Hard Light Productions Forums

General FreeSpace => FreeSpace Discussion => Topic started by: JoeLo on June 07, 2005, 08:11:42 pm

Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: JoeLo on June 07, 2005, 08:11:42 pm
Personally I think that the ruled! I hated destroying it though took me all night. The texturing is sub-par but the color is cool. The Hades could go toe to toe with a Lucifer and come out smiling. Find me another Terran destroyer that could do that.
   I just don't get why the didn't make some new Hades destoryers.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 07, 2005, 08:15:53 pm
The Hades wasn't nearly as cool or deadly as it could have been.  With some serious modifications, then yes, it would be.  Bob's skin, if it's still out there, made it look deadly and just plain Shivan.  There's also a special beam out there specially-made for the Hades, but I seem to have lost it.

Of course, you'll love it even more when------< ffzzztt>Rebell--< czztttt>---leased----< czzztt> :D
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Black13 on June 09, 2005, 11:29:51 am
I love it, and it is going to be central to my campaign - when I get started on that
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Roanoke on June 09, 2005, 01:00:37 pm
I did an "up gunned" (so to speak) Hades for Blitzerland a while back.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Hippo on June 09, 2005, 02:09:22 pm
Is that the one that i started, or did you start from scratch?
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Mr_Maniac on June 09, 2005, 02:11:33 pm
The Hades gets disabled very quickly!
In almost every mission I made with it, it is the first ship, that gets disabled...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 09, 2005, 02:43:55 pm
Which is why, if you want a real badass Hades, make out without an engine subsystem.  The Lucifer didn't have one, did it? :p
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Kie99 on June 09, 2005, 03:08:17 pm
I'm pretty certain it did.

EDIT:  Yup, 2 actually
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 09, 2005, 03:41:04 pm
It did? :wtf:

Ah, so it did.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 09, 2005, 03:45:23 pm

meh, the problem is the :v: developers put too much hitpoints on the Hades' main hull instead of distributing them equally across the Hades' hull and subsystems. kinda weird tho, they did with the other ships. or is that just me?
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: TrashMan on June 09, 2005, 05:37:58 pm
Hades is a wierd design...and somewhat unfunction I might add..

Allmost all the turrets are one the top of those wing/tower thingies...a fighter/bomber can fly between the main hull and them without problem.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Dark RevenantX on June 09, 2005, 05:57:35 pm
Lucky for us, the Hades in my card game doesn't have those fatal flaws.  I hope to have a permanent hosting here soon.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Mongoose on June 09, 2005, 06:27:44 pm
The only thing I really liked about the Hades were those little angles between the engines and their support struts where I could hide my Ursa, avoid the enemy Lokis, rubber-band my trigger, turn on time compression, and leave FS to run for the next half-hour. :p
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 09, 2005, 06:34:31 pm
Originally posted by Dark RevenantX
I hope to have a permanent hosting here soon.

Don't count on it.  HLP is filled-up in terms of hosting, though if you try GTD Bastion (http://www.woodentoyandgift.com/forums), I'm sure Hippo will set you up with a forum and some webspace (at least ~50 megs). ;)

The only thing I really liked about the Hades were those little angles between the engines and their support struts where I could hide my Ursa, avoid the enemy Lokis, rubber-band my trigger, turn on time compression, and leave FS to run for the next half-hour. :p

Which is why the Hades in ST needed to have waypoints.  It would've made it a hell of a lot tougher to kill, seeing as how you couldn't just sit in the struts and shoot it up (well, without matching the Hades' speed and turning whenever it did).
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Dark RevenantX on June 09, 2005, 08:09:43 pm
I think I can count on Setekh's words.  If it doesn't work out here, I will come to you.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: karajorma on June 10, 2005, 04:31:56 am
Since this isn't an actual campaign he actually stands a chance. HLP isn't full in terms of space. They stopped accepting new campaigns in the hope that it meant the old ones would get finished.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Rson on June 10, 2005, 05:10:53 am
I hated that mission, it took so long that I managed to get about forty kills before the Hades was destroyed.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Roanoke on June 10, 2005, 12:20:55 pm
Originally posted by Hippo
Is that the one that i started, or did you start from scratch?

Did it from scratch (so to speak). And yeah,  my PM in-box filled up pretty quick around that point too......;)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Hippo on June 11, 2005, 07:05:12 am
as did mine :p
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Charismatic on June 12, 2005, 02:32:24 pm
The hades was a cool ship. Wish the Good guys owned it. Id love to see it used agienst shivans, maby even test it out agienst a Sathanis.


I hope Someone finishes some of those many hosted projects on HLP somday soon.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Goober5000 on June 12, 2005, 03:30:43 pm
Originally posted by Charismatic
The hades was a cool ship. Wish the Good guys owned it. Id love to see it used agienst shivans, maby even test it out agienst a Sathanis.
Like this?
See!! A Hades can kill a Sathanas!

I'd sure like to know what campaign that's from... :)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 12, 2005, 03:42:00 pm
I'd ask Bobbaou, it seems to be his (bobb04.jpg)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Mad Bomber on June 12, 2005, 03:45:14 pm
Part of the now-defunct Eden Project (mine from a few years back) involved the Hades Mark II class superdestroyer, with a punishing 66 turrets. The first of its class, the GTD Aeneid, was commanded by none other than the former Blue Lion Alpha 1. It would have showed up in the second campaign to protect the GTVA from a Shivan invasion via Ikeya.

Of course by the third campaign Alpha 1 would have gone EVIL :drevil: and you would have had to team up with the Pegasite government to stop him. Basically he tries to open another Knossos far beyond Adhara and threatens humanity. "If you don't put me in control YOU'LL ALL DIE BY SHIVANS!!11one"

Man, am I glad I've learned better plotwriting skills for ETF since then. :D

Anyhow, the Hades was kinda thrown out there in the last mission of ST. I like the design but, there was no buildup. No mysteriousness. Basically you do unrelated odd jobs for the GTI (escape pods, Ratna, kill all bystanders!, poke Ross 128) until you learn that half of it's gone rogue. And the way you learn it is by losing the Krios.

I mean, sure the Rogue GTI might have had the ability to stay completely secretive until then, but a good writer wouldn't randomly spring them on the player halfway through the campaign. Same with the Hades. It just gets sprung on you, conveniently showing up the second the Jotunheim is debris.

Having something like the Krios' 1st officer take over in a suspicious manner, and then try to kill you would be much more interesting. Hints to the Hades before the last mission's command briefing would have made the campaign much spicier.

Besides which, what the hell was Project Eumenides? :confused:

This sorta thing is why I want ST:R to come out.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 12, 2005, 05:19:51 pm
I think Project Eumenides was the research of Shivan weapons. who knows? ;)

Also, addressing the point of the Hades turning up at that point, maybe it could be that the Joutenheim Installation sent out a coded distress call on a frequency unknown to the GTA, and the Hades showed up right when the Joutenheim was destroyed.

my guess is that the ST developers had a hell of a lot of stuff for the expansion, but were on a tight schedule and couldn't add all of it, so they just threw the campaign together with intended material missing.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 12, 2005, 09:47:23 pm
Originally posted by Charismatic

You can give my two dollars now or pay me the four hundred in copyright infringement fines when the gub'ment comes after you. ;)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Charismatic on June 12, 2005, 10:48:05 pm
Just promoting your campaign (As in your siggy).
I pay enough fines to the cops now anyways. 350$ for a dam fire, jez.

ST:R ?

Cobra, isnt the, distress signal on unknown frequency thing a little far out? (Dont get mad if im wrong on this, its been years sence i have played ST)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 12, 2005, 11:14:24 pm
Originally posted by Charismatic
I pay enough fines to the cops now anyways. 350$ for a dam fire, jez.

Wow you're special.  What were you trying to burn? your neighbor's car?
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Charismatic on June 13, 2005, 11:28:39 am
I had a fire in the woods, cops saw smoke, they gave me dam citation and called fire department for a Small fire. They didnt need to do that. Now i have to pay 200$ for the FD and 156.20$ for the citation. Dam them..
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: IceFire on June 13, 2005, 12:57:39 pm
Originally posted by Cobra

meh, the problem is the :v: developers put too much hitpoints on the Hades' main hull instead of distributing them equally across the Hades' hull and subsystems. kinda weird tho, they did with the other ships. or is that just me?

I think the idea there is that because it was just a prototype and not even finished.  So while the ship was tough, the subsystems weren't yet fully completed and therefore vulnerable.  Or someone screwed up :D
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: BlackDove on June 14, 2005, 12:09:02 am
GTA caught GTI with their pants down.

That was all there was to it.

The completed Hades in my mind (conclusion which you'll probably come to if you use common sense) is _very_ badass.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: DarthWang on June 15, 2005, 10:55:18 pm
Originally posted by Charismatic
The hades was a cool ship. Wish the Good guys owned it. Id love to see it used agienst shivans, maby even test it out agienst a Sathanis.


I hope Someone finishes some of those many hosted projects on HLP somday soon.

I'm making a mission where a Hades battles a Sathanas (the Sathanas is softened up by bombers first, though)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Charismatic on June 16, 2005, 12:09:45 am
Well sene someone posted a Hades Vs Sathy, how about a Hades Vs Colossus? Who would win? GTI vs GTVA. Main caps. Just imagein it... ahhh
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Ace on June 16, 2005, 12:46:59 am
The "Hades MK2" idea is a very popular one.

My first real campaign, Darkness Rising (oddly enough the same title as the OEM version of FreeSpace) dealt with a Hades MK2 and a GTA senator who was seceeding after the events of Silent Threat.

Dark even did a nice, brown, reskin intended to make it look like more of a Terran-Vasudan hybrid.

There were some jury-rigged beam cannons in the game. Including one used by an experimental fighter. (a reskinned Anubis since new fighter models hadn't been able to be ported in-game yet)

Of course, it is a rather painful to play campaign now due to its cheesiness.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: pyro-manic on June 16, 2005, 11:43:46 am
In answer to the original question, I think it's fugly...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 16, 2005, 12:37:51 pm
I like it's design, and I like it's textures. I'd like to see it redone, however, and used better.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Roanoke on June 16, 2005, 12:48:57 pm
PSYCHO did quite a nice reskin ages ago.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 16, 2005, 12:50:15 pm
It doesn't need a reskin, though. It needs to be remodelled!

Hmm. this gives me an idea, actually...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 16, 2005, 01:47:14 pm
i liked the GTXD Nova one. it looked kickass. i even did an overhaul of its weapons by replacing it with Star Trek weapons a couple of years ago. :D
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: pyro-manic on June 16, 2005, 03:06:42 pm
Originally posted by Raa
I like it's design, and I like it's textures. I'd like to see it redone, however, and used better.

Oh, don't get me wrong - the concept's great, but the execution was dreadful. Someone was doing a high-poly Hades-esque thing a while back, and that was excellent. (Was it Anaz or Raven or one of those other shady characters...?)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Roanoke on June 16, 2005, 03:19:48 pm
Raptor ?
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: pyro-manic on June 16, 2005, 03:24:10 pm
That's the chap! It's his GTD Hera - I found the thread as well:

Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 16, 2005, 04:45:41 pm
Yeah, but that's not a Hades, it's a Hera...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: pyro-manic on June 16, 2005, 05:03:04 pm
I said Hades-esque, not Hades.

The Hades itself is overly blocky, it's turrets are placed very badly, it hasn't got enough of them, it has manky textures, etc etc. It could be done a lot better. As nobody has yet, the Hera is the closest thing to it that is good.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Mad Bomber on June 18, 2005, 10:31:59 pm
I dunno. The 66-turret one that I have certainly is nothing to sneeze at. ;)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: BlackDove on June 18, 2005, 11:27:04 pm
Originally posted by pyro-manic
I said Hades-esque, not Hades.

The Hades itself is overly blocky, it's turrets are placed very badly, it hasn't got enough of them, it has manky textures, etc etc. It could be done a lot better. As nobody has yet, the Hera is the closest thing to it that is good.

Hera however, doesn't display or better yet, exploit the logical concept of the Hades design.

It's just Hades...modelled a bit better, and thrown out of the FreeSpace universe with its non-conforming design.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Setekh on June 19, 2005, 05:44:48 am
Originally posted by karajorma
Since this isn't an actual campaign he actually stands a chance. HLP isn't full in terms of space. They stopped accepting new campaigns in the hope that it meant the old ones would get finished.


From the corner, kara takes the shot and gets it in one. ;)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: JoeLo on June 19, 2005, 11:05:59 am
Strange I was at first flamed for making this topic, but its still on the front page.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: TrashMan on June 19, 2005, 11:56:53 am
I'd like to see Hades vs. Lucifer
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Boomer on June 19, 2005, 06:32:20 pm
I think that the problem with the Hades was the lack of purpose.

It wasn't designed with any real role in mind other than to incorporate Shivan and Terran Technology.  I would like to see the Hades redesigned with a real purpose.  

Would be nice if it weren't so blocky though....
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Goober5000 on June 19, 2005, 08:38:49 pm
Originally posted by JoeLo
Strange I was at first flamed for making this topic, but its still on the front page.
You were flamed unfairly IMO.  So I deleted the flames and reopened the thread.  Now it's grown into a good discussion. :nod:
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: NGTM-1R on June 19, 2005, 08:50:14 pm
Originally posted by Boomer
I think that the problem with the Hades was the lack of purpose.

It wasn't designed with any real role in mind other than to incorporate Shivan and Terran Technology.  I would like to see the Hades redesigned with a real purpose.  

Considering the Hades was essentially a Lucifer remake, I think it had a very clear purpose: kill stuff in mass quantity and thus ensure the victory of GTI over all comers.

It also would have had the Lucifer's orbital bombardment capablity as well, which ought to obviate the need for sustained ground invasions. This is probably important to GTI, as it seems doubtful they maintain a standing army that's even a fraction of a percentage of the size of the GTA's or VPE's own ground forces.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Boomer on June 20, 2005, 01:57:30 pm
Considering the Hades was essentially a Lucifer remake, I think it had a very clear purpose: kill stuff in mass quantity and thus ensure the victory of GTI over all comers.

If it was a Lucifer remake, it sure doesn't live up to the reputation of it's predecessor.  All it took was a couple bombs to disable it and it didn't even have enough turrets to defend itself.  Hell, it couldn't even harm the GTC Orff if it didn't have a fighter escort!
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 20, 2005, 02:16:25 pm
Had the beam cannons been online and if blob turrets were any threat in FS1, then the Hades could very well have torched the Orff with no problem at all, bomber/fighter escort and all.

The Hades seems to be a little underappreciated simply because of the crappy way it was introduced in ST: it appeared in one mission and then sat around while players slipped into the crevices, duct-taped the joystick, and went off for lunch. Had it been used to any effectiveness, say, over a series of missions involving chasing it down and eventually destroying it, then it would have been a much more impressive ship. With a little reskin (or remodelling), it would have been more visually impressive, and, with better FS2-implemented (not era--just in the style of Sandwich CapShipTurretUp and beam cannons) weapons, then it would have been much more of an adversary than just a docking station for swarms of Lokis and the occassional anti-fighter missile launch.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Boomer on June 20, 2005, 02:51:11 pm
I agree whole heartedly with that.

Presentation is a big part of it, but I still think they should have put more thought into the model.....  Oh God, Not again!

*Rushes off to begin new project when he hasn't even finished his current project*
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Goober5000 on June 20, 2005, 05:27:41 pm
Just wait for Silent Threat: Reborn. :drevil:
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 20, 2005, 05:40:39 pm

(yes, i'm back, after my friggin' comp had a brush with death)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: JoeLo on June 20, 2005, 05:51:31 pm
Currently I am working on a mission where the Hades fights a series of cap ships in this order.
Dies at a Collusus
I might have to "Cycle" the Hades after three or so ships. I have almost no expiernce at FREDing, (other than [V] walkthrough) so it might suck but what ever.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Boomer on June 20, 2005, 07:10:30 pm


Someone needs to make an "I can't spell Hatshepsut" smiley.  Seriously.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Taristin on June 20, 2005, 07:31:28 pm
Gah! Learn to spell!
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: pyro-manic on June 20, 2005, 07:32:11 pm
Heheh. Thing is, there's no consistency in the mis-spelling of the word, so it'd be hell to rig the forum to display it. "Hacuepsat" is possibly the best I've seen yet, though...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 20, 2005, 09:57:53 pm
Originally posted by Goober5000
Just wait for Silent Threat: Reborn. :drevil:

*turns off timer*

Two posts. That's a record for p1mping... :D
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 20, 2005, 11:21:06 pm

goob, better get that revitalized campaign out before we all start a revolution. :p;)
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Setekh on June 20, 2005, 11:53:24 pm
Originally posted by pyro-manic
Heheh. Thing is, there's no consistency in the mis-spelling of the word, so it'd be hell to rig the forum to display it. "Hacuepsat" is possibly the best I've seen yet, though...

:lol: True dat. It's almost as good as "fhqhwgads". :D
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 21, 2005, 08:03:40 am
Try typing Hatshepsut with your elbows! :p


:nervous: How'd that get in there...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: DarthWang on June 21, 2005, 09:03:49 am
Originally posted by JoeLo
Currently I am working on a mission where the Hades fights a series of cap ships in this order.
Dies at a Collusus
I might have to "Cycle" the Hades after three or so ships. I have almost no expiernce at FREDing, (other than [V] walkthrough) so it might suck but what ever.

Try using a SEXP that sets its hull and subsystem integrity to 100% after every fight.

At least I think you can do that.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: karajorma on June 21, 2005, 09:26:18 am
You can. In fact you have a couple of choices how to do it. You can use repair-subsystem or set-subsystem-strength.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Boomer on June 21, 2005, 11:52:15 am
Try typing Hatshepsut with your elbows!  


 How'd that get in there...

Brain ray attacks from outer space!  Ahhhh!:shaking:
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Nuclear1 on June 21, 2005, 02:02:48 pm
Originally posted by DarthWang

Try using a SEXP that sets its hull and subsystem integrity to 100% after every fight.

At least I think you can do that.

Yes. Something along these lines:

---GVC Aten 02
--repair-subsystem (or set-subsystem strength; they work interchangeably)
I use this in missions mostly with scripted battles between two capital ships--something along these lines:

Code: [Select]




This way the turrets on the capital ships are never destroyed by enemy fire (as blob turrets tend to work often enough), and there can actually be a battle that lasts a decent amount of time.
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 21, 2005, 02:14:13 pm
yup, you got it right, nuclear. :)

btw, typing with elbows: haxdstcantspellhatshepsut

:nervous: oops... :nervous:
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: JoeLo on June 21, 2005, 05:52:12 pm
Originally posted by DarthWang

Try using a SEXP that sets its hull and subsystem integrity to 100% after every fight.

At least I think you can do that.

    I might have to "Cycle" the Hades after three or so ships. I have almost no expiernce at FREDing, (other than [V] walkthrough) so it might suck but what ever.  No can do...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: DarthWang on June 21, 2005, 06:11:13 pm
Just do when is destroyed delay - enemy ship 0 set subsystem strength Hades 100%

Or something
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: FireCrack on June 21, 2005, 06:26:54 pm
How do you pronounce Hatshepsut? I used to prononce it H-ouch-spout but that was before i realy looked at the word (i have a learning deficency with pronouncing words)

Anyways, now it seems more like Hat-she-sut. anyone know what is correct?
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: DarthWang on June 21, 2005, 06:31:10 pm
I say hat - shep - soot
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Cobra on June 21, 2005, 06:34:43 pm
and i say hat - shep- sut. :p
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: TrashMan on June 21, 2005, 07:09:36 pm
DAng..you know what..I've been reading the name wrong all this time.. and  Ididn't even bother to check..I thought it was called Hatesputh..dunno way I never botheed to read the name..God knows I was browsing the shps table like a zillion times to tweak it here and there...
Title: Did you like the Hades?
Post by: Jetmech Jr. on June 21, 2005, 07:39:34 pm

It's Pronounced "Hat-Shep-soot."