Hard Light Productions Forums

Off-Topic Discussion => Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: Primus on September 19, 2006, 11:29:28 am

Title: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 19, 2006, 11:29:28 am
Babylon 5: Severed Dreams

An in-development game, based on the Babylon 5 scifi TV series/movies is looking for more skilled 2D/3D artists with time and interest to help develop the game.

Currently the team has five skilled programmers, a modeler and a composer.

The game genre will be space simulation with real time strategy elements and the single player storyline is set during the Earth Alliance civil war. Just to be clear, it's not a modification or total conversion for any game, but a full new game build from scratch, using OGRE graphics engine. The project is currently on early (internal) Alpha stage. Multiplayer elements are also being included, the player will be able to play a 8vs8 Team Deathmatch, Scripted missions with teams, Historical battles as coop and finally Deathmatch - every pilot for himself.

Once finished, the game will be released as freeware. From fans to fans.

Forums: http://fltc.firstones.com/forums/
Email: primusnova at gmail dot com

.:: Some CGI Screenies ::.

Dark Times (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/hyperion_wip10.png)
Cloud Test (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/test3_1.png)
Starfury Glory (http://fltc.firstones.com/index_files/image002.jpg)
Final Eclipse (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/frame_675_hiblur.png)
Severed Dreams (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/scene_test.png)
Hyperion Glory (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/soild_grain.png)
Earth Glody Hi-Res (http://fltc.firstones.com/images/earth_HD.jpg)
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: brandx0 on September 21, 2006, 01:36:30 am
Obviously a WiP, but looks pretty sub-par for a game 5 years ago, let alone today.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 21, 2006, 03:08:45 am
Those screenies are bit old ;)
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Fury on September 21, 2006, 04:44:41 am
Just because it is a yet another B5 title won't produce any "aahs" and "oohs" out of me. Let's talk again when and if it gets something playable out. I hate to sound negative here, but I very much doubt they will actually succeed in bringing out a full featured game. It has been hard enough for TBP and IFH to accomplish. I've never really understood why is it necessary to reinvent a wheel? These guys should've joined IFH or SCP/TBP teams instead of doing just that; reinventing a wheel.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: IPAndrews on September 21, 2006, 05:16:13 am
I'm not going to beat around the bush. This game looks like crap. Sorry I'm just saying what people are thinking.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 21, 2006, 07:54:18 am
Sorry, just trying to make a game here.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Hornet108 on September 21, 2006, 11:16:44 am
I'm not going to beat around the bush. This game looks like crap. Sorry I'm just saying what people are thinking.

Ive played TBP, it doesent exactly look much better.

Whats its max rez, 1024x768 on a good day?

FS2O is kind of dated, dont you think? And I have looked at the AI code in it, its well, its a mess.

Besides, our game is a FPRTS (First Person Real Time Strat), not a space sim. Were not re-inventing the wheel at all, were creating a completly different game in the b5 universe.

Or do you just feel threatened?
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: phatosealpha on September 21, 2006, 11:51:29 am
Sacrifice in space, huh?

...but...1024?  C'mon, FS2O handles 2048x1536 just fine.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Fury on September 21, 2006, 11:58:22 am
Good thing you edited your message, now it appears much less of an attempt to troll. I wish you'd get your facts straight first though.

1. fs2_open supports higher resolutions than 1024x768. Up to 1024x768 has been supported since original FS2. In the executable shipped with last TBP release higher resolution support is still experimental, but that executable is old.
2. The first TBP was released 2001. Even though TBP has been upgraded in every release, it still has pieces left from the first and later releases. TBP looks dated even by fs2_open standards. If you want to know what fs2_open is capable of, check out Battlestar Galactice: Beyond the Red Line as soon as Game Warden is back in business. http://www.game-warden.com/bsg/ (obviously a dead link until Game Warden domain is restored)
3. Feel threatened? Was TBP threatened by IFH? No, in fact TBP shared resources with IFH and vice-versa.

Just because you're working on a B5 game doesn't mean you receive admiration automatically. It was a good call to design a game around different genre though, I hope it succeeds but I won't hold my breath because I have seen many ambitious projects fail.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: IPAndrews on September 21, 2006, 12:13:45 pm
Ive played TBP, it doesent exactly look much better.

You're building a brand spanking new game. It should look a shed load better than TBP.

Besides, our game is a FPRTS (First Person Real Time Strat), not a space sim.

Yes like Fury said. Good idea. That's something I'd like to play. Provided it doesn't look like crap.

Or do you just feel threatened?

Yes I feel really, really threatened.   ;7
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 21, 2006, 12:17:26 pm
Who asked admiration?

When I came here to post about SD, it wasn't even because I hoped to get team members (1st post is just the same I've used for recruiting in other forums), but because I just wanted to tell there's just project going?

Respond?... "We should've joined TBP/IFH" "We prolly won't succeed" "Game looks crap"

I understand the disbelief for our success, though. But it looks crap? For crying out loud, it's on alpha stage! (<-----IPA!!!)

Well. I guess time will show what happens.

I hope this doesn't turn into flaming...
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Hornet108 on September 21, 2006, 12:24:05 pm
I wasnt trying to start a ****fight, we would love to work closely with the current B5 games, however when people say stuff like:
I'm not going to beat around the bush. This game looks like crap. Sorry I'm just saying what people are thinking.

Its hard to get that friendly feeling.
(Also, isnt that a pretty blantant troll?)

Thoes shots are old and the model we used for the hyperion has since been replaced. Personally, I dont think the game which I have built looks like crap at all, and I have watched the MP demo of BTRL, its impressive, good gameplay, but the grapics are nothing to get worked up about either.

This game will certainly see the light of day. We have a core team of 3 profesional dedicated coders, more then enough, and we expect to have a playable external beta within three months.

We were not demanding respect. We were just trying to generating intrest and trying to get a larger art team.

Christs sake. I didnt know the b5 community was so... closed.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Prophet on September 21, 2006, 01:23:47 pm
Hold on there now. Most of the B5 community is waiting to see what you can do. The sad thing is that most of the B5 community are old geezers (relatively speaking) and won't soil their pants because of a bunch of screenies. I am waiting to see what you guys can do, then you might get some "oohs" and "aahs" from me. So will you guys stop ****ing each other? Let the new guys show what they can do. And the new guys can shut up about TBP without knowing their ****ing facts. This isn't some frigging pissing contest.

I appreciate for letting us know about your game. I am now interested. :yes:
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 21, 2006, 01:44:10 pm
Thanks Prophet. And I also agree with you. :nod:
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Hornet108 on September 21, 2006, 02:55:36 pm
Sacrifice in space, huh?

...but...1024?  C'mon, FS2O handles 2048x1536 just fine.

More like Battlezone / Battlezone 2 in space
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: karajorma on September 21, 2006, 05:19:02 pm
More like Battlezone / Battlezone 2 in space

Now THAT gets my interest. You should have led with that! :p

Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: IPAndrews on September 22, 2006, 05:43:09 am
Hornet, Primus, chaps. Let me say something positive to you to cheer you up. Personally I have no problem with you deciding to build a B5 game engine from scratch. I can see the attraction when it comes to writing some well structured code that would allow you to do some very clever things with AI and multiplayer. The RTS angle is also a great idea. We have a couple of space combat simulators so why make another. Obviously there is no reason why I wouldn't want this project of yours to succeed. There does that make you feel better :).

Look I know I said your game looked crap. Twice. I'm not going to apologise for the comment but at the same time don't get too worked up about it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. You either take it onboard or you don't. It's your choice. In fact Hornet seems to think his game looks fine as it is. Good for him! :)
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Primus on September 22, 2006, 05:56:58 am
Guess only thing now for us to do, is a group hug. :D:p
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: Hornet108 on September 22, 2006, 04:54:01 pm
ahh thoes shots are of old mesh's with shaders that did not work properly. The new game looks much better, however half the ships arent textured yet (new ships have bump mapping, specular mapping, all sorts of mapping, we even had the hyperion using reflection at one stage, when you flew past you could see yourself, but in B5 the hyperions arent shiny so we canned it) so until we get textures on everything were not releasing shots.
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: RedFox on September 23, 2006, 05:20:25 am
I have no idea why Primus posted screens that are over half year old and have shader errors written all over them.
The current concept of the game is honestly quite promising, we have 4 coders and 3 modelers aboard, although we are having problems with the shaders - the parallax mapping likes to stretch when you try and rotate the camera, giving a somewhat spooky look on the ships, that's why we had to revert to those hideous blue ones (which is acctually a shader error), not to mention that none of the alpha maps were working. Ogre shader engine is truly a difficult one, to get something good out of it you really have to go through some serious mental rape.

This was the old Hyperion (http://fltc.firstones.com/Pictures/hyperion_wip10.png) before we "ogred" it.
All ships have a good amount of detail and do look stunning with the right shaders -Starfury- (http://fltc.firstones.com/index_files/image002.jpg).
Anyways, once we get those specbump shaders finally working, this game will blow you away.

Foxer - B5:SD Design Lead
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: tomcat on September 23, 2006, 01:31:24 pm
Good... I can't wait to see a finished B5 thingy  :D
You briton scum... crowl under your rock.. ;)
Title: Re: B5:SD
Post by: IPAndrews on September 23, 2006, 01:48:42 pm
Frack you gypsy  :p