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Hosted Projects - Standalone => The Babylon Project => Topic started by: IceFire on December 08, 2004, 10:31:42 am

Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: IceFire on December 08, 2004, 10:31:42 am
This was just posted on the HLP General Discussion forum but I thought it more important to post here.

Steven Beck will direct a big screen adaptation of the popular sci-fi TV series Babylon 5. The movie, titled The Memory of Shadows, is intended for theatrical release and was written by series creator J. Michael Straczynski. Production Weekly reports that the project starts filming this April in the UK.

In "Shadows," the technology of the ancient and extinct Shadow race is being unleashed upon the galaxy by an unknown force, and Earthforce intelligence officer Diane Baker, whose brother was recently killed in a mysterious explosion, it out to find out who is behind the intergalactic conspiracy.

Joining her is Galen, a techno-mage who has been charged with keeping the technology out of the hands of those who would abuse it.


Sounds like it takes off where Crusade sort of left off.  Excellent!
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: redmenace on December 08, 2004, 11:02:22 am
It is awesome that they are going to have a full legnth movie, but I hope it doesn't resemble crusade though.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Fury on December 08, 2004, 11:18:53 am
Argh, everyone should stop thinking that Crusade was bad. It was bad because nearly all freedom was taken away from JMS and idiots of TNT ****ed it up. If JMS would have had his way, the show would have been much better. And because JMS drew the line, the show was cancelled.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: redmenace on December 08, 2004, 11:48:11 am
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: IceFire on December 08, 2004, 12:00:38 pm
Crusade was still VERY good.  I'm buying the DVD set when it comes out.  I enjoyed the characters, the stories...it hurt a little frm the TNT destruction in some episodes but otherwise I liked it....
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: karajorma on December 08, 2004, 01:19:25 pm
It's worth remember that our memories of how good series 1 of B5 was is tainted by our knowledge of where the hanging plot elements went.

With Crusade we never got to see the explainations so a lot of the wonder is lost.

Personally I reckon that while Crusade probably would't have beaten B5 it did have it in it to be the second best Sci-fi show ever made. :D
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Trivial Psychic on December 08, 2004, 04:16:36 pm
Originally posted by IceFire
Crusade was still VERY good.  I'm buying the DVD set when it comes out.  I enjoyed the characters, the stories...it hurt a little frm the TNT destruction in some episodes but otherwise I liked it....

According to this (http://www.visi.com/~wildfoto/b5spoil.html) site, the Crusade DVD pack should have been introduced yesterday.  I just checked on Amazon and they have it up for purchase, with no indication that it hasn't already been released.

Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: IPAndrews on December 10, 2004, 03:16:47 am
Crusade grew on me. Galen and Gideon where starting to become really interesting characters. Right about the point where it got axed. Silly really. Put all that effort into green lighting a show then axe it just at the point whre it's plainly obviously starting to hit it's stride. Only in television. I do hope this "theatrical" movie turns out okay. Having witnessed Rangers, I'm somewhat concerned :)
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: karajorma on December 10, 2004, 03:50:58 am
The really stupid thing is that they must have known that Crusade would turn a profit (even if only from DVD and video sales) so why on Earth did they axe it?
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Fury on December 10, 2004, 04:04:01 am
Simply because JMS refused to make the changes TNT 'experts' requested. Like more fighting and wrestling, more tits, always explaining what they were doing, no references to original B5, etc, etc, etc. So they pulled financial support from the show.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Akalabeth Angel on December 10, 2004, 10:50:48 am
Other parts of Crusade suggested that it was NOT going to be that good though. Remember the Earth had supposidely built that giant shadow ship which pulverized Giddy-ups ship in one blast. That was just silly, Earth shouldn't have anywhere near that level of technology.

I hope that movie will be good, but I'm not holding my breath.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: -Norbert- on December 10, 2004, 02:29:33 pm
Was it said that they build every componend of the ship?
Maybe they found a kind of depot of the shadows and just integrated an already build shadow weapon into the hybrid.

And I hope this time they do the Technomages better. Because in the Technomage Trilogy Galen is (and casts spells) very different than in Crusade and those books got an over 90% "cannon-rating" from JMS.

And the german translation of Crusade was REALLY bad.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Fury on December 11, 2004, 01:52:23 pm
Oh ****...
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Ranger1 on December 11, 2004, 02:51:17 pm
Man that moderator went and took my name from firstones. :mad:
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: NGTM-1R on December 11, 2004, 04:38:10 pm
Didn't Sci-Fi try and pick up Crusade for awhile...? I know they at least ran it...that's the only way I ever watched it.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Azrael15 on December 12, 2004, 03:20:37 am

That is NOT good news. Not good at all. I hope to god, great maker, G'quan, Lorien, Kosh, that it is not true! *Begins screaming and running around*
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: -Norbert- on December 13, 2004, 11:00:59 am
The site refuses to load.
So whats that bad news?:nervous:
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: Azrael15 on December 13, 2004, 04:10:33 pm
They're thinking of replacing Bruce, Mira, Jerry etc. etc. with more 'big name' actors. Hell, even GALEN might get swapped, but he was like Kosh mk 2.

I hope to hell they're wrong and it's just some crazy rumour.
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: redmenace on December 13, 2004, 04:19:51 pm
You know those that are using shadow technology are going to be ex earth force and night watch. Maybe disgruntled Psi Corp
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: -Norbert- on December 15, 2004, 12:33:14 pm
I'm sure JMS would never go along with that.

To the Psi-cops. Why not? They lost their father and mother to watch over them ;)
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: IceFire on December 15, 2004, 01:36:18 pm
Someone should remind Warner Bros. of Star Trek Movies 1 through 6 using the original cast from a 1960's TV series that was originally run on a shoestring budget.

Wake the hell up and do a little history...
Title: The Memory of Shadows Announced
Post by: -Norbert- on December 16, 2004, 01:23:17 pm
Wait that should come from Warner Brothers?
The same WB that stoped givin JMS instructions after the first season?
The same that said just do what you think is best, we trust you?