Hard Light Productions Forums

Community Projects => The FreeSpace Upgrade Project => Topic started by: hardlitefan on May 27, 2006, 09:14:55 pm

Title: Making screenies
Post by: hardlitefan on May 27, 2006, 09:14:55 pm
Hello all.

I have been a longtime lurker of these forums and of projects using the FS engine, and have finally found decided to post something. Firstly, congratulations go to everybody who has contributed to this project to make it better than freakin' outstanding :D :D :cool: If more groups of diverses with a common purpose joined together like you all have, the world would be a better place.

Secondly, I have a slightly oddball question. I was trawling the forums, and found a screenie of the new HTL Elysium, which I loved so much I had to stop what I was doing immediately and make that my desktop background. I then thought, "Has anybody done a desktop picture gallery?" Using that backdrop (lightspeeds? planet), and plonking the various ships in front of/beside it just for the purpose of creating a desktop picture. I have no experience with trying to acheive this (using FRED?), and so wondered if something like this has been done before.

If it hasn't, I would be willing to do it, provided I can get a handle on Fred (I assume I would create a mission with just one ship, and specify the appropriate background).

I personally want the Ursa as a screenie, but does anybody have a desire for anything else? Does anybody think this would be worthwhile? Am I just raving?  :wtf: Please post and let me know.
Title: Re: Making screenies
Post by: Mongoose on May 28, 2006, 01:18:46 am
I think that something like this would be great.  I did the exact same thing when I first saw that Elysium shot, and I'd love to have a few more ships in my desktop repertoire.  I'm sure I'm not the only one. :)

Oh, and before I forget:
Title: Re: Making screenies
Post by: karajorma on May 28, 2006, 03:15:39 am
Sounds like a nice idea. The work you'd need to do to understand FRED enough to do this is very minimal.
Title: Re: Making screenies
Post by: hardlitefan on May 28, 2006, 04:43:56 pm
Awrighty, I'll sequester myself away sometime soon and have a stab at doing this.