Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - FS2 Required => Inferno => Topic started by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 04:46:59 am

Title: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 04:46:59 am
Hi guys

I finished the Alliance campaign, where the battle above mars takes place those two destroyers have a fight, but is that it? I thought there is another one that continues after that. I expected more  :blah:

*edit* never mind, found Inferno R1, the 'old' one. Strange though that Inferno Allliance came out AFTER R1, yet R1 takes place many years after in the storyline. Oh, and if memory serves, I played it through before my pc was totally wrecked, but playing it again now, but i recall that the campaign ended after the Gigas showed up. Is that meant to happen?

*EDIT* What the hell ? No links for downloading R1 are working. They are, but they're all pay-to-download, or download super slow cause ur not a member ! >.< Also the patch for SCP is Fileplanet (EVIL!). Anywhere else i can get it?  :hopping:
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dysko on July 03, 2007, 05:08:41 am
INFR1 is old, now it's being remade as a standalone version (INFSCP).

INFA will have a sequel, INFA2 (well, pretty obvious, isn't it?). INFA will be re-released in a revamped, standalone version with remade missions (INFASA), and INFA2 will be released as a mod for INFASA.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 06:23:49 am
So the original Inferno R1 hasnt been remade SCP yet i take it? And this INFA Part 2 isnt out yet?

Seems to me that the inferno team , as accomplished as it is, has bitten off more then they can chew!

p.s , the campaigns would be 10x better with voice acting. (*cough* PICK ME! *cough*  :D)
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dysko on July 03, 2007, 06:41:26 am
INFR1 was released for retail only, and to make it SCP compatible also a SCP patch for INFR1 has been released. However, INFR1 + SCP patch is NOT INFSCP.

INFA has been released.

INFASA and INFSCP are going to be released. INFASA will almost surely the first to be released. And, since I'm testing it, I can say it has really great missions ;7
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 06:48:42 am
So INFASA takes places After INF:A , where Earth and Mars signed that cease-fire?

I liked the idea of railguns, but thought they should've fired more often. The last mission, having those two destroyers side by side at the end in an exchange like old pirate guns blasting eachother to smitherines was pretty cool.

I managed to save the Auriga with 90% hull strength.  :pimp:

Oh, and on a side note.  Will both inferno (the early one set in Sol), and the later one, taking place after the 2nd great war, eventually tie in together, or are the both kinda seperate?
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dysko on July 03, 2007, 07:13:25 am
So INFASA takes places After INF:A , where Earth and Mars signed that cease-fire?
Yes and no. INFASA will be first of all a revamped standalone INFA. Later, INFA2 will be released, and you will use that as a mod for INFASA.

Oh, and on a side note.  Will both inferno (the early one set in Sol), and the later one, taking place after the 2nd great war, eventually tie in together, or are the both kinda seperate?
INFA and INFA2 will be a prequel to INFSCP.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 07:28:53 am
So INFASA takes places After INF:A , where Earth and Mars signed that cease-fire?


Here we go again:

Inferno R1 (INFR1) - Set in 2401, war between the EA and the GTVA, designed for Retail Vanilla FS2.
Inferno SCP (INFSCP) - Complete revamp from INFR1, in a sort of parallel universe but using the same ideas. Also a war between the EA and the GTVA optimized for FSOpen.
Inferno Alliance (INFA) - The early formation of the EA which is set in Sol. Set in 2350. Set in the Inferno SCP continuity.
Inferno Alliance Standalone (INFASA) - Same as INFA, but with a bigger campaign, characters, better plot, etc. etc.
Inferno Alliance II - Another campaign set in Sol. Set after the events of INFASA. Formation of the EA.

Oh, and on a side note.  Will both inferno (the early one set in Sol), and the later one, taking place after the 2nd great war, eventually tie in together, or are the both kinda seperate?

Yeah, they will tie in together. INFA is basically the formation of the Earth Alliance (EA), set in Sol, while INFSCP is the war between the EA and the GTVA.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: colecampbell666 on July 03, 2007, 07:37:49 am
INFR1 was the original Inferno made in (2004?)

INF SCP is a new WIP version. It will follow the same basic story (Gigas, EA War) with some new ship classes and alot more HTL and improved graphics.

INFA is a new mod that shows what happened in Sol after the Lucifer was destroyed.

INFASA is an update to INFA. It improves upon the missions and graphics. It is completely standalone?

INFA2 is the sequel to INFA. It will be released as a mod for INFASA.

Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 07:50:51 am
INFASA is completely standalone. You don't need to have any FS2 install to play it. It provides its own executables and all.

It should also be noted that INFSCP does not have the same storyline as INFR1. No SOC fleet and no VCI.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 08:48:48 am
Okay,  i think i understand now. ( I think  :wtf: )

Anyhow, we got a release date for these?

Inferno R1 was the one with the huge ships and wicked guns, so that should come first IMHO.

Sooooooooo, any idea when InfernoSCP will be released?
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 08:53:53 am
December 22nd 2012...

I know, one day after the apocalypse. :(
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dark Hunter on July 03, 2007, 11:17:45 am
Okay,  i think i understand now. ( I think  :wtf: )

Anyhow, we got a release date for these?

Inferno R1 was the one with the huge ships and wicked guns, so that should come first IMHO.

Sooooooooo, any idea when InfernoSCP will be released?

None whatsoever. All anybody knows is that Rampage (the guy working on it) said it will not be released before 2008.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 11:19:45 am
None whatsoever. All anybody knows is that Rampage (the guy working on it) said it will not be released before 2008.


Excuse me.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dark Hunter on July 03, 2007, 11:38:08 am
AFAIK, Snail, you are not working on INF SCP, but INF:A (or INFASA or whateverthehellyouwanttocallit).

Therefore I do not understand why you are taking offense. :confused:
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 11:41:30 am
No, I wasn't taking offense, just... Snorting.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dark Hunter on July 03, 2007, 11:44:07 am
Ok........... why?  :p
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 03, 2007, 11:46:26 am
Because I... I... Like pigs! Yeah... I... Like pigs.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Vasudan Commander on July 03, 2007, 10:31:13 pm
Perhaps you guys might consider bringing on more help to get it completed sooner rather then later.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 04, 2007, 04:08:25 am
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: asyikarea51 on July 04, 2007, 07:20:30 am
I know I can't help much. What can I do: super-basic FREDding, write tech descriptions, simple tabling et cetra. But if anything I would definitely want to help out for SCP (considering that the rest of the Café fellers are already working on ASA and A2).

Café manager doing nothing :lol:...
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 04, 2007, 07:50:30 am
I can do tech descriptions. Freakin' long ones too.
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: asyikarea51 on July 04, 2007, 11:03:39 am
Same. :lol:
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: jr2 on July 04, 2007, 11:16:55 am
Here we go again:

I told you it was confusing.  :p
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Dysko on July 04, 2007, 01:41:23 pm
I can do tech descriptions. Freakin' long ones too.
I can't :(
My tech room descriptions are short and don't explain very well.
And they are also full of grammar errors :nervous:
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Snail on July 04, 2007, 01:44:23 pm
The longest tech description I've written was the Second Great War one. It was more of something out of a documentary minus the victim interviews... :shaking:
Title: Re: Different Infernos ; quite confusing
Post by: Koth on July 04, 2007, 02:28:18 pm
Something like that would be very helpful because I'am far to lazy to write long and good tech descriptions.
Could you post it here?