Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => The FRED Workshop => FRED Academy => Topic started by: Fergus on November 07, 2004, 04:47:30 am

Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Fergus on November 07, 2004, 04:47:30 am
Since HLP went down no doubt some people have moved off, I was just curious, whos left of the Retail and Open campaigns?
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 07, 2004, 06:14:11 am
I was about to post a question along the same lines.

Those of you who are still in sound off. I'm going to have a look see what has been done so far as soon as I've finished reading the new posts.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Ransom on November 07, 2004, 06:32:57 am
I'm still here, but kinda preoccupied with other stuff at the moment. Not for much longer hopefully...
Title: SCP Campaign
Post by: Roanoke on November 07, 2004, 06:42:10 am
I've tweaked my mission so it's pretty ok, I just need Singh to have a look (seen as we're using his campaign idea)
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: JR2000Z on November 07, 2004, 07:46:27 am
I'm still in the process of doing my mission (Campaign 2 mission 3). Shoudn't be too much longer.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 07, 2004, 07:57:58 am
Status of the FRED Academy 07/11/04

I've had a look through all the old threads to see what is going on with the Academy. As far as I could see this is how far we've gotten.

Campaign 1.

Staff : Akalabeth Angel, Pilot of the US, Fergus, Ghostavo, ShadowFox, z3r0_tr0jAn and Freespacegundam

Completed :
In Development : M1, (Ghostavo), M2(ShadowFox), M3(Akalabeth Angel), M4 (Fergus), M6(freespacegundam)

Campaign 2

Staff : Magatsu, Singh, JR2000Z, mr.WHO, Deepstar, Culando, Mongoose.

Completed :
In Development : M1 (Singh), M2 (magatsu1),

Campaign 3

Staff : ngtmlr, InfernoGod, GoulMiester, AqueousShadow, Aphenicus, RedMenace, Grass69er and Ransom Arceihn.

Completed :
In Development : M1(GoulMeister), M2(ngtm1r), M3(AqueousShadow), M4(Ransom Arceihn),

Campaign 4

Staff : None Assigned Yet.

NB 1: If enough people have pulled out I'll reassign stuff in Campaign 1 and we'll leave campaign 4 on hold.

NB 2 : Although it looks like no missions are finished I did noticed when I read through the posts that we have a lot of missions that need about 10 minutes work to be finished. Campaign 1 is especially guilty of this. I could probably spend an hour on it and have 4-5 finished missions :)

JR2000Z : Glad to hear that :)
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: GoulMeister on November 07, 2004, 07:50:01 pm
well im still around and need someone to look at my mission one and get opinions, and then move to another mission.

bty my mission link so as not to look for it
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on November 07, 2004, 09:32:01 pm
I'm still around and will get around to finishing up my mission for campaign 1 sometime, If I can find those "fixes" you suggested earlier.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: NGTM-1R on November 08, 2004, 01:28:14 am
I thought C3M2 was done? You already let me start on another mission...
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Gai Daigoji on November 08, 2004, 12:37:02 pm
I'm still here, I think am down for campaign 4 retail.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 08, 2004, 12:51:00 pm
GoulMeister : Have you updated that mission since my last post on this thread? (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,26829.0.html) Apart from that I was pretty much okay with the mission but TopAce or one of the other testers may spot something I missed.

Akalabeth Angel : So as to save you the trouble click me (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,26831.0.html)

ngtm1r : I believe I had a couple of small things that still needed doing on that mission. Check the last couple of posts on this thread (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,27250.0.html) for details. If you've done that already I'll give it another try.

Gai Daigoji : I think you're correct about that one. However if anyone from campaign 1 has dropped out I'll assign you one of those missions   so that we get campaign 1 finished before starting up on campaign 4.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: GoulMeister on November 08, 2004, 05:07:59 pm
i just fixed that ship invun thing and have finished the level
there u go.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: NGTM-1R on November 08, 2004, 05:47:58 pm
Well...this is odd. I remember fixing the mission, and it appears that I did dumb down the Ares wing, but I did not do the escort list.
Fixing that now...
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: GoulMeister on November 08, 2004, 05:52:23 pm
how do u name links like that anyway?
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Taristin on November 08, 2004, 05:53:45 pm
[ url=http:// ] Name [ /url ]
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: GoulMeister on November 08, 2004, 05:56:28 pm
thanks for info, now to test it,
mission 1 camp 3 (http://homepage.eircom.net/~GoulMeister/mission%201%20camp%203.zip)
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: AqueousShadow on November 08, 2004, 06:00:34 pm
I never got around to tweaking my mission. IIRC, all I had to fix with my mission was taking apart Iota wing's group and making them separate ships. Other than that, I think my mission was done.

I'm still here though :D
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Singh on November 09, 2004, 07:12:17 am
im dead. NTB and MG both managed to get Headshots on my time X(

That said, now that I only have FRED2 (Ironically, FS2 open doesn't run on the PC) available to me, I may just churn out some missions for Campaign 2. I've already re-done Mission one and started Mission two....may just end up doing everything myself when im here :P
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Ghostavo on November 09, 2004, 08:05:28 am
I'll see if I can scrape a few hours this weekend to finish off my mission.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Fergus on November 09, 2004, 10:03:23 am
Retail 4 only needs a max of half an hour, I'll see what I can do this weekend.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: mr.WHO on November 09, 2004, 10:28:43 am
Campaign 2 M7 & M8 are 60% done I only need to ballance and upgrade them but I haven't much free time last days.
I will have some free time this week so I should be able to finish them, sorry for delay :)
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Mongoose on November 14, 2004, 01:09:57 am
I'm still here.  I was assigned to C2M6, but I haven't started it yet.  I'll try to throw something together this week.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Singh on November 15, 2004, 04:37:45 am
No need.

I've finished 7 missions of Campaign 2, and feel that its good enough to release it as the first chapter. I've titled it as desperation and its uploading to swooh now.

I'll create a seperate release thread for it though.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 15, 2004, 05:53:28 am
Singh. Much though I appreciate your devotion to the project you're kind of undermining it by doing everything yourself :D
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Singh on November 15, 2004, 06:03:25 am
Originally posted by karajorma
Singh. Much though I appreciate your devotion to the project you're kind of undermining it by doing everything yourself :D

Well....i was stuck for 10 days with less than an hour of internet daily, with a computer that can only run vanilla FS2/FRED and a lot of hours to occupy whenever I wasnt playing Doom3 at the local gaming centre.

You do the math :P
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Cobra on November 17, 2004, 10:54:55 pm
Hi. Can I enroll? I'm a decent FREDer, just can't use logics and variables 'n etc. I'm starting my own campaign, but no progress.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 18, 2004, 07:22:13 am
Sure. The only thing I need to know is whether you prefer to use FRED2_Open or the Retail version of FRED.

Personally I'm a huge fan of using variables so I'd be more than happy to help other FREDders get the hang of using them :)

BTW If there are are any other people still involved who haven't piped up be sure to pipe up cause I'm going to start reassigning missions tomorrow night (especially in campaign 1 which has no spares).
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Cobra on November 18, 2004, 09:12:10 am
Heh. 2 hours late. Better than nothing though. I prefer both FRED versions. ;) I could also have some help with FRED Open, tho. I'd also need some help with advanced campaign stuff, logic signs, and medals in FRED Open. :D
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 18, 2004, 12:16:34 pm
No problem. That's what the Academy is there for. There should be plenty of missions left on the third campaign.

Go to this thread

and pick out something you like the look of that hasn't been assigned.  Feel free to pick out something difficult as we'll help you get the hang of stuff you don't know how to do yet :)
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Cobra on November 18, 2004, 06:55:28 pm
I'll check it out.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Ghostavo on November 20, 2004, 08:12:14 am
I think I'm going to have to drop out. I simply cannot find the time or the will to FRED anymore... sorry. :(
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 20, 2004, 10:24:58 am
That's a real pity. Post what you've got so far and we'll polish it up and include it.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: Ghostavo on November 20, 2004, 12:04:12 pm
here (http://www.geocities.com/ghostavo2003/mission.zip)

In Fred I disabled the enemy freighters turrets to avoid to much confusion and added a counter to keep in check how many cargo survived the attack. Last thing I tried to make was the inicial part more "flamboyant". I'll try to finish this from time to time, although it's going to take a while.
Title: Status of Fred Academy
Post by: karajorma on November 26, 2004, 06:42:31 am
Originally posted by Gai Daigoji
I'm still here, I think am down for campaign 4 retail.

I've cleared some space in Campaign 1 today. Feel free to pick a mission from there instead.