Hard Light Productions Forums

Off-Topic Discussion => Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: NGTM-1R on September 20, 2006, 09:07:47 pm

Title: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 20, 2006, 09:07:47 pm
Simple enough. Nominate yours. If you can actually track it down via YouTube or similar all the better.

Mine goes to MechCommander. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MQPWE_M_EM)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 20, 2006, 09:22:25 pm
Nova cats. ::) Mine goes for Metal Gear Solid 3. :yes: And it will definitely be replaced by the intro of MGS4 when it arrives. :nod:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Flipside on September 20, 2006, 09:35:34 pm
Warcraft 3 possibly, it was certainly one that made my jaw drop, but not as much as Diablo's did at the time....
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Turey on September 20, 2006, 09:46:42 pm
psshh. Noobs.

FS1 & 2 ftw.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Flipside on September 20, 2006, 09:51:38 pm
Oddly enough, I actually originally typed 'In before someone says Freespace' but decided against it :nervous:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: phatosealpha on September 20, 2006, 10:09:02 pm
You know, I didn't care for the actual game that much, but the Cinematic Opening to Diablo 2 is pretty tough to beat
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Flipside on September 20, 2006, 10:27:30 pm
Couldn't find the intro, but some choice moments...

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mefustae on September 20, 2006, 10:37:30 pm
The opening cinematics from Starcraft, Diablo II, Warcraft II and Warcraft III [with their respective expansions] all come to mind. Pretty much any Blizzard cinematic, really. Which i'm sure we can all agree upon.

Relic's work has also been quite good as of late. The animatics from Homeworld2 were quite excellent. Although Homeworld1's have most certainly not aged very well at all. Further, the opening sequence for Dawn of War would without a doubt be one of the most intese opening sequences i've ever seen in a game. The only downside is that it was the only goddamned cinematic in the entire goddamned game!

The Star- and Freelancer opening sequences also come to mind, especially the latter. Nothing quite beats seeing those Coalition Carriers coming appearing in Europa's orbit and opening up with those excellent looking & sounding cannons mounted on the bow. A great moment in sci-fi oriented gaming.

Fable isn't all that bad, either. The slow montage of footage from the Great Hall with the nice music is most definintely a great way to start the game.

The Battlefield series, most notably Battlefield 1942, also have excellent opening cinematics. The '42 one might not look as spectacular nowadays, but back when it first came out, it was unbe-****ing-lievable.

Dungeon Siege II also had a rather fun opening sequence. Not all that great a game, but those first few minutes were quite excellent.

Fahrenheit, which I just bought yesterday, must also get an honourable mention. It's not a flashy intro, in fact the graphics are rather substandard for the time in areas. But it's the artistic integrity of the sequence that just makes it so awesome. The slow zoom on Lucas covered by the shadows of moving clouds, all on the expanding band of footage with a background of falling petals just looks plain beautiful any way you look at it.

And finally, let's not forget Freespace and Freespace 2. While the Battle of Deneb is unquestionably awesome, i'm going to have to say the opening for Freespace 1 is the better of the two.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 20, 2006, 11:19:13 pm

Further, the opening sequence for Dawn of War would without a doubt be one of the most intese opening sequences i've ever seen in a game. The only downside is that it was the only goddamned cinematic in the entire goddamned game!

The Star- and Freelancer opening sequences also come to mind, especially the latter. Nothing quite beats seeing those Coalition Carriers coming appearing in Europa's orbit and opening up with those excellent looking & sounding cannons mounted on the bow. A great moment in sci-fi oriented gaming.

Another downside to the DOW intro, the fact that Relic puts it in Winter Assault and even the demos. The Freelance intro is really good too. Do you know if there is even an image of those Coalition Carriers? I'd kill for that. :P
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Shade on September 20, 2006, 11:57:15 pm
I'd have to go with the Star Craft: Brood War intro. Might not be as pretty graphically these days, but I don't care. Because it rocks anyway.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Backslash on September 21, 2006, 12:33:09 am
"Where's the air support?!" :D

Yeah I wish Winter Assault had its own intro.  We can still hope for the next...

I'll say MechWarrior 3 was up there too.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm76b8tzzWI  But I like the style of the campaign beginning cutscene even better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qZvYwmgCHc .  The style was very different and immersive... you see the action from various external cameras with all sorts of battle chatter going on as the dren hits the fan.  zzzzt "What are we looking at?  Can someone redirect the probe?"  For some reason I particularly like battle chatter when it's done right. :)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on September 21, 2006, 01:36:02 am
FS1 :D

Seeing a Luci dead ahead from inside the Apollo's cockpit... ><
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: starfox on September 21, 2006, 08:11:35 am
Dawn of War
Freespace 1 *The hour of Lucifer....* :P
I-War II
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Singh on September 21, 2006, 08:25:08 am
My top eight:

1. I-War 1.
No question, this beats them all hands down. 13 good, quality minutes of space battles galore FTW! That, and it really sets the mood for the rest of the game.

2. Freespace 1.
Does anytihng need to be said?

3. Warcraft III
4. Freespace 2
5. Mechwarrior 3 - you gotta love that Mech fight. The animation quality was top notch, even though the models and rest doesnt come up to par with the stuff noawadays
6. Battlefield 1942 - blew me away the first time I saw it
7. EVE-online. The intro cinematic was pretty well made for the time, and having in-game stuff was an added bonus, too. :D
8. WH40k Dawn of War Intro

Honorable mentions:
Cruisader: No Regret
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 21, 2006, 08:35:46 am
Close between Freelancer and Wing commander games.........
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Blaise Russel on September 21, 2006, 09:57:49 am
Quake 2 Intro (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4143996102721576980)

*Earth spaceship launches marines in drop pods down onto the surface of the Strogg homeworld*
*Private Bitterman's drop pod gets clipped on the way in and falls away from the rest of the group*

Asshole: YEEHAW!
Bitterman: ****! What was that?!
Bitterman: Command, I got a problem here. Some cowboy clipped me on the way in, and thrusters are fifty percent and dropping...

*Bitterman circles the Big Gun as the platoon scream and get wiped out by Strogg defences*

Command: Damnit! We got a little freaky EMP down there. Getting clipped just saved your ass, marine! I just lost all readings from the rest of the platoon! Try and get to the primary LZ and rendezvous with any other squad leaders you can find!

*Bitterman's thrusters suddenly burst into life and he overshoots the primary LZ (Big Gun) by a huge margin*

Bitterman: ****!

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Tolwyn on September 21, 2006, 10:09:40 am
I love Wing Commander 3/4 Cinematics. Excellent combination of live acting and cgi effects/backgrounds. Freelancer's also got a flashy intro (the original version, not that rubbish, that was shipped with the game)

Wing Commander 3 Movie (http://www.wcnews.com/holovids/full_length_wing3.shtml)

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mefustae on September 21, 2006, 10:28:57 am
(the original version, not that rubbish, that was shipped with the game)
What do you mean, got a linky?
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Turnsky on September 21, 2006, 11:00:16 am
dawn of war
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 21, 2006, 11:04:55 am
(the original version, not that rubbish, that was shipped with the game)
What do you mean, got a linky?

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Fury on September 21, 2006, 11:15:17 am
The original Freelancer intro in better quality: http://jack-cole.com/files/flintro.wmv
(I hate windows media though...)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 21, 2006, 11:18:21 am
Yeah i know, The second link is the extended one. :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Flipside on September 21, 2006, 12:26:07 pm
Also worth an honourable mention is, again, Rise of Legends ;)

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: MicroPsycho on September 21, 2006, 02:30:34 pm
Freespace 1 nuff said
DoW has a good intro
Mechwarrior 3

Honourable mention goes to Duke Nukem 3d (because its Duke ****ing Nukem) and Prince of Persia series for quality of cinematics
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Davros on September 21, 2006, 06:21:41 pm
IT HAS TO BE THIS ONE - INDEPENDANCE WAR (all 13 minutes of it)

Here you are you lucky people :

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: brozozo on September 21, 2006, 06:26:16 pm
Simple enough. Nominate yours. If you can actually track it down via YouTube or similar all the better.

Mine goes to MechCommander. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MQPWE_M_EM)

"Clear the channels, I have enemy contact!" totally owns as a line in anything.

The cinematic after the human campaign in Warcraft 3 is amazing. That's probably the best direction I've ever seen in any video game cinematic. The Brood War opening cinematic also gets major props. Poor Space Marine...
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Ghostavo on September 21, 2006, 06:32:25 pm
Armies of Exigo had a kickass intro, even though I hated the game itself.

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Dark Hunter on September 21, 2006, 10:18:28 pm
Starcraft Brood War's opening will be awarded a cake.

Honorable Mention: MechWarrior 4.

Funniest: Descent 3. Something about a Pyro GX being cut open by a giant saw is just freaking hilarious! :wakka:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mongoose on September 21, 2006, 11:23:51 pm
Besides the obvious FS1/2, I'll throw a vote in for Descent II (that asteroid field kicked ass) and Descent 3 (I still tear up when that GX falls into the star...).

And, just like the soundtrack thread, I'm surprised no one's mentioned Shadow of the Colossus.  No English dialogue, little text, next to no story setup...yet it creates the most amazing ambience and manages to suck you right into the game. :)

(Honorable mention for Age of Mythology, just because I can. :D)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: CP5670 on September 22, 2006, 01:56:06 am
Mission Critical for me, although FS1 comes very close. The C&C one (the guy flipping through TV channels) also deserves mention just for originality. :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Backslash on September 22, 2006, 02:10:35 am
Wow, the Independance War one IS good.  Hadn't seen it before (played IW2 but not 1), so thanks.  Man, we need a president with that voice, that'd be awesome. :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 03:12:10 am
IT HAS TO BE THIS ONE - INDEPENDANCE WAR (all 13 minutes of it)

Here you are you lucky people :


The true commonwealth !!!

None of that andromeda crap.  I-War 1 is the only I-War worth playing........... The intro is like a recruiting advert, Clay is a hero  :(
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Fury on September 22, 2006, 03:25:59 am
Wow, the Independance War one IS good.  Hadn't seen it before (played IW2 but not 1), so thanks.  Man, we need a president with that voice, that'd be awesome. :D
Yeah, I missed the first I-War too. :(
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: SadisticSid on September 22, 2006, 05:33:29 am
The original Freelancer intro in better quality: http://jack-cole.com/files/flintro.wmv
(I hate windows media though...)

They stole the Wrath of Khan music for the intro!?
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Ferret on September 22, 2006, 05:45:47 am
It's been said but Freespace 1 is the only intro that has ever given me chills from watching it.

FS2 intro is a bit dull to be honest, but the ending sequence more than makes up for it.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: IPAndrews on September 22, 2006, 05:48:29 am
They stole the Wrath of Khan music for the intro!?

It's a classic sci-fi tradition. There's this one piece of music Horner did that was used in Battle Beyond the Stars, Ice Pirates, Wizards of the Lost Kingdom, and something else that was so obscure I can't even remember what it was now.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 05:49:53 am
Battle Beyond the Stars,

 :lol: What a piece of crap that was..........
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Overlord_pt on September 22, 2006, 05:56:06 am
IT HAS TO BE THIS ONE - INDEPENDANCE WAR (all 13 minutes of it)

Here you are you lucky people :


Beautiful! Just plain beautiful!
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 05:57:14 am
Welcome to the HLP Station, All references to FS and the number 3 must be removed from  your person to prevent accidental :snipe:. Do not feed the redident Shivan Carl as he will become voracious and chew your leg off. Flamethrowers can be found under your seat but due to financial constraints have been re-filled with holy water, Phased Plasma rifles (40 watt range of course) can be found in storage lockers. To prevent act of n00b however, These can only be opened by Moderators, :v: or a hyperintelligent shade of BluE. In the event of catastrophioc hull failure please board the nearest lifeboat which is pre-programmed for autonymous flight to our sister station the Game-Warden outpost.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Singh on September 22, 2006, 06:02:13 am
can that vid be uploaded to youtube? for some reason the colors go all crazy on the putfile video :/
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 06:05:41 am
I downloaded it form thereto watch in Windows Media Player, it worked fine.

*cough view source cough*
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on September 22, 2006, 06:18:14 am
Honorable mentions:
Crusader: No Regret


WEC MUST DIE!!! :mad: I like it just as much as I liked the No Remorse intro... :lol:

Sadly I never found it in any media format...
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: karajorma on September 22, 2006, 06:37:01 am
They stole the Wrath of Khan music for the intro!?

I recognised vast swathes of the Aliens soundtrack there. No idea it was stolen from TWoK too. Don't think so though. Which means that more of the soundtrack is from Aliens.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: IPAndrews on September 22, 2006, 07:06:49 am
It's hard to distinguish one of his soundtracks from another sometimes.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: karajorma on September 22, 2006, 07:10:29 am
True. I did pick out bits from TWoK in there. But it's mostly the music from

a) The point when Ripley drives the APC into the nest to rescue the marines
b) The bit where Bishop flies the drop ship away from the exploding air reprocessing plant
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: IPAndrews on September 22, 2006, 07:33:22 am
Going back to the original subject Killzone of all things had a fantastic CGI intro.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 07:38:27 am
I was quite fond of Metal Fatigue but in retrospect is wasn't anything special....... :doubt:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mefustae on September 22, 2006, 08:13:28 am
True. I did pick out bits from TWoK in there. But it's mostly the music from

a) The point when Ripley drives the APC into the nest to rescue the marines
b) The bit where Bishop flies the drop ship away from the exploding air reprocessing plant
Plus a bit of the Predator theme right at the end. Not bad, their supernova scene is a hell of a lot better than FS2's, but I still like the standard Freelancer opening cinematic more. Better editing, pacing, music and sound.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 22, 2006, 08:22:40 am
The crossover from the cryo tubes to the Coalitions advance, and all edits in between is inspriational, Saying that, the best use of fire in a cutscene is the Lighter from the Broodwar intro, for the life of me i cant replicate it in ANYTHING....... ;)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 22, 2006, 01:20:48 pm
Mmmm... my shortlist would be...

MechCommander 1
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries
MechWarrior 2
MechWarrior 3
TIE Fighter
X-Wing Alliance
Dawn of War
StarCraft: Brood Wars
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Half Life 1 (The Tram!)
Day of the Tentacle
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: IPAndrews on September 22, 2006, 01:25:14 pm
Are any of these newer Mech games any good?
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 22, 2006, 05:22:16 pm
Are any of these newer Mech games any good?

Mechwarrior 4 and MW4: Mercs are passable, not great not bad, with the mektek's mechpacks Mercs is much better but only on multiplayer, Mechcommander 2 is average too.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 22, 2006, 05:58:56 pm
If you get MC2 you must get Magic's Unofficial Expansion as well.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Nuclear1 on September 22, 2006, 07:03:32 pm
For a game that wasn't entirely terrific, C&C Generals had one of my favorite intros. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bBubOqJxZs)

Starcraft, Brood War, and Allied Assault would all fit nicely into second place though.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 22, 2006, 07:47:41 pm
Are any of these newer Mech games any good?
Depends what you want.

I dislike the Mech4 series because they don't feel like Mech simulators like the previous games.
It feels more like a game of quake or something.

My favorite one was Mech3 so far ;)

MC2 isnt too bad, but MC1 was better. The MC2 intro is nowhere near as good as them MC1 one 'tho ;)

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 22, 2006, 10:30:07 pm

My favorite one was Mech3 so far ;)

Ah, if it only worked on XP without a problem. :(
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Backslash on September 23, 2006, 12:18:46 am
Wait, doesn't it?  My Mechwarrior 3 works fine... have you tried the 1.2 patch?
It's the Mechwarrior 2 trilogy I had the hard time getting to work.  Eventually I just rebuilt a 350MHz dedicated DOS/Windows 98 machine and now it works flawlessly (and so do many other games I had once said goodbye to :))
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 23, 2006, 12:48:43 am
Ah, if it only worked on XP without a problem. :(

There is absolutely no reason I can come up with why it shouldn't. Mine did.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 23, 2006, 11:13:33 am
It does work on Xp but way too many times the game crashes, at least for me.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Roanoke on September 23, 2006, 04:09:44 pm
You just don't see decent into FMV nowadays. It just game-engine movies that are no where near as good.

Namco beat 'em ups such as Soul Edge/Blade and Tekken 3 were great. Thief2 had a whole series of short movies in between missions that were great. To think Ion Storm reduced the short scriptures to simple loading screen fodder. Bastards.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Shade on September 23, 2006, 05:17:34 pm
There are some new games still which sport excellent cinematics. The WC3 and expansion cinematics are uniformly excellent, most Star Wars games also feature a nice set of them, and Oblivion's intro is also both visually and audially (is that a word? Oh well, is now) impressive. They may be getting rarer, but they are not gone yet.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Dough with Fish on September 23, 2006, 10:32:36 pm
World of Warcraft is seriously freaking sweet.... Man, Blizzard does such good work with their cutscenes, I wonder why they just dont do the WoW movie in 3D. Anyway, here are a couple of ones that haven't been mentioned here yet.

Company of Heroes (http://youtube.com/watch?v=SlTIn9AZfqg) Yeah, yeah, yeah... another WW2 Omaha landing, but the way they go from FMV to ingame is pretty damned cool.

StarCraft Ghost (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4_Ow2wTuSHE). I dont think its an intro, but god Damn, is it a cool movie.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mefustae on September 24, 2006, 01:16:52 am
StarCraft Ghost (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4_Ow2wTuSHE). I dont think its an intro, but god Damn, is it a cool movie.
Z3rgl1ng ru5h!! kekekekekekeke!!! :p
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 24, 2006, 04:57:51 am

My favorite one was Mech3 so far ;)

Ah, if it only worked on XP without a problem. :(

Yeah, it is a bit of a ***** to get working.

Additionally, LOTS of the missions are buggy as hell under 2k and XP - When I tried it (and got it running, which was hard enough on its own...), I couldn't get past the Op1Mis2 because of
a) The Goddamned Bouncing APCs of Doom (As soon as they touch a 'step', they fly up into the air at 5 bazillion MPH and don't come back down unless you wait for a few hours, at which point they bounce up again. They move faster than a rack of LRM20s!
b) The Cheating Bastard Cloaking Gun Turrets (Due to some obscure rendering problem, the gun turrets are not drawn and you can't hit them! They make sound and can happily shoot you, but you can't damage them, even with splash damage!!)

As I still use Win98, that's what I run it under (On a Voodoo2 SLI no less! :D It doesn't like my GeForce 6600GT... damned nVidia cutting off support! :(), and it still works perfectly.

For MechWarrior 2, I find the DOS version works great under DOSBox (And if you don't have an ISA capable machine and a decent ISA sound-card, that's the ONLY way you'll get sound)
There is NO POINT in trying to use the Windows versions, espescially the godawful Titanium editions - It's ugly and big chunks of the game glitch up or just plain don't work (No Enhanced Imaging!).

On modern CPUs, you can software-render Mech 2 at obscene resolutions anyway :D (Although you may need to tweak the DOSbox settings a fair bit to make it run smoothly at high res....)

It'll suck when I am forced to upgrade to a PCI-E system since I won't even be able to run so many of these older Windows games (No Win98 drivers... hell, no Win2k drivers either! :()
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 25, 2006, 10:45:23 am
Actually I only got the flying apcs of doom once, I managed to go to quite a part of the campaign swichting the video of the game from hardware to software, that ended MANY bugs but eventually not even that helped and I lost my pacience, you simply cant enjoy the game with this much problems. As for MW2, I have the original win95 cd, tried runing on XP with a fan made patch for xp (forgot who made it) but it doesnt work, everytime I try to go to actual game (the missions) it crashes. :(
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 25, 2006, 11:15:45 am
World of Warcraft is seriously freaking sweet.... Man, Blizzard does such good work with their cutscenes, I wonder why they just dont do the WoW movie in 3D. Anyway, here are a couple of ones that haven't been mentioned here yet.

Company of Heroes (http://youtube.com/watch?v=SlTIn9AZfqg) Yeah, yeah, yeah... another WW2 Omaha landing, but the way they go from FMV to ingame is pretty damned cool.

StarCraft Ghost (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4_Ow2wTuSHE). I dont think its an intro, but god Damn, is it a cool movie.

I just watched this Ghost video, is there anywhere to download it? It way too well done
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 25, 2006, 11:20:22 am
Total Annhilations made me smile :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: aldo_14 on September 25, 2006, 12:19:27 pm
Startopia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK79tBd6EZw)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cobra on September 25, 2006, 12:31:45 pm

My favorite one was Mech3 so far ;)

Ah, if it only worked on XP without a problem. :(

Yeah, it is a bit of a ***** to get working.

Additionally, LOTS of the missions are buggy as hell under 2k and XP - When I tried it (and got it running, which was hard enough on its own...), I couldn't get past the Op1Mis2 because of
a) The Goddamned Bouncing APCs of Doom (As soon as they touch a 'step', they fly up into the air at 5 bazillion MPH and don't come back down unless you wait for a few hours, at which point they bounce up again. They move faster than a rack of LRM20s!
b) The Cheating Bastard Cloaking Gun Turrets (Due to some obscure rendering problem, the gun turrets are not drawn and you can't hit them! They make sound and can happily shoot you, but you can't damage them, even with splash damage!!)

As I still use Win98, that's what I run it under (On a Voodoo2 SLI no less! :D It doesn't like my GeForce 6600GT... damned nVidia cutting off support! :(), and it still works perfectly.

For MechWarrior 2, I find the DOS version works great under DOSBox (And if you don't have an ISA capable machine and a decent ISA sound-card, that's the ONLY way you'll get sound)
There is NO POINT in trying to use the Windows versions, espescially the godawful Titanium editions - It's ugly and big chunks of the game glitch up or just plain don't work (No Enhanced Imaging!).

On modern CPUs, you can software-render Mech 2 at obscene resolutions anyway :D (Although you may need to tweak the DOSbox settings a fair bit to make it run smoothly at high res....)

It'll suck when I am forced to upgrade to a PCI-E system since I won't even be able to run so many of these older Windows games (No Win98 drivers... hell, no Win2k drivers either! :()

OK. I don't know what's wrong with YOUR copy/PC, but MW3 worked perfectly on my Celeron, and haven't tried it on the P4 just yet.

MW3 was also the very first game I bought when I got my Win98. I giggled and laughed like a goddamn maniac when the soldier got stepped on. It wasn't him actually dying or anything like that, but it was the fact that a 75-ton Battlemech stepped on a 150-pound human in this kind of game. :D

Plus I have 2 versions of Mechwarrior 2: the Titanium Edition (which I seem to have lost) and the version with the black CD. None of them work on this computer. God damned compatibility option doesn't do ****. :hopping:

I wonder how to get 'em working again, I don't think MW2: 31st Century Combat is DOS. =/

OK, my favs, in order:

Mechwarrior 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm76b8tzzWI)
Freespace: The Great War
Independence War (One of the best game-engine intros ever. :D)
Freespace 2 (although crappy, thanks to the 3rd party company, it did have some novelty to it. :D)
Quake 2
Star Wars: TIE Fighter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cozXQbUh4U8)
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Mechwarrior 2
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: vyper on September 25, 2006, 01:07:21 pm
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 25, 2006, 06:16:52 pm
OK. I don't know what's wrong with YOUR copy/PC, but MW3 worked perfectly on my Celeron, and haven't tried it on the P4 just yet.

MW3 was also the very first game I bought when I got my Win98. I giggled and laughed like a goddamn maniac when the soldier got stepped on. It wasn't him actually dying or anything like that, but it was the fact that a 75-ton Battlemech stepped on a 150-pound human in this kind of game. :D

Nothing wrong with my PC *or* my MW3 - The bouncing APC and missing turrets are Well Known Problems with MechWarrior 3 on Windows 2k/XP. They tend to manifest themselves most on faster machines with faster graphics cards.
One thing that sometimes works is forcing the DirectX refresh to 60Hz and setting the graphics card features to max (Full AA, full Ansio etc., basically slow the ****er down as much as possible).
But either my system is just too powerful or I'm just part of the group that that hack doesn't work, for whatever reason.

But yeah, the intro is totally badass. :D Hell, even the mission briefings are! It's a pity Pirate's Moon sucked so much... :(

I do wish companies would put more effort into stuff like that... and sound too.
Most just get obsessed about the rendering engine and forget things like, oh, story... gameplay... fun factor... boring stuff like that :(

Quote from: Cobra
Plus I have 2 versions of Mechwarrior 2: the Titanium Edition (which I seem to have lost) and the version with the black CD. None of them work on this computer. God damned compatibility option doesn't do ****. :hopping:

I wonder how to get 'em working again, I don't think MW2: 31st Century Combat is DOS. =/
You need to get the original DOS versions of MW2 - That's the ONLY way you'll ever get it running on Win2k or better.
The Windows and Titanium versions won't work unless you use Windows 98, which won't even run properly on a lot of modern 'boards!
The only exception is (apparently) the Glide version, but thats only useful if you can get those hacked Voodoo drivers working to power a Voodoo 2 (Chance = 1x10e-99999).

Finding ISOs on the 'net is extremely difficult - Mostly they are the useless Windows or Titanium editions.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Dough with Fish on September 25, 2006, 07:27:11 pm
World of Warcraft is seriously freaking sweet.... Man, Blizzard does such good work with their cutscenes, I wonder why they just dont do the WoW movie in 3D. Anyway, here are a couple of ones that haven't been mentioned here yet.

Company of Heroes (http://youtube.com/watch?v=SlTIn9AZfqg) Yeah, yeah, yeah... another WW2 Omaha landing, but the way they go from FMV to ingame is pretty damned cool.

StarCraft Ghost (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4_Ow2wTuSHE). I dont think its an intro, but god Damn, is it a cool movie.

I just watched this Ghost video, is there anywhere to download it? It way too well done

Why, yes there is (http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?fs=1&id=1264). There are also a couple of gameplay videos there, and another trailer. It's a shame that this game was canned. StarCraft is my favorite Blizzard universe, and I am just craving more SC goodness.... I hope to God that they are returning to the universe soon, Warcraft is just getting lame and boring these days.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 25, 2006, 09:17:15 pm
Why, yes there is[/url]. There are also a couple of gameplay videos there, and another trailer. It's a shame that this game was canned. StarCraft is my favorite Blizzard universe, and I am just craving more SC goodness.... I hope to God that they are returning to the universe soon, Warcraft is just getting lame and boring these days.

Thank you! :yes: A real shame that it is ''on hold indefinitely''. I just wonder how a STC2 would've been, we'll have to wait even more now. I pray that Blizzard doesnt make something like World of Starcraft instead. :ick:

I giggled and laughed like a goddamn maniac when the soldier got stepped on. It wasn't him actually dying or anything like that, but it was the fact that a 75-ton Battlemech stepped on a 150-pound human in this kind of game. :D


I'll admit, I laughed too. :nervous:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 26, 2006, 12:32:41 am
That was one of the great dissapointments of MW4. The promised us since we had Godzilla we'd finally get Tokyo...but it didn't happen.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 26, 2006, 04:29:59 am
Well, at least MW4 has a beautifull intro. :p
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 26, 2006, 05:27:27 am
Ugh... was that the one with the bouncing Mad Dog?

The actual attack was pretty cool, but the damned mech moved like an AT-ST being pwned by Ewok Logs of Doom :(

*skippy bouncy nodding dog yay!* instead of *STOMP STOMP STOMP 2xLRM20 DEATH!!!111one*

And what the hell is that turret under its nose... is that usually there on a Mad Dog?! It looks so out of place, like some big ugly wart on its chin :( (Was it even a Mad Dog BTW?)

I think it's hard to get a Mech to move 'realistically' (And I use the term loosely ;)), but they seriously needed to look at the Mech2 and Mech 3 intros... and the MC1 intro for that matter :)

But maybe I'm just being overly critical because I hate Mech4 some much  :nervous: :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 26, 2006, 06:55:59 am
It was a Vulture class mech,......

Abes Oddysee was well rendered intro-wise too. :nod:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on September 26, 2006, 07:40:39 am
I giggled and laughed like a maniac when the soldier got stepped on. It wasn't him actually dying or anything like that, but it was the fact that a 75-ton Battlemech stepped on a 150-pound human in this kind of game. :D
I found it nasty. DX
Well, at least MW4 has a beautifull intro. :p
Mad Dog versus a whole swarm! Too bad it's not anime, otherwise the 60-tonner would come out tops... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dunno if the IS ever makes changes to the Clan designs that they get... :doubt: if they did, then maybe that would explain why the Mad Dog got four Gauss barrels while the Vulture got laser arms and a chin turret... But I'm just making my own "theories" up... :lol: I wasn't that deep into the universe, although I did read the Endgame novel (and some of the MW:DA stuff before arcade gaming took over me)...

Back on topic, I think the MW2: Mercs intro was okay. But the video was rather dark...
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 26, 2006, 11:09:28 am
They dont make that sort of changes to the clan mechs. the whole thing is that on MW4 Vengeance all mechs got a ''new'' design, so to speak, some mechs became totally diferent like the Vulture and Hell Hound, Highlander, Fafnir(this 3 on MW4:Mercs). Many people didnt like it, some did, I did, because honestly the original designs of the majority of the mechs were simply downright ugly, now they actually look like mechs.

Another good intros are the ones from Gound Control 1 and 2 (does anyone ever even seen the expansion of the first one?) and Ace Combat 5.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 26, 2006, 11:16:32 am
Was that "Distant Thunder"? Where a Jet crashed into the lead characters house while he was cycling home from school, Killing his parents in the Process :D  :lol:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 26, 2006, 11:24:43 am
No, that's Ace Combat 4.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 26, 2006, 11:27:26 am
Just a small BTW - A Mad Dog *is* a Vulture - Vulture is the IS name and Mad Dog is the Clan name.

Should be the other way around 'tho IMHO since the Timber Wolf is called a Mad Cat in the IS :P

But to me it will always be a Timber Wolf! (Warden Wolves FTW ;))

I just like the Clan names better...

And Mechs are SUPPOSED to look ugly damnit! They're Ranged Death on Legs!
You can keep them damned pretty-boy mechas in anime thankyouverymuch! :hopping: ;)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on September 26, 2006, 12:02:22 pm

I know about the naming terms. :)

As for pretty-boy mechas, I still prefer BattleMechs over them. :D <---- evil grin
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 26, 2006, 03:06:41 pm
Yay! :D

IMHO, the only thing cooler than a BattleMech is a Warlord Titan ;)
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Davros on September 26, 2006, 03:12:09 pm
Davros sheds a tear for those who never played I-War
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Roanoke on September 26, 2006, 04:16:01 pm
....Should be the other way around 'tho IMHO since the Timber Wolf is called a Mad Cat in the IS :P....

IIRC there was some bollocks about the MC being a hybrid of a CATapult and something that accounted for the Mad bit. Can't be arsed trying to remember though.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 26, 2006, 04:39:39 pm
But I'm just making my own "theories" up... :lol: I wasn't that deep into the universe, although I did read the Endgame novel (and some of the MW:DA stuff before arcade gaming took over me)...

I think you're confusing MechAssault with MechWarrior. I assure you that's not a good idea. (For that matter, confusing any MechWarrior 4 title with BattleTech isn't a good idea either. And don't get me started on Dorkage.)

IIRC there was some bollocks about the MC being a hybrid of a CATapult and something that accounted for the Mad bit. Can't be arsed trying to remember though.

MAD-series, the Marauder. It's one of the Unseen now since it was licensed from Harmony Gold. (Don't give me that Project Phoniex crap, if it doesn't look like a MAD-3R it's not a Marauder!)

Random trivia: Vulture is the only 'Mech with three names. It's also known as the Hagetaka. Same meaning as Vulture, just it's Japanese.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 26, 2006, 05:45:16 pm
But I'm just making my own "theories" up... :lol: I wasn't that deep into the universe, although I did read the Endgame novel (and some of the MW:DA stuff before arcade gaming took over me)...

I think you're confusing MechAssault with MechWarrior. I assure you that's not a good idea. (For that matter, confusing any MechWarrior 4 title with BattleTech isn't a good idea either. And don't get me started on Dorkage.)

IIRC there was some bollocks about the MC being a hybrid of a CATapult and something that accounted for the Mad bit. Can't be arsed trying to remember though.

MAD-series, the Marauder. It's one of the Unseen now since it was licensed from Harmony Gold. (Don't give me that Project Phoniex crap, if it doesn't look like a MAD-3R it's not a Marauder!)

Random trivia: Vulture is the only 'Mech with three names. It's also known as the Hagetaka. Same meaning as Vulture, just it's Japanese.

A Timberwolf is a cross between a Marauder and a Catapult?!

Freaky... I always just thought it was an 'evolved' Catapult... didn't realise the Marauder connection...
I mean, the arms look more like they're from a Hellbringer than a Marauder...

That would have been better... a Hell Cat :D

Weird 'tho... I always thought Marauders were 80T; Didn't realise there were different-weight variants...! I bow to your superior BattleTech knowledge :D
So what's the other differences between the Marauder IIC and the MAD?!
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 26, 2006, 08:00:14 pm
No, no, the real story is that someone thought that the Timber Wolf was something of a cross between the Catapult and the Marauder, hence the name Mad Cat, really, it was like that.

And don't get me started on Dorkage.)

Do not speak that cursed name! :nervous:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 26, 2006, 08:50:20 pm
So what's the other differences between the Marauder IIC and the MAD?!

The original MAD-3R was, IIRC, 70 tons, 4,6,0 move (walks a 40-odd kph runs at 60-odd) , 2 PPC, 2 Medium Laser, 1 AC-5. The original 2750 Star League version (which graced the cover of TRO:2750) had ferrofiber armor as well, but I don't know what it did with the extra weight, if anything. There were a variety of House-specific variants which mainly somehow involved substituting a large laser for one or both PPCs, or the autocannon.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: achtung on September 26, 2006, 09:54:40 pm
Return to Castle Wolfenstein:

Ace Combat Zero:

Descent:  Freespace:

Half-Life 2:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 27, 2006, 07:23:29 am
The intro to Warbreeds was ok, Not "greatest" worthy, But still well made for its time.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 27, 2006, 09:17:14 am
Warbreeds? Its been ages since I heard about that game, do you know if there someplace that is possible to get it?
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 27, 2006, 11:09:25 am
Yeah from me for £800,
Or the PCworld website........


Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 27, 2006, 10:25:59 pm
Its just the demo. :(
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on September 28, 2006, 02:26:30 am
Does anyone think that shots between missions in homeworld count as a cinematic, if so Homeworlds one of my faveourites for style.......... :nod:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: CP5670 on September 28, 2006, 05:36:47 pm
Check out the Deus Ex movies in the PS2 version. They're better than the PC ones IMO. (maybe except for the drunk JC-Helios)

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 29, 2006, 05:47:23 pm
What the heck was that?!

I have Deus Ex and the intro wasn't anything like that!
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: phatosealpha on September 29, 2006, 11:57:34 pm
MW:  I was under the impression different clans (not IS vs clans) called the same clan mechs different names.  IE, a timber wolf is a timber wolf to clan wolf, but to clan smoke jaguar it's a mad cat.  A Kodiak is only a Kodiak to a member of Ghost Bear -- to Wolf, it's a dire wolf, and to the IS, it's a Daishiki.

Am I mistaken?
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: redsniper on September 30, 2006, 01:05:15 am
Hmm... Kodiak and Dire Wolf are two totally different 'mechs.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: NGTM-1R on September 30, 2006, 03:36:43 am
Am I mistaken?

Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Sarafan on September 30, 2006, 10:14:28 am
MW:  I was under the impression different clans (not IS vs clans) called the same clan mechs different names.  IE, a timber wolf is a timber wolf to clan wolf, but to clan smoke jaguar it's a mad cat.  A Kodiak is only a Kodiak to a member of Ghost Bear -- to Wolf, it's a dire wolf, and to the IS, it's a Daishiki.

Am I mistaken?

Yes, the names are only different for the IS and the clans. A Timber Wolf is the clan name of the mech and is called Timber Wolf by every clan, for the IS it's called Mad Cat. As far as I know today there are no such things (2 names for one mech, a clan and IS name) anymore because it was confusing. Although true clanner still refere to their mechs by their clan names. :D
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: CP5670 on September 30, 2006, 10:36:53 am
What the heck was that?!

I have Deus Ex and the intro wasn't anything like that!

Yeah, it's the PS2 version like I said. I like the endings much better than the PC ones.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on September 30, 2006, 10:44:15 am
Christ, I didn't even know you could get Deus Ex 1 on the PS2!! Unless they completely rewrote the game it must have been horrible!
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: redsniper on September 30, 2006, 01:03:50 pm
That's where I first played it, and I thought it was great.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Polpolion on September 30, 2006, 07:23:31 pm

I just watched it, like 8 times, and it was very good each time.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Unknown Target on September 30, 2006, 10:57:42 pm
Mechwarrior 3.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Deepblue on October 01, 2006, 02:28:29 pm
Onimusha 3 is the only correct answer.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: TrashMan on October 01, 2006, 02:39:22 pm

Freespace 1 and 2 definately..

Dawn of War was good.

Starlancer had a better one than FL in my oppinion..

Spellforce, definately.

Outcast (still have the game, it's just that good)

Hell, it's hard to think of all I've seen. Definately more but they slip my mind ATM
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 02, 2006, 02:57:45 pm
Starlancer = Fort Kennedy falling makes me hate the coalition................... :mad:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Cyker on October 03, 2006, 11:50:54 am
The Freelancer intro was ****.

I don't remember the Starlancer one...  :confused:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Fergus on October 10, 2006, 12:42:01 pm

Always struck me as a rather good vid, back in the day of FMV heavy games.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Mefustae on October 14, 2006, 10:19:02 am
MK Armageddon (http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=13338&type=mov&pl=game) intro ain't too bad.
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Dysko on October 14, 2006, 10:41:01 am
Worms 2 intro was very funny :lol: What a pity I didn't found it on YouTube!
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 16, 2006, 07:40:04 am
Closest find = http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3866536587139607029&q=%22worms+2%22
V weird indeed...... :shaking:
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on October 16, 2006, 07:53:22 am
Probably not the best opening cinematics, but I liked the ones from the Heavy Gear series. :lol:

First game, watching the poor Hunter (was it a Hunter?) get fragged. Second game, the MINIGUN... :D <--- evil grin
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: Colonol Dekker on October 16, 2006, 07:55:46 am
I never saw those, I got the HG2 demo but it appears it is incompatible with PCs post 16bit colour  :lol:
Awesome Zero G levels though from the old days when the demo worked....
Title: Re: Best Opening Cinematic
Post by: asyikarea51 on October 16, 2006, 08:02:58 am
[OFT]I'm just revisiting that game since I still have the discs lying around.

So much fun to make a light Gear with a threat level of over 40,000, and use "set camti" to go on a rampage LOL. Too bad the player isn't allowed to use Striders or the CEF Frames... :sigh:[/OFT]