Hard Light Productions Forums

Modding, Mission Design, and Coding => FS2 Open Coding - The Source Code Project (SCP) => Test Builds => Topic started by: WMCoolmon on February 20, 2005, 06:40:53 pm

Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 20, 2005, 06:40:53 pm
Cutscenes build features plus (http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,30702.0.html)

--node name
--R component
--G component
--B component
- Alpha component

--node name
--show as normal model? (ie not wireframe)

--node name

--node name

-- Lock it? (False to unlock)
-- 0 for first-person, 1 for chase, 2 for external, 3 for top-down (optional)
Code: [Select]
$Jump Node: 1.0 3.0 4.0
+Jump Node Name: Dave's House o' Fighters ;;Technically a $ will work here too, it was the default, but a + fits in with the parsing scheme better, it is optional after all
;;New stuff
+Model File: FoD.pof ;;yes it works now
+Alphacolor: 255 0 255 255 ;;last variable is for alpha, ie transparency, 255 is full
+Hidden: YES ;;now you have to use show-jumpnode to make it show up

lock-perspective will be force-perspective in future builds. I'd already compiled and zipped the builds when I realized I hadn't changed that.

Unresolved issues:

Edit: Forgot lightning thing.


Added to the website.//redmenace
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Bobboau on February 20, 2005, 06:45:40 pm
what is this 'new trail code' I'm hearing so much about lately?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 20, 2005, 06:49:17 pm
Trails use a one-way linked list rather than a statically allocated array with a free and used list.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Bobboau on February 20, 2005, 07:10:58 pm
is that faster!?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 20, 2005, 07:42:05 pm
It depends. Memory has to be dynamically allocated, but it's not a whole lot; that's only when a missile is created, a ship is created in a nebula mission (or one with ship trails on), or a ship fires burners. (There are a few exceptions, like if a ship stops or flies slow). Creating a trail requires 2108 bytes of memory. (2k)

Once trails are created it will actually be faster, because everything is done via pointers (no more array indexing) and only one pointer needs to be changed when a ship is deleted.

It also means we won't have a 3 MB chunk of memory constantly devoted to trails (even if none exist).
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Nuke on February 21, 2005, 03:21:53 am
is that why missile trails have started looking better?
Title: Re: Big bugfix build
Post by: Scuddie on February 21, 2005, 03:33:59 am
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
  • Some people have reported crashes with regard to warping out
  • FS2 seems to freeze up randomly on certain missions

Do you know if these issues are related?  I had the same problem, and the random freezing/crashing and the jumpouts were very similar.

Anyway, keep up the good work, WMC.  Hell, at this rate, you might fix the modular weapons bug this next month :nervous:.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 03:37:46 am
I don't think they're related; the freezing bug seems to be caused by music, the warpout bug was determined by one person to be related to not having any background in a mission. I haven't experienced it recently, though.

As for missile trails looking better, I don't think so. (Although I wish I could say yes. :p) Missiles only have one trail, and I didn't touch any of the segment limits.

Hmm, modular weapons bug, I need to fix that.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: mrduckman on February 21, 2005, 07:14:26 am
Back from vacation. Testing this tonight :)
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 21, 2005, 07:36:26 am
from your build:

Error: Unrecognized operator.

In sexpression: ( when
   ( true )
   ( toggle-hud )
   ( player-use-ai )
   ( don't-collide-invisible
      "Alpha 1"
   ( cap-waypoint-speed
      "EA Hyperion 1"
   ( cap-waypoint-speed
      "EA Hyperion 3"
   ( cap-waypoint-speed "Camera" 50 )
   ( set-ship-facing
      "Alpha 1"
      ( get-object-x
         "EA Hyperion 1"
      ( get-object-y
         "EA Hyperion 1"
      ( get-object-z
         "EA Hyperion 1"
(Error appears to be: toggle-hud)
Line: 4544

Call stack:
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 21, 2005, 08:01:56 am
a suggestion, perhaps, but how about a set-camera-path sexp? Currently, the only way to set a camera into motion is by 'dragging' it under a 'dolly' of sorts, using the set-ship-position sexps. But if we can get a ship to move from point A to point B, with the specified speed and WITHOUT having to face the direction of travel, it will improve upon the system tremendously, not to mention bypass the stupidity of the AI when it comes to travelling in a simple, straight line!!
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 21, 2005, 11:31:04 am
This build seems to be tearing apart my table files, when older versions let it be (nothing wrong with the tables)

EDIT: Tearing apart as in giving me errors.

Dozens of these, I haven't gotten it to play yet.

Error: difficulty.tbl(8):
Error: Required token = [#End], found [1] .


Line: 481

Call stack:

Error: ships.tbl(2493):
Error: Required token = [#End], [$Subsystem:] or [$Name], found [$Trail:].


Line: 481

Call stack:


Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Kie99 on February 21, 2005, 11:50:54 am
It causes an error:
Error: Can't open file < FoD.pof >
Line: 1618

Call stack:

 fixed the brackets so the model name shows up //phreak
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: StratComm on February 21, 2005, 12:07:31 pm
That's not really specific, nor does it distinguish itself from the cruiser03x.pof bug from the VP's.  What were you doing when that came up?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Kie99 on February 21, 2005, 12:26:32 pm
Sorry, I was starting a mission which invlved a command brief, A Sathanas and a Colossus, I had the "All ships beam-freed by default" option on.  Here is the ErroR in full:
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: StratComm on February 21, 2005, 02:40:38 pm
What on earth is FoD.pof?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 02:43:57 pm

That will definitely be fixed in the next build, I was just having a bit of fun with the new HUD automatic HUD shield display and forgot to take it out...

The table errors mean that you're missing a required variable. I made the parser stricter - it gives errors instead of warnings - because it does cause CTDs in some situtations.

Edit: toggle-hud is now hud-disable, that was changed by Goob; it also agrees with the rest of the Hud SEXPs that I added.

There actually already is code in there to handle cameras moving at a constant velocity in 3D space, but I haven't tackled the acceleration/decceleration code yet. I can add a set-camera-velocity though.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: karajorma on February 21, 2005, 02:46:52 pm
:wtf: That's no standard FS2 model. What mods have you got installed?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: StratComm on February 21, 2005, 02:49:26 pm
Am I missing something?  What is it?


EDIT: Nevermind, looks like that's something WMCoolmon's been playing with.  I'm guessing it's got something to do with ships with no defined shield ani, and something clever to make those look better.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 02:50:42 pm
It's not a mod... :nervous:
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 21, 2005, 02:54:03 pm
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

The table errors mean that you're missing a required variable. I made the parser stricter - it gives errors instead of warnings - because it does cause CTDs in some situtations.

The tables I'm using worked just fine, never caused any crashes, but this bug seems to think they're all messed up (they're fsport tables, minus Shivan entries and the fighters have a trail coming out of each of their engines). The difficulty.tbl that it keeps tearing apart is just the default one.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Turambar on February 21, 2005, 03:29:25 pm
lol @ disable crashing
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 03:31:49 pm
I can't seem to reproduce the error...can you post your difficulty.tbl and/or the offending ships.tbl entry?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: TopAce on February 21, 2005, 03:43:06 pm
I can't run this build. It performs illegal operation when I select it in the Browse window AND when I try to run it.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Turambar on February 21, 2005, 03:50:41 pm
for some reason, the weapon models build is the only one that works reliably for me
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 04:07:24 pm
Any more info than that, guys? :p
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: TopAce on February 21, 2005, 04:24:38 pm
I told all I could. Command flags do not make any difference.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Turambar on February 21, 2005, 04:49:04 pm
i'd post stuff, but instead of crashing to desktop as usual, the game just freezes the screen where it is, and i cant do anything after that
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 21, 2005, 05:29:14 pm
This is...odd, to say the least.

Recently, I've been observing that FS2 gives me a strange 'over-exposure' effect. I managed to stop this previously by removing the 'disable setting of gamma' field and then resetting the brightness.

Now it's back again, and it's making all my nebulas look like crap in FS2, while in FRED they look perfectly acceptable.  If i try to run FS2 with the same .pcx's FRED uses, it still looks crap and super-exposed :ick:

And this is with TBP and all the TBP nebs. I've deleted the HDRish on my PC, but it's STILL like that :/
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Deepblue on February 21, 2005, 06:19:41 pm
Over exposure is cool though! Did WMcoolman secretly implement it in this build? :drevil:
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 21, 2005, 06:22:34 pm
I've changed one thing (without the change it still does it), and it gives me an

Error: difficulty.tbl(8):
Error: Required token = [#End], found [1] .


Line: 481

#Difficulty Settings

;;                                                                                                                                                                     VE       E        M        H        I
$Max Incoming Asteroids:                                                                                                   3        4        5        7        10
$Player Countermeasure Life Scale:                                                                     3        2        1.5      1.25     1   
$Player Weapon Recharge Scale:                                                                               10       4        2.5      2        1.5
$Player Afterburner Recharge Scale:                                                                  5        3        2   1.   5        1
$Max Missles Locked on Player:                                                                                 2        3        4        7        99
$Max Player Attackers:                                                                                                         2        3        4        5        99
$AI Turn Time Scale:                                                                                                               3        2.2      1.6      1.3      1.0

;;always link primary lasers if energy reserves are above this percentage
$AI Always Links Energy Weapons:                                                                           100      80       60       40       20

;;maybe link primary lasers if energy reserves are above this percentage and hull integrity is low
$AI Maybe Links Energy Weapons:                                                                              90       60       40       20       10

;;do the same thing with ballistic primaries
$AI Always Links Ammo Weapons:                                                                                 95       80       60       40       20
$AI Maybe Links Ammo Weapons:                                                                                    90       60       40       20       10

;;Seconds to add to time it takes for player's enemies to get in range.
$AI In Range Time:                                                                                                                     2        1.4      0.75     0.0      -1.0
$AI Countermeasure Firing Chance:                                                                        0.2      0.3      0.5      0.9       1.1
$AI Sheild Manage Delays:                                                                                                5        4        2.5      1.2       0.1
$Friendly AI Fire Delay Scale:                                                                                 2        1.4      1.25     1.1       1
$Hostile AI Fire Delay Scale:                                                                                    2        1.4      1.25     1.1       1        ;original 4        2.5      1.75     1.25      1
$AI Damage Reduction to Player Hull:                                                               0.25     0.4      0.65     0.85      1
$AI Damage Reduction to Player Subsys:                                                         0.2      0.4      0.6      0.8       1
$Max Beam Friendly Fire Damage:                                                                              0        5        10       20        30

Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: phreak on February 21, 2005, 06:45:40 pm
$Player Afterburner Recharge Scale: 5 3 2 1. 5 1

theres a space where is boldened

WM: can you make the strict parsing optional.  this is going to cause some trouble.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 21, 2005, 06:47:40 pm
I posted about the nebula thing here:

Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 21, 2005, 06:55:33 pm
Wow...this build tore my tables to pieces, but what was annoying as hell at first turned out to be a necessary evil. Kudos for the picky parser.:)
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 07:08:08 pm
Originally posted by Turambar
i'd post stuff, but instead of crashing to desktop as usual, the game just freezes the screen where it is, and i cant do anything after that

Ahh, that seems to be a problem with the music code since the Linux merge...turning off music seems to fix it for now.

WM: can you make the strict parsing optional. this is going to cause some trouble.

I'd rather not...I don't mind making more tags optional, if there are ones commonly skipped, but it's just bad programming practice to have it possible to skip fields that the parser assumes are going to be in there. I haven't noticed any problems with the FS2 main campaign, the Derelict re-release, Inferno SCP, STL/the port's tables, TBP, RR, DEM, the Aeos Affair, Lightning Marshal, or SoK. The BWO Demo does seem to have some problems.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 21, 2005, 07:21:06 pm
WMCoolmon: Your build is screwing up the nebulas royally. See the above link for the pictures. The same nebulas work fine under previous taylor builds, so it must be that special feature you mentioned in the first post :P
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 07:28:37 pm
It's not the special feature...AFAIK, no one's figured out how to even get to it. :p I've been messing around with the lowlevel image-showing code though, so it could very well be one of my multi-res changes.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: AqueousShadow on February 21, 2005, 08:43:13 pm
Techroom!! I suppose I have the same problem as Raa....

Click techroom, CTD.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 21, 2005, 09:19:18 pm
Edit: Ooops, wrong window :nervous:

Build is on the way, incidentally.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 22, 2005, 06:33:01 am
one question. is there a build without all the modifications to the low-res stuff, but with all the cutscene stuff? Will taylor's 01032005 have the cutscene stuff?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Kie99 on February 22, 2005, 09:35:27 am
What do the No_crash and more realistic lighting flags do?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: AqueousShadow on February 22, 2005, 01:40:49 pm
Originally posted by AqueousShadow
Techroom!! I suppose I have the same problem as Raa....

Click techroom, CTD.


New pilot creation...:rolleyes:

Oh but uhh...I still can't play anything. Pressing commit locks up my game. It also seems that all my briefing and techroom anis are all slowed.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 22, 2005, 05:56:41 pm
Originally posted by Singh
one question. is there a build without all the modifications to the low-res stuff, but with all the cutscene stuff? Will taylor's 01032005 have the cutscene stuff?

Not yet. A lot of these changes are specific to my build; I've been adding the occassional nonstandard res fix and updates to the lowlevel 2D stuffs to try and keep from completely outstripping CVS, but when I commit the cutscenes stuff it all has to go in.

I don't really understand what you mean by the low-res stuff. None of my nonstandard res fixes should effect the standard resolutions (although I don't test in 1024x768 much, so I could've missed a glitch I introduced) and all my nonstandard changes serve to move things where they should be - ie make the briefing icons stay on the screen and be clickable again, move the secondary recticule so if you aim with it you might actually hit something, etc.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 22, 2005, 10:29:13 pm
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

I don't really understand what you mean by the low-res stuff. None of my nonstandard res fixes should effect the standard resolutions (although I don't test in 1024x768 much, so I could've missed a glitch I introduced) and all my nonstandard changes serve to move things where they should be - ie make the briefing icons stay on the screen and be clickable again, move the secondary recticule so if you aim with it you might actually hit something, etc.

by saying low res stuff I was actually meaning your res fixes actually. At least, the ones that were screwing up the backgrouds.

Apologies, I should have been more specific. The other stuff does work fine though, at the least.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Trivial Psychic on February 23, 2005, 02:01:34 am
Originally posted by kietotheworld
What do the No_crash and more realistic lighting flags do?

I agree... I tried the "No_Crash" option, but it told me that the No Crash has crashed, asked if I wanted to retry, then told me the retry failed and crashed.  Its a feature worthy of Monty Python from what I can see.  I also noticed a "fix mission" or something like that... what does it do?

However, this build gave me a CTD on commit (Derelic, BR Edition) without error message.  I attempted it with the debug build, but it dropped to destop with an error message about not being able to open Thruster01 on the Pegasus pof for some reason... and we all know, that if you're dropped to the destop and FSO is minimized... good luck trying to resume the game.  WMCoolmon, could you complie a new version of FRED with your next build?  I doesn't have to have too many fixes, just the stricter error checking system so I can fix errors without having to run FSO itself.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 23, 2005, 03:33:41 am
The two new troubleshooting options do just what they seem to do. :D Realistic lighting works only in OGL, it changes the lighting somehow...I'm not sure how, exactly, but it can look pretty good: example (http://fs2source.warpcore.org/wmcscreenies/inferno/blueship.png)

The CTD is probably because of a missed check for trails existing in the trails code. I think I caught & fixed this after the last build I posted.

FRED is, atm, pretty much broken. I've been poking around, trying to get the rendering system working, but haven't had any success so far. If you still want a build I can give you one - it seems to mostly work, minus the main window of ships, but I haven't extensively tested it.

You can always run fs2_open windowed, or in OGL mode, which hasn't seemed to cause problems for me the couple of times I've had the window minimized. :nervous: Thank you for trying it with a debug build, though. :nod:

After looking through the relevant code for starfield-drawing, though, I can't seem to find any functions that I changed. Do any of taylor's other builds show that? Can you figure out when it occured? There is a huge space of time between 1/03 and now that the bug could have occured, esp. since the Linux merge was completed between then and now. (Is it occuring in both D3D and OGL?)
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on February 23, 2005, 05:30:29 am
the bug doesnt occur with the C01292005 build. I haven't tried any of the Feb builds yet though...
Title: Re: Big bugfix build
Post by: DaBrain on February 23, 2005, 08:56:19 am
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

  • lock-perspective

-- Lock it? (False to unlock)
-- 0 for first-person, 1 for chase, 2 for external, 3 for top-down (optional)

Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 23, 2005, 07:03:38 pm
Originally posted by Singh
the bug doesnt occur with the C01292005 build. I haven't tried any of the Feb builds yet though...

There's this random build (No idea where it came from, but whatever):

There's taylor's build:

Then there's the cutscenes build:

Oh, with further thought I'm going to leave that SEXP as lock-perspective, makes more sense since the force part is optional.

Edit: Also, my next build will feature the ability to edit ships.tbl flags without closing FS2, as part of the special feature. :D
Title: Re: Big bugfix build
Post by: Taristin on February 23, 2005, 07:21:34 pm
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

New variables in mission file for jump node (see example)[/color]

Code: [Select]
$Jump Node: 1.0 3.0 4.0
+Jump Node Name: Dave's House o' Fighters ;;Technically a $ will work here too, it was the default, but a + fits in with the parsing scheme better, it is optional after all
;;New stuff
+Model File: FoD.pof ;;yes it works now
+Alphacolor: 255 0 255 255 ;;last variable is for alpha, ie transparency, 255 is full
+Hidden: YES ;;now you have to use show-jumpnode to make it show up

Well... what's this all about, then? :p
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 23, 2005, 07:22:54 pm
The trails for the player and his wing/squadron seem to be drawn as white squares.  If you aren't aware of a bug like this, I can be more specific and get some screens, etc.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 23, 2005, 07:39:41 pm
I think I've seen this once or twice while testing, but was debugging something already and didn't focus much on it. What are the circumstances? If this is under OGL, it may be that the textures are not being loaded somehow (may be missing, or in jpg/tga formats and no -jpgtga is specified).
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 23, 2005, 07:37:04 pm
I'm using Direct3d, ATI Radeon 9000 Pro. What seems to happen is the players ship (no matter what class) draws engine glows as white boxes, but only on the highest LOD.  It appears that the other ships don't have this problem, unless they're the same class as the player ship.

EDIT: In response to below post.:p
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 23, 2005, 07:47:00 pm
*In response to Solatar's last post*

This is regardless of ship class, ie it can't be a missing file? (So if you fly a myrmi, myrmis have trouble, if you fly a perseus, myrmis are fine but perseus have white-box trails.)
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Solatar on February 23, 2005, 08:06:47 pm
Correct, and I've tested with both .pcx and other files, as well as Vasudan and Terran.

EDIT: it appears that I was wrong, the player's "squadron" suffers. I've got Alpha and Beta flying Horus interceptors and Gamma flying Osiris bombers and all three wings have the issue. In another mission Alpha and Beta fly Valkyries, and they both have the issue, but no Horus interceptors in that mission do.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: MetalDestroyer on February 24, 2005, 01:37:05 am
Can we expect in this build Shinemaps support for ATI cards with recent Catalyst Driver ??
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Taristin on February 24, 2005, 08:21:40 am
Don't expect that with any builds until Bob gets his code thouroughly tested.

It's in Bob's local codebase, and not CVS.

So. no.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: StratComm on February 24, 2005, 08:30:06 pm
Is there a particular reason that this build disallows time compression?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: WMCoolmon on February 24, 2005, 09:49:50 pm
Human logic error. :p

It'll be fixed in the next update.

Oh, has anyone tried using the techroom in debug mode?
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: StratComm on February 24, 2005, 10:57:29 pm
Yeah, everything worked fine there and I didn't notice anything different.

By the way, does this line in the debug spew indicate that the game has exited?

31638 frames executed in 52072.008 seconds,   0.608 frames per second.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Taristin on February 24, 2005, 11:15:39 pm
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

Oh, has anyone tried using the techroom in debug mode?

I just did and CTD. :p No error messages or anything. Just the default window's CTD message.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Mongoose on February 25, 2005, 01:52:24 am
Originally posted by MetalDestroyer
Can we expect in this build Shinemaps support for ATI cards with recent Catalyst Driver ??

Shinemaps already work with the latest Catalyst drivers if you're using OpenGL.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Nuke on February 26, 2005, 04:22:33 am
i cant seem to get $Tech model: to work at all. another thing, what specifies the level of zoom on the 3d icons, alot of them are either zoomed to far and show almost nothing, others are zoomed in so close that you cant really tell what it is.anyone whos played the nukemod beta with one of your builds should be able to confirm this.
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Deepblue on February 26, 2005, 05:05:04 pm
I CTD after a mission finishes loading. Works perfect up until then (unless I am using a mod [used TBP]).
Title: Big bugfix build
Post by: Singh on March 04, 2005, 05:19:06 am
Originally posted by WMCoolmon

There's this random build (No idea where it came from, but whatever):

There's taylor's build:

Then there's the cutscenes build:

Oh, with further thought I'm going to leave that SEXP as lock-perspective, makes more sense since the force part is optional.

Edit: Also, my next build will feature the ability to edit ships.tbl flags without closing FS2, as part of the special feature. :D

The overflare problem occurs as early as taylor's 20050208 build. That means it was commited rather early.