drive, but fortunately the parts to repair it could be found in the convoy cargo. The same is true of its hull damage. Since the convoy was carrying parts for your fighters as well, repairs on them could be done, and there are some primary weapons you can switch out for if you want. The only missiles available were Tornados, though.
Your wing will make a diversionary strike on an Arcadia that the Typhoon detected when making its scan earlier. Your task is simple: wreak as much havoc as you can so that the Arcadia will call for reinforcements, hopefully drawing off some of the defenders at the jump node. Don't attack the Arcadia, though, it's defenses are apparently much better then those of a normal installation. (Translation: all those Terran Turrets? AAAf beams.)
There are a lot targets: cargo containers, two understrength fighter wings, freighters, transports, a Fenris-class cruiser. After you've destroyed enough stuff, two Deimos corvettes show up, and it's time to go.

Mission 8: The Run for Home
Escort the Typhoon and the convoy as they make a run for the node back to GTVA space. The same amounts and types of weapons are available to you as the in last mission
Simple stuff: Alpha 1 must survive to make the node and jump, so must the Typhoon. Depending on your performance, however, you ought to get some hefty rewards for bringing back more of the convoy. (If you get every convoy ship back alive, I'd say a GTVA Legion of Honor and a promotion, at least.)
There is plenty of stuff to oppose you. Multiple fighter and bomber wings, at least two cruisers, a bunch of normal sentry guns, and four Elysium transports fitted out as SGreen RBCs. This mission should be, at the least, VERY challenging. Don't go easy on the player.

Mission 9: Curtain Call
Now that the secret is out, the GTVA has moved decisively to deal with these renegades, whoever they are. Your wing will join the GVD Memphis and her battlegroup for the final assault. The Memphis' fighters and bombers will handle her defense, your task is to destroy enemy ship's beam cannons.
The GVD Memphis, two Sobeks, a Mentu, thirty-some fighters, and your four Taurets against an armada of Terran cruisers, corvettes, and two Orion destroyers, one of which is the Kurita. Make up a name for the other one. Oh, and that all-Terran-Turret-changed-to-AAAf Arcadia too.
You just have to go kill beam cannons. Unfortunately, it seems that these guys are anti-cap beamhappy, and have converted all their Terran Huge Turrets to SGreen beams. They're also all pretty close together, so a bunch of them will be able to shoot at you as you make your runs. And you don't get any Maxims to do this mission with.
Have fun. :lol:
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: Grimloq on September 30, 2004, 11:20:24 pm
Originally posted by Blitzerland
No one complains about your chatspeak...why? Because like poor spelling here...no one cares.

ya, meant to put a 'wink' smiley there... it was a joke, man! sheesh! calm down...
Title: [FA] - New Campaign Ideas (retail)
Post by: TrashMan on October 03, 2004, 03:40:34 pm
Dang! I have great ideas for about a dozen missions, but forming them into a menaningfull campaign is hard...UGH!